Category "Digital & online"
Desktop publishing is the creation of documents incorporating text and images, and setting them out on a page in a creative and effective way. this article will discuss how a document can be produced using desktop publishing, different types of software and the types of document which can be created.
When working in the media or for a pr marketing company, the chances are that you will be required to produce news releases, media releases and press releases on a regular basis. this is a particular skill to master and there are differences in the press release format for marketing and pr. how to produce a good product press release? read this article to find more about these writing techniques.
Online businesses function in an altogether different way. while in the conventional (offline) business scenario, an established business keeps getting customers, an online business may lose or gain customers depending on its visibility on the internet. business listings on the internet stand testimonial to this fact. what is search engine optimisation? how can it help your business find customers in your region? read this article to find out.
The mavis beacon typing course by broderbund has successfully taught typing skills, and touch typing since 1987. it is the world's best-selling typing program available. the software comes with a guarantee that you will be typing faster within two weeks. this article reviews this typing course and evaluates its strong and weak points.
Be it for professional or private use, sometimes your own collection of photographs might not have the image that you require for a project that you are currently working on. whilst there are many millions of images available online, thought has to be taken into consideration before using one these in your work, mainly through potential copyright reasons that may crop up. this article will guide you through buying images from picture hosting sites.
High definition, or hd as it is more commonly known, is becoming increasingly popular as personal computing power increases and there is a greater range of devices capable of capturing this quality. in this guide, have a look at where you can view hd clips for free and how to go about capturing and sharing your own videos in hd.
It is possible to use different home pages on your computer for searching the net. yahoo is one of the most popular home pages that people use. in this article, have a look at the benefits of having yahoo as your home page and the downside of using it.
If you are in an english class in the philippines or if you are taking a filipino class from an english-speaking country, chances are that it has been recommended to you to get a dictionary. fortunately, if you are strapped on cash, there are many free online editions. this article will discuss the two main types of dictionaries online.
Yahoo! instant messenger was launched in 1998 as yahoo!'s free instant messaging (im) client under the yahoo! pager name. it's the most popular im service, making real-time communication easier for people all around the world. some of the many reasons why you would want to download it are covered in this article.
A lot of people now do everything with the computer, including setting up their diary. it means that it's important to find a way to make online calendars that a whole family can access with ease, no matter where they are. the benefit is that there are a number of ways in which you can make these web calendars. read this article to find more on how to make online calendars.
Sbc stands for southwestern bell corporation, which is now part of at&t. when people get an sbc yahoo email, they are getting email from an sbc/att email account through yahoo's email system. yahoo accounts are free, but sbc yahoo accounts are not free. you have to be an at&t customer to use sbc yahoo services. this article gives an overview of sbc yahoo mail and its services.
Stubhub (commonly misspelled "stub hub") is an online resource to selling tickets of all kinds. follow along to learn some of the basics about the site, as well as using the site for tickets.
When you need to find a business or fund a company check, there are a number of places you can go that list businesses and provide you with business searches or help you to learn everything from what is incorporation to learning how to get a domain for your business. where do you look for these services? this article provides you with a guide to business name search in the uk.
Let's face it, every business needs a website these days if it is going to keep up with the competition. while there are many professional web design services available, they naturally come at a cost. a cost-effective alternative is to do your own website design. while there are some fantastic packages available at a price, in this article, we will be comparing web design packages that can be bought for under £50.
When you travel to wales, one thing that you will notice is that signs are in both welsh and english. you will also usually find that some of the smaller towns and villages still talk in welsh. the welsh language has a lot of history and if you want to blend in, you'll need to learn it to get around. this article will provide you with a few options to help you to learn it.