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Category "Digital & online"
Where to find an online Filipino to English dictionary

Where to find an online filipino to english dictionary

If you are in an english class in the philippines or if you are taking a filipino class from an english-speaking country, chances are that it has been recommended to you to get a dictionary. fortunately, if you are strapped on cash, there are many free online editions. this article will discuss the two main types of dictionaries online.
Why download Yahoo! Instant Messenger?

Why download yahoo! instant messenger?

Yahoo! instant messenger was launched in 1998 as yahoo!'s free instant messaging (im) client under the yahoo! pager name. it's the most popular im service, making real-time communication easier for people all around the world. some of the many reasons why you would want to download it are covered in this article.
How to make online calendars

How to make online calendars

A lot of people now do everything with the computer, including setting up their diary. it means that it's important to find a way to make online calendars that a whole family can access with ease, no matter where they are. the benefit is that there are a number of ways in which you can make these web calendars. read this article to find more on how to make online calendars.
What is SBC Yahoo Mail?

What is sbc yahoo mail?

Sbc stands for southwestern bell corporation, which is now part of at&t. when people get an sbc yahoo email, they are getting email from an sbc/att email account through yahoo's email system. yahoo accounts are free, but sbc yahoo accounts are not free. you have to be an at&t customer to use sbc yahoo services. this article gives an overview of sbc yahoo mail and its services.
StubHub: The facts

Stubhub: the facts

Stubhub (commonly misspelled "stub hub") is an online resource to selling tickets of all kinds. follow along to learn some of the basics about the site, as well as using the site for tickets.
A guide to business name search in the UK

A guide to business name search in the uk

When you need to find a business or fund a company check, there are a number of places you can go that list businesses and provide you with business searches or help you to learn everything from what is incorporation to learning how to get a domain for your business. where do you look for these services? this article provides you with a guide to business name search in the uk.
Compare web design packages available in 2011

Compare web design packages available in 2011

Let's face it, every business needs a website these days if it is going to keep up with the competition. while there are many professional web design services available, they naturally come at a cost. a cost-effective alternative is to do your own website design. while there are some fantastic packages available at a price, in this article, we will be comparing web design packages that can be bought for under £50.
What are the products that can help you to learn Welsh?

What are the products that can help you to learn welsh?

When you travel to wales, one thing that you will notice is that signs are in both welsh and english. you will also usually find that some of the smaller towns and villages still talk in welsh. the welsh language has a lot of history and if you want to blend in, you'll need to learn it to get around. this article will provide you with a few options to help you to learn it.
Top five websites for kids

Top five websites for kids

What makes a good kid's website really depends on what it is either the kid or the parent is looking to get out. websites range from the educational kind to the entertaining kind and this website lists five of the top kids website which are available on the net.
Which call accounting software is right for you?

Which call accounting software is right for you?

Call accounting software is used to monitor telephone calls lenght and cost, and associate it with the respective accounts which originated the call. this is frequently used by the hospitality industry to allocate calls to clients, both for hotel rooms or in a business environment, such as conference rooms. choosing tghe right call accounting software will depend on your requirements as a business.
How to make online diaries

How to make online diaries

Long gone are the days when diaries were restricted to being flimsy paper books that could be read only by yourself. now, you can publish your thoughts online, kissing goodbye to your filo fax and saying hello to your wonderful new web diary. keeping an online diary is known as blogging, and it is mainly free.
How to submit a site to Yahoo!

How to submit a site to yahoo!

If you have a website you need to promote, search engine optimisation is without a doubt the best way for you to promote it. you can submit urls manually or you can pay for a company to submit your website url on your behalf. seo submission to a major search engine such as yahoo is essential. read this article to learn how to submit a site to yahoo.
Where to find a free brochure maker

Where to find a free brochure maker

A brochure can be used for many purposes, but advertising a product or service, or to provide information are perhaps the most pertinent reasons why individuals or organisations use a brochure to advertise their products and/or services to their target market. this article will provide information on where to find a free brochure maker.
How to get up-to-date aerial views of your house

How to get up-to-date aerial views of your house

Aerial views of your house are taken regularly and have been taken regularly ever since we had the ability to fly. this article details some of the places that you can find up to date photographs of your house and your local area.
How often should one check his or her emails?

How often should one check his or her emails?

When you have an email account, it is best to keep an eye on who's mailing you and how often they are mailing you. web-based mailing has now become the normality in our society, and therefore, it becomes a good idea for you to keep an eye on your inbox. so, how often should you check your emails? find out in this article.