Category "Pets"
Fish are great pets as they require little attention, but they are a great source of entertainment or a brilliant focal point in any room. once a tank is functioning, fish are pretty much self-reliant with just the occassional filter change and water check. this article looks at where to buy pet fish.
A dog collar can be an effective obedience training tool when used correctly. misuse of the dog collar can cause fear and confusion in your pet’s mind. so if you decide to use a dog collar to train your pet, make sure you use it in a responsible manner.
For anyone who has a dog which is well into its retirement years, it is important to think about what you will do when they are no longer present. these days, you can choose from a wide of range dog cremation urns, dog memorials, dog headstones, dog caskets and pet coffins. read on to learn where to get hold of quality dog urns for pet ashes.
Whether you own a cat, dog or both, giving them healthy food is always a priority enabling pets to look healthy inside and out. you can now choose from a wide range of free purina cat food coupons and purina dog food coupons, allowing you to reduce the cost of feeding your furry friends. read the following article to know where to find free purina coupons.
Pet pens offer a way to keep your pet safe and comfortable. most people think of pet pens as a cage pet for a dog, they are also idea for cats, rabbits or any other animal that you may have.
Feeding one's pet is becoming more expensive and so many dog owners wonder if they can get dog food for free. it is certainly possible to get free animal food samples from a number of sources. this article looks at how it can be done.
Some dog owners choose to warn others about the presence of their dog by displaying funny 'beware of the dog' signs. here is a selection of the funniest signs around at the moment.
A lot of people assume that dogs always have smelly breath and that it is nothing to worry about. however, this is not the case and chronic bad breath can actually be an indicator of some underlying medical conditions as well as bad dental hygiene. this article contains more information on the causes and treatments for bad dog breath.
Cats are popular household pets. some can be highly independent outdoor animals, and others are kept as house cats. house pets have the same needs as cats who can go outdoors, but there are some specific things to consider if your cat is to be kept inside.
Dog cages can be very important if you travel a lot with your pet. after all, a cage will stop your dog jumping around in the car, which can be potentially dangerous. if you want to buy a cage, this article will tell you where you can get one.
Purina is a company that was founded in 1902. the founder of the company, william h. danforth, created a log that was modelled on red and white checked clothing which a family he knew as a child wore. in 2001, purina and nestlé merged, becoming one of the largest pet food companies all over the world. beta dog food is popular in the uk, and can offer nutrition for your dog.
Cats are the number one pet worldwide, more common than even dogs. cats have been associated with humans for thousands of years, and recent discoveries have found that they were kept as pets even earlier than once thought. this article will give you an insight into the planet's favourite furry friend.
Having a large rabbit hutch is very important for the rabbit’s health and well-being. if kept in a small cage, the animal will get fat and out of shape and it’s likely to be bored. bored bunnies chew on cages and bowls and things it shouldn’t eat. sometimes they chew on themselves.
Wicker is very popular and stylish - it doesn't seem to age or go out of style. there are lots of ways to find just the right wicker bed for your dog.
Are you looking for a new bed for your dog? this article will tell you where you can look to find a range of wicker dog beds at the best prices.