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Leisure and Culture: Activities, Exhibitions, and Must-Read Books

Find ideas for cultural activities, exhibitions to visit, books to read, and events not to miss in the cultural world.

J'y suis

J'y suis

Je suis donc arrivé à Hastings dans ce qui s'appelle la Hawkes Bay. En gros c'est la côte d'azur de nouvelle Zélande. Pour faire quelques économies sur le billet d'avion, je suis passé par Istambul avec Turkish Airlines, durée du voyage 30h au lieu de 24. J'aurais pu économiser encore plus en passant par Pékin mais avec 37h de voyage. Ce q
Le site de rencontre Woozgo : des sorties amicales de votre choix

Le site de rencontre Woozgo : des sorties amicales de votre choix

Woozgo est un site de rencontre qui vous offre la possibilité de faire des sorties amicales dans un cadre convivial. Pour cela, il vous propose de prendre part à des activités organisées par les membres. Comme elles sont classées par thèmes, vous pourrez facilement retrouver les bons plans de votre choix. Qui plus est, ce réseau social vous
L’application mobile de Woozgo - pour plus de rencontres amicales

L’application mobile de Woozgo - pour plus de rencontres amicales

Les mobinautes seront ravis d’apprendre que le réseau social Woozgo a également pensé à eux. Et pour cause, il met à leur disposition son application mobile. Cette dernière leur permettra de se connecter sur le site directement depuis un appareil opérant sous le système d’exploitation iOS. Comme ce logiciel dispose des mêmes fonctionna
Je pars demain !

Je pars demain !

Les passports sont arrivés, tout est prêt, ne reste plus qu'à sauter dans l'avion. On a toujours l'impression qu'il y a encore une foultitude de choses à régler, et probablement qu'en j'en ai oubliées plusieurs mais il est temps de franchir le pas maintenant. Un emploi m'attend là bas et je dois dire que l'employeur a mis les petits plats da
Reportage #3

Reportage #3

Enfin la mer! attention, si en ce moment vous n'avez pas trop le moral et que vous trouvez votre vie vide, grise et moche, ce qui va suivre n'est peut-être pas conseillé....
Reportage #2

Reportage #2

Et on continue! après une petite pause détente à Ella et deux nuits dans notre superbe petite auberge, nous reprenons la route du sud, vers les parcs d'abord, puis vers la mer! sur la route entre Ella et Uda Walawe, perdus dans un trou de verdure bien protégé par des moines à la sympathie très relative, d'immenses bouddhas de pierre, gravé
Une sortie entre filles à l'Hôtel Pullman Paris La Défense

Une sortie entre filles à l'Hôtel Pullman Paris La Défense

Si vous souhaitez faire une sortie entre filles le 10 mars prochain, rendez-vous 2e étage de l'Hôtel Pullman Paris La Défense. Ce dernier vous propose de découvrir son Afterworking Girls. Vous pourrez manger un morceau et boire un verre. Vous aurez aussi la possibilité de profiter des prestations mises à votre disposition comme le massage, le
Avant et après

Avant et après

Dans cet article je vais essayer de vous expliquer en détail « Avant-Après » c’est-à-dire avant et après l’arrivée à Riga. Il est évident que l’on a tous nos a priori sur les pays de l’Est, je me disais déjà « Il va faire froid ! Les gens ne seront pas accueillant ! La ville inintéressante et bien paumée », autant ne pas mâc


Pour se loger, vous avez deux options : se loger dans Riga par vous même ou prendre un logement en résidence universitaire. Comme un certain nombre d’élèves, j’ai choisi le « dormitory ». Lors de l’arrivée, on peut ne rien préciser et être mis dans une chambre avec un autre étudiant « au hasard », ou on peut demander de se mettre
Woozgo : faites des sorties entre amis aux quatre coins de la France

Woozgo : faites des sorties entre amis aux quatre coins de la France

Vous souhaitez élargir votre cercle d’amis ? Ça tombe bien, car c’est justement ce que vous propose Woozgo. Cette plateforme, qui existe depuis 2010, a déjà permis à des milliers de Français de faire de nouvelles rencontres, et ce, près de chez eux. Et pour cause, peu importe où vous résidez, vous trouverez toujours des membres avec qu
Content on demand : Entertainment
What are the different stages of child development?

What are the different stages of child development?

Children develop sequentially from prenatal to adolescence. During these stages, the areas of development include physical, emotional, social and intellectual. This article describes some of the main stages of child development.
Where to find pugs for adoption

Where to find pugs for adoption

These days, it is easier than ever before to find certain breeds of dogs up for adoption. If you have decided that you would much rather give a rescue dog, such as a pug, a good home as opposed to buying a new puppy, read on to learn where to find pugs for adoption.
How to book cheap holidays to Morocco

How to book cheap holidays to Morocco

Located in the western side of Africa, the Kingdom of Morocco is an ethnically diverse place that attracts thousands of tourists every year. As an important holiday destination, this country has a lot to offer to visitors such as beautiful attractions, local cuisine, arts and many more. If you are planning to enjoy African holidays, you should put this country on top of your list. To enjoy a cheap holiday in Morocco with your family, here is what you should do.
What are the principles of integrated pest management programmes?

What are the principles of integrated pest management programmes?

Integrated pest management is a technique that blends chemical, biological and cultural techniques in a structured programme for dealing with pests. Chemicals are used carefully, so as not to be counterproductive by killing beneficial insects, which are selected to attack pest species. Cultural techniques, such as good hygiene and spraying, are a vital part of the process.
What does the Delta frequent flyer programme offer?

What does the Delta frequent flyer programme offer?

Based in Atlanta, Delta operates a wide domestic and international network that serves more than 160 million customers every year and covers over 350 destinations on six continents.
How to price the cost of a house extension

How to price the cost of a house extension

If you are considering an add-on for your home, you are not alone! This is increasingly becoming a trend among British home-owners. It is far cheaper and less time-intensive than remodelling your existing space, buying a new house or even having a new house constructed from scratch! This article will show you how to estimate the cost of a new extension for your home accurately.
Five fun uses for train clip art

Five fun uses for train clip art

Train art can be used for all different art projects. We have a look at five fun things to do with train clip art and where to put pictures of trains.
How to make cheerleading pom poms?

How to make cheerleading pom poms?

Cheerleading pompoms can be made from practically any material that has enough drape to move and rattle when shaken. Thin plastic is the perfect material to use which makes cheerleading crafts an ideal opportunity to recycle. You can use up the carrier bags collected from supermarket shopping trips, or the thin plastic bags used to line kitchen waste bins.
Bayview Beach Resort Penang: Review and rate

Bayview Beach Resort Penang: Review and rate

If you are considering visiting Georgetown, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, for your next vacation, the near Penang is definitely worth a visit. You can also spend your entire vacation in a Penang beach resort, like the Bayview Beach Resort. If you like the idea, read the following article, where you can find a comprehensive review of the Bayview Beach Resort.
How to beat The Impossible Quiz?

How to beat The Impossible Quiz?

The Impossible Quiz has been a popular game in the past few years. For some people it's a thrill to see how far they can get, and for others it's an exercise in futility. Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to finish the game, and there are a variety of ways to do it.This is your guide on how to beat the Impossible Quiz.
How to get an all-inclusive holiday in Costa Rica

How to get an all-inclusive holiday in Costa Rica

From all-inclusive beach resorts to a thrilling Costa Rica adventure holiday, there are two main ways to get an all-inclusive holiday to Costa Rica - online and through a travel agency.
All about: William Jewell College

All about: William Jewell College

Established in 1849, by a charter of the Missouri legislature, the founding of William Jewell College (WJC) was the result of the efforts of the Baptist layman, Dr. William Jewell. This article will provide an overview on William Jewell College.
Buying guide: ID card holders

Buying guide: ID card holders

PVC ID photo card holders ensure that you hang on to one of the most important essentials that you have. If you want to give a gift to someone who’s a bit of a scatter brain, you won’t go wrong with this. It shows that you have put both thought and effort into choosing it, you could even buy one with a special meaning to them that really shows it’s a personalised gift just for them.
What is the aim of divorce mediation?

What is the aim of divorce mediation?

Couples seeking a divorce are usually invited to seek family mediation. This can help married couples to file for divorce when there is no possibility of reconciliation, or it can help couples realise that they are not yet ready for such a final step. Divorce in the UK usually involves couples with children. As divorce rates increase, mediators who can supply useful, impartial divorce information are becoming increasingly useful.
A guide to some common dating mistakes

A guide to some common dating mistakes

A review of family dentistry in Wigan

A review of family dentistry in Wigan

Dentistry in Wigan is on the rise because of the dedication of local dentists. This article details out some facts concerning family dentistry in Wigan. It explains all about the kind of services provided, the types of dental emergencies treated, dental insurance and also covers other necessary areas.
Calculating solar panel efficiency

Calculating solar panel efficiency

The escalating prices of energy are coupled with a growing demand for green energy. Hence, it becomes imperative for engineers and scientists to come up with efficient energy sources. Since only a minuscule fraction of solar energy is in use, there is a need to come up with highly efficient solar PV panels. Hence, a large potential of solar energy can be harnessed to power homes and businesses.
Are part-time courses right for me?

Are part-time courses right for me?

When it comes to choosing further education, it is important to find the right course for you. Sometimes you will need to opt for part time education classes to be able to get your qualification.
A review of the Fox theatre Atlanta

A review of the Fox theatre Atlanta

The Fox theatre Atlanta is a remarkable story of survival set in a building of opulent splendour. The fabulous Fox theatre, as it's known by its patrons, is now designated as a National Historic Landmark. It is thus granted all the protection that a highest national ranking provides. That hasn't always been the case though and life has been very hard for this architectural wonder.
How to book cheap holidays to the Costa Del Sol

How to book cheap holidays to the Costa Del Sol

Southern Spain's Costa Del Sol is a famous tourist destination that attracts many travellers every year. Situated along the Mediterranean Coast in the Malaga province, holidays to Costa Del Sol can be expensive. For those on a budget, you will want to know how to book cheap holidays to the Costa Del Sol.
All about Horse & Rider magazine

All about Horse & Rider magazine

Horse & Rider is a general purpose horse magazine that caters for people who are interested in a wide range of equestrian activities. It includes articles and features from well-known experts, news and competitions. There is a strong shop section that offers horse related items, ranging from properties with stables down to gear and horses.
How to bet with Tote Sport

How to bet with Tote Sport

Placing a bet at a bookmaker's shop or online is becoming more popular each year. Betting companies, such as Tote Sport, continue to offer a wider selection of gambling activities to attract and maintain customers. This article outlines what is on offer when betting with Tote Sport.
Where to play online rugby games

Where to play online rugby games

Rugby is a popular international sport with teams represented by almost every country in the world. Programmers decided to take the popular sport and bring it to the PC, mobile device and tablet. So, players can participate in the action-packed, high-endurance sport. As a result, there are many locations across the Internet from where to play online rugby games. Read this article to know where to play online rugby games.
Where to find a free map of Malaysia

Where to find a free map of Malaysia

Malaysia is a country in South-east Asia that is located partly on a peninsula of the Asian mainland and partly on the northern third of the island of Borneo. There are a lot of beautiful national parks in Malaysia, hence making it a great tourist destination. Find out where to find a map of Malaysia for free.
The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

The Seven wonders of the Ancient World are an ancient tourist itinerary compiled in the second century B.C. They take in sights in Egypt, Greece, Asia [modern Turkey] and the Aegean Islands. Only one of them stands nowadays, the others having been destroyed by a combination of earthquakes, wars and human malpractice. This article provides an insight into the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
A review of Homestead Studio Suites

A review of Homestead Studio Suites

If you are thinking of staying at one of America’s Extended Stay Hotels, you should definitely consider the option of staying at the Homestead Studio Suites. Read the following article and find out more about the accommodation and various services that Homestead Studio Suites can offer its visitors.
A guide to holidays in Sri Lanka

A guide to holidays in Sri Lanka

The beauty of Sri Lanka, its plantations of tea, the wild beaches and lush palm-lined tropical forests have brought tourists from all over the world there, who called the island the "Pearl of the Indian Ocean." In 2010, the New York Times named Sri Lanka the number 1 destination for a perfect holiday. This article provides you with a guide to holidays in Sri Lanka.
How to save money on cruises to Mexico

How to save money on cruises to Mexico

If you are planning on taking a Mexican cruise, you'll probably want to know how to save money. There are many things you should consider when planning Mexico trips and some of them can help you hold on to a little more of your money. This article will help you save money so that you have more left over for other fun and exciting things to do.
How to run a free Bible study group

How to run a free Bible study group

A free Bible study group involves having a Bible course delivered without charge. To have such a group, you must advertise and plan since it is more than just sitting, reading and talking about the Bible. It is a good idea to link it with a church. It should be clear about the theological line that it takes.
Where can I get an English-to-Turkish translator online?

Where can I get an English-to-Turkish translator online?

Are you a professional translator and you often find yourself in need of help? Have you ever found yourself wondering about the meaning of a certain word which you have heard? If yes, then you already have the probably to resort to an online translation tool. If you are still wondering where you can find online translation services, then you should definitely read the following article. Find out all the interesting facts which you need to know about English to Turkish online translation tools.
Tips on public speaking

Tips on public speaking

If you have been chosen as someone's best man, you may not be looking forward to the wedding for one simple reason. You will have to give a speech. If you feel the fear at the prospect of speaking in public, this article will help you.
An introduction to calculus

An introduction to calculus

How to get late deals to Egypt

How to get late deals to Egypt

Finding a late holiday deal to Egypt is relatively straightforward. Tracking down the best and latest possible deals for your Egyptian adventure can be achieved in a number of ways, including holiday websites, low cost holiday comparison websites and using your local travel agent, such as Thompson holidays, Thomas Cook, Going Places and First Choice.
A guide to Philadelphia museums

A guide to Philadelphia museums

At the political and intellectual centre of the early history of the American colonies, Philadelphia was the home of the momentum behind radical ideas of social change like the American revolution. Philadelphia exudes history, and maintains a strong cultural focus in modern America. This guide introduces the most interesting and culturally-relevant museums in this fascinating city.
How to grind dance?

How to grind dance?

Grind dancing can be a very sexy and risky way of dancing. It is a dance which is normally more appropriate in nightclubs than in formal events. This article looks at how you can learn to grind dance with a man if you are a woman.
A guide to the Northern Indiana South shore line

A guide to the Northern Indiana South shore line

The Northern Indiana South Shore line (known as NICD) is an electrically powered interurban commuter rail which is operated by the Northern Indiana Commuter Transportation District (NICTD). Read the following article and discover more about the company.
Star Cruises: The facts

Star Cruises: The facts

If you are interested in luxury cruise deals with Star Cruises company, you should read the following article and discover more detailed information about the history, operation and destinations of Star Cruises.
The pros and cons of hand water pumps

The pros and cons of hand water pumps

The hand water pump has a very long history dated back to 3000 BC if not before. Some of the first recorded pumps were found in Mesopotamia where a counterweight and a lever helped to raise water from rivers into troughs. Over time, the hand pump evolved to the cast-iron or metal pump we know today. The design of the hand water pumps endures, making it a popular option for many across the world. When examining the hand water pump, its important to examine its pros and cons.
How to conduct digs in the Arctic circle

How to conduct digs in the Arctic circle

The Arctic circle maps the northern-most area of the Earth, and marks the extremities of the polar day and the polar night. Learn more about the Arctic circle, and the dangers of its exploration.
Where to buy pet fish

Where to buy pet fish

Fish are great pets as they require little attention, but they are a great source of entertainment or a brilliant focal point in any room. Once a tank is functioning, fish are pretty much self-reliant with just the occassional filter change and water check. This article looks at where to buy pet fish.
Where to buy a Digital Blue microscope

Where to buy a Digital Blue microscope

Are you thinking of buying a Digital Blue microscope? Are you wondering where you can find one? If this is the case, you do not have to spend your time searching, visiting retail stores and browsing through magazines and websites. Read the following article and find out all the interesting facts that you need to know about buying a Digital Blue microscope.
Where to buy exotic flowers

Where to buy exotic flowers

A bouquet of flowers is a great way to brighten up your home, or show a friend or a loved one just how much you care. If you are a fan of exotic plants and flowers, unusual flowers or strange plants, read on to learn where you can buy the very best in exotic flower species.
How to treat attention deficit disorder in children

How to treat attention deficit disorder in children

Most people have come across a child who suffers from attention deficit disorder (ADD), with many children being diagnosed much earlier than before. Thankfully, there are now plenty of effective treatments available to help to cure ADD in children. Read on to learn how to treat ADD in children.
A guide to concrete recycling

A guide to concrete recycling

Recycled concrete is much more valuable than virgin materials. Along with eliminating the need to transfer new materials, it also reduces carbon emissions. This article looks at the benefits of using old materials by preventing the unnecessary build-up of waste.
Where to book spa weekend breaks

Where to book spa weekend breaks

An acronym of the Latin words "salus per aquam", the original meaning of the word spa was "health from water". Ancient Romans regularly utilised spas and they early recognised their rejuvenative benefits. Today, spas are often a luxurious way to relax and many people would like to find good spa deals. Those would like to know where to book spa weekend breaks will benefit from the tips in this article.
All about: Charming the Indian cobra

All about: Charming the Indian cobra

Guide to restaurants in Boston, MA

Guide to restaurants in Boston, MA

Boston is a major metropolis with world-class restaurants. You can find modern international cuisine, speciality chains, and local ethnic eateries. One of the best times to dine out in Boston is during restaurant week, held several times each year, when major restaurants offer tremendous bargains on fixed-course meals. For diner feedback, subscribe to Zagat's, or visit
Where do hermit crabs get their shells?

Where do hermit crabs get their shells?

Hermit crabs are a species of crustacean that has lost its natural shell, so it has to seek discarded shells from other species, notably gastropods. The crab roams until it finds a spare shell and then enters it. The crab will discard the shell as it grows in size and seek a new one.
Library and Information Science: The facts

Library and Information Science: The facts

Library Science and Information Science are two closely related disciplines that involve the study of the organisation, retrieval and dissemination of information, with particular application to libraries. This social science has groundings in humanities, law and computer technology. The masters degree of this discipline (MLIS) is commonly required for advanced jobs in librarianship.
A list of green businesses

A list of green businesses

The green companies listed in this article are 20 of the best businesses in the UK that are making efforts to act in an environmentally friendly fashion. By recognising that the world in which they do business is the same world in which they live, they are taking measures to ensure that their impact doesn't produce lasting damage to the environment.
5 Ideas for personalized wedding gifts

5 Ideas for personalized wedding gifts

A personalised gift is a great way to show a couple how much you care for them on their special day. It will not only be unique, but will also give them something to treasure for the rest of their lives. From home-made presents to engraved gifts, there is something perfect for everyone.
How to treat tapeworms in dogs

How to treat tapeworms in dogs

Your pet is also susceptible to infections. Pet dogs, particularly, rare liable to get infected by tapeworms as they eat meat which happens to be the key souce of such worms. If a tapeworm infection is left untreated, it can lead to severe illnesses. Read on to know how you can treat tapeworms in your dog.
Can you keep a baby chimpanzee?

Can you keep a baby chimpanzee?

Keeping baby chimpanzee as pets is illegal in the United Kingdom, as it transgresses the laws on keeping and importing wild animals. There are serious problems with keeping primates as pets, as they can never be fully safe for humans. There is also the problem that creatures as intelligent as chimpanzees might have rights like humans do.