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Leisure and Culture: Activities, Exhibitions, and Must-Read Books

Find ideas for cultural activities, exhibitions to visit, books to read, and events not to miss in the cultural world.

Woozgo : pour des rencontres amicales ou amoureuses selon vos choix

Woozgo : pour des rencontres amicales ou amoureuses selon vos choix

Des rencontres selon vos choix Vous désirez faire des rencontres ? Inscrivez-vous sur Woozgo afin de connaître des gens de votre localité ou des régions de votre choix. Le réseau social vous donne la possibilité de personnaliser votre compte pour maximiser vos chances de rencontrer l’âme sœur selon vos critères. Vous pourrez également r
Des activités sur Woozgo afin de participer à des rencontres

Des activités sur Woozgo afin de participer à des rencontres

Woozgo, le site de sorties entre amis, propose à ses membres d’organiser des activités en sus d’une nouvelle rencontre. Pour cela, ils ont la possibilité de proposer les bons plans de leur choix et un rapport avec les divers styles de loisirs (chant, danse, lecture, etc.). Par exemple, s’ils sont fans de musique, ils peuvent partager l’
Woozgo : c’est des rencontres entre amis selon de nombreux choix

Woozgo : c’est des rencontres entre amis selon de nombreux choix

Sur Woozgo, vous aurez un maximum de liberté en sus d’une nouvelle rencontre amicale. Premièrement, ce site vous offre la possibilité de personnaliser votre profil, ce qui veut dire que vous pourrez gérer les filtres de visibilité. Ainsi, certaines de vos informations personnelles seront limitées auprès de certains utilisateurs qui ne corr
De la verdure!

De la verdure!

Le plus surprenant quand on arrive ici, c'est la verdure! La jungle occupe encore une place très importante dans le pays, avec les cocotiers, les bananiers et toutes les grandes plantes immenses. Mais en plus de cela, il y a également plein d'autres plantes et arbres que j'ai découvert ici et dont je n'imaginais ni la forme, ni la taille et parf
Woozgo : des rencontres entre amis non loin de votre région

Woozgo : des rencontres entre amis non loin de votre région

Sur Woozgo, vous aurez la possibilité de faire des rencontres entre amis non loin de chez vous. En effet, il propose de nombreuses activités organisées par les membres aux quatre coins de France. En sus de cela, vous pourrez faire la connaissance des personnes qui résident dans votre localité. Afin de faciliter vos recherches, ce site met à v
Woozgo : ce site permet de gérer votre profil à votre guise

Woozgo : ce site permet de gérer votre profil à votre guise

Le site Woozgo met à la disposition de chacun de ses membres un profil. Vous aurez l’opportunité d’y insérer diverses informations, comme votre prénom, votre âge, votre ville ou encore votre statut. Sachez que vous aurez aussi la chance de gérer le filtre de visibilité de votre profil. Ce qui veut dire que vous pourrez décider quels uti
Les soirées Woozgo pour faire une sortie dans votre ville

Les soirées Woozgo pour faire une sortie dans votre ville

Bonne nouvelle pour les fêtards. En effet, ils pourront participer aux soirées Woozgo, et par la même occasion, de faire une sortie amicale. Découvrez le nouveau concept de ce réseau social en vous connectant sur la page dédiée à cet événement. Il faut savoir que ce site vous préviendra à chaque fois qu’une festivité se déroulera pr
Alerte à la lèpre

Alerte à la lèpre

Oui vous avez bien lu. Cette maladie que nous français croyons éteinte est réapparue en Nouvelle Zélande il y a peu et se développe assez rapidement semble t-il. Le gouvernement demande à la population de vacciner les enfants et à mis en place un système d'alerte dans les écoles au cas ou un enfant serait atteint. C'est l'occasion pour moi
Joe's appartment

Joe's appartment

Les dernières semaines ont été riches en événements et ma jambe dans le plâtre ne nous a évidemment pas facilité la tâche. Heureusement chaque chose vient en son temps, le premier adore l'école Montessori qu'on lui a dégotée. Le deuxième l'y rejoindra bientôt mais d'ici là il s'éclate au cours de natation. Aujourd'hui je vais parler
Les transports

Les transports

Bon bien sur au Sri Lanka, on se déplace et beaucoup plus facilement qu'en France! Les tarifs sont très bas et on peut aller partout. Petit répertoire des moyens de transport... Premièrement et pour les courtes distances, on peut prendre un Tuk-Tuk, ces espèces de petites voitures à trois roues et à moteur, qui ont l'air très maniables mais
Content on demand : Entertainment
Youth With A Mission England: The facts

Youth With A Mission England: The facts

Youth With A Mission (YWAM) England is a Christian ministry which is part of YWAM International with the main aim of helping the British youth to know God better, and to make Him known to others around the world. Since YWAM first began in 1960, the ministry has been focused primarily upon providing young people with opportunities to demonstrate the love of God to people. This article details the facts about Youth With A Mission England.
How to get foster children in the UK

How to get foster children in the UK

Children may enter foster care for short or longer periods because their families are unable to take care of them. This article explains what fostering is and outlines the steps to fostering children in the UK.
All about: Discover Egypt

All about: Discover Egypt

Discover Egypt offers quality holidays at affordable prices to Egypt, Jordan and Oman. They have a choice of locations within these three countries, offering visits to the historical sights close to the River Nile, cruises or holidays which require nothing more than to find your spot on the beach of the Red Sea. To learn all about Discover Egypt, read the guide below.
A guide to getting a job in dairy farming

A guide to getting a job in dairy farming

Getting a job in dairy farming involves acquiring the right range of skills that you will need in the job. This can be done by attending certain college courses, and getting work experience. There are also several sources of job adverts, such as newspapers and websites that will attract the potential dairy worker. This article therefore provides a guide to getting a job in dairy farming.
Guide to BA holidays

Guide to BA holidays

BA holidays are flight and accommodation packages booked on the British Airways website ( Travellers can also use the BA website to arrange other components of their trips such as excursions, airport transfers and car hire.
A guide to fitting mezzanine floors

A guide to fitting mezzanine floors

A mezzanine floor is located at a level intermediate to that of the main building floors. By using redundant headroom, mezzanines optimise space and increase the floor area. Mezzanine floors may also be used as observation decks overlooking a work space or creating area for storage systems. Their application is common in residential, commercial and industrial buildings. Read this guide to fitting mezzanine floors for information on planning and construction.
How to draw skulls?

How to draw skulls?

A human skull drawing can be very difficult as it involves drawing a 3D object in a 2D format. This article explains how you can do it in simple step-by-step instructions.
How to make beaded necklaces

How to make beaded necklaces

Beading jewellery is fun and a great way to craft cheap jewellery for yourself, your family and your friends. Once you have mastered the basics of jewellery beading, you will be able to make single pieces, or make your own necklace, bracelet and earring sets. Learn to make simple, yet elegant beaded jewellery to give as gift or sell for profit.
How to make a samurai sword?

How to make a samurai sword?

The katana, the weapon of choice for a samurai, is believed to be the most perfect sword ever designed. Combining the finest steel in the world with the absolute perfectionism of Japanese swordsmiths, each one was a work of art, reflecting the samurai himself - strong, flexible, lightning fast, and deadly. Below is a step by step guide describing how to forge one of these masterpieces.
Where can I get crossword puzzles online?

Where can I get crossword puzzles online?

Crosswords have long been an activity associated with pen and paper, but in recent years, there has been an explosion of crosswords which are accessible online. This article details the best (and hardest) free crosswords out there!
Guide to holidays to the Caribbean

Guide to holidays to the Caribbean

Are you thinking about booking a holiday to the Caribbean and would you like to know what all the available destinations are and where to book a great deal? Here you will read all you need to know to book a holiday to the Caribbean.
How to study midwifery at Kings College Hospital, London, UK

How to study midwifery at Kings College Hospital, London, UK

A midwife is somebody who is trained to assist a woman during childbirth. Kings College, a part of the University of London, offers a midwifery degree for those who are not registered nurses. This article provides you with some details relating to the college as well as the qualifications offered.
What is a LLC?

What is a LLC?

When a person decides that they want to become self-employed and form a business, they must decide on the kind of business structure they want. Some of the most well known business structures are a sole-proprietorship, partnership, or a corporation, but LLCs are increasing in popularity. A LLC is also known as a limited liability company, and it’s a cross between a corporation and a partnership.
What is the aim of divorce mediation?

What is the aim of divorce mediation?

Couples seeking a divorce are usually invited to seek family mediation. This can help married couples to file for divorce when there is no possibility of reconciliation, or it can help couples realise that they are not yet ready for such a final step. Divorce in the UK usually involves couples with children. As divorce rates increase, mediators who can supply useful, impartial divorce information are becoming increasingly useful.
A guide to dating after divorce

A guide to dating after divorce

In these modern times, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, approximately nine in ten people marry, but about one half of first marriages end in divorce. According to the statistics compiled by the UK government in 2005, 45 percent of marriages in the UK will end in divorce. It is still possible to date and have a life after divorce, and have a good time while doing so. Read this guide to learn more about dating after divorce.
A guide to dental radiography

A guide to dental radiography

With radiology making strong progress, dental radiology is fast gaining popularity both among the patients and the dentists. This method offers many advantages over the traditional methods and is easy to use. Nowadays, almost every dentist in the town has dental X-ray equipment and every dentist is well trained in the essentials of dental radiography and radiology. Read this article which is a guide to dental radiography.
Where to buy a solar panel roof

Where to buy a solar panel roof

The sun is a free source of energy in the form of natural light and warmth and it is possible to capture some of this abundant free energy directly to convert sunlight into electricity using solar panels. These can be easily incorporated into most houses and can save electricity. In this article, find out where to buy solar panel roofs.
What are the courses that can be taken at correspondence school?

What are the courses that can be taken at correspondence school?

As the nights get longer and winter's around the corner, what better way to keep those brain cells ticking than by taking a correspondence course? There are many providers and lots of different courses to choose from. This article has a look at some of the courses which you could follow through a correspondence school.
Where to hire professional speakers

Where to hire professional speakers

Hiring the correct public speaker can mark the difference between a successful event which inspires, makes people laugh and generally end the night on a good note and one that can be a flat toast that no one remembers for the right reasons and therefore which fails to achieve anything that it was meant to. This article will look at where to find the best speakers.
How to travel to Germany for cheap prices

How to travel to Germany for cheap prices

It is possible to travel to Germany at an affordable cost from most destinations as long as the travellers are willing to choose budget airlines or trains, and make their bookings well in advance. Local German travel and stay can also be arranged within a low budget by avoiding costly hotels, and opting for cheaper alternative accommodations such as B&Bs, youth hostels and camps.
Where to find cows for sale

Where to find cows for sale

Finding cows for sale is not a hard task, as there are many sites in the U.K. You must, however, decide what are your requirements and how many cattle your land can take. There are many agricultural markets where cattle are auctioned, but there is a range of websites selling cattle, some of which specialise in particular breeds.
Premium Bond winners: The facts

Premium Bond winners: The facts

In today’s current economic climate, the word ‘Investment’ can scare even the most hardened economist. Nevertheless, all Premium Bonds have still remained popular with everyday citizens, with 40% of the population in June 2011 holding some bonds. However, how wise an investment is a Premium Bond, and what are the chances of gaining a return?
A review of Brian Lara Cricket

A review of Brian Lara Cricket

Brian Lara Cricket is a series of video games that were released for various systems and published by Codemasters. The games in chronological order are Brian Lara Cricket, Brian Lara Cricket '96, Brian Lara Cricket '99, Brian Lara International Cricket 2005, Brian Lara International Cricket 2007 and Brian Lara Pressure Play.
Where to find a free map of Nepal

Where to find a free map of Nepal

Nepal, which is officially called the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, is a sovereign state that is landlocked in South Asia. Situated in the Himalayas, it has the Republic of India on the south, east and west, and the People's Republic of China on the north. This article provides a guide to finding a free map of Nepal.
What is a 'rule of thumb'?

What is a 'rule of thumb'?

There are many curious phrases in the English language that we use everyday without thinking about what they actually mean. One such phrase is 'rule of thumb'.
A review of the Marriott Edinburgh

A review of the Marriott Edinburgh

The Marriott Edinburgh is an ideal location for Edinburgh weekend breaks or business travellers. It can be found on Glasgow Road. It is close to the city centre and Edinburgh International Airport, so it is the ideal place to stay whilst you are on an Edinburgh weekend break or if you are in the city for business. This article will provide a review of the Marriott Edinburgh.
How to find cheap holidays in Cyprus

How to find cheap holidays in Cyprus

Are you thinking about going for a holiday to the island of Cyprus? Would you like to know what your options are to stay there at a cheap rate? This article provides you with some useful pointers so that you will know how to plan your holiday.
Visiting Guyana, South America

Visiting Guyana, South America

Guyana, on the northern coast of South America, is the third smallest country on the continent. Below is a look at this nearly untouched country's history, economy, and some things to know when visiting.
A guide to comic book publishers

A guide to comic book publishers

Comic book publishers are responsible for printing some of the world’s best-known and independent comic titles. A list of publishing companies is available online, for example, conventions and comic book associations. Individuals interested in getting their graphic novel or manga comic published, should do the research, create lots of sketches and be open to feedback. This article provides you with a guide to comic book publishers.
Where can I get an English-to-Turkish translator online?

Where can I get an English-to-Turkish translator online?

Are you a professional translator and you often find yourself in need of help? Have you ever found yourself wondering about the meaning of a certain word which you have heard? If yes, then you already have the probably to resort to an online translation tool. If you are still wondering where you can find online translation services, then you should definitely read the following article. Find out all the interesting facts which you need to know about English to Turkish online translation tools.
The importance of a wedding program

The importance of a wedding program

A wedding program requires proper planning and organising for all the events that are to take place on the wedding day. Planning your wedding program can be quite exhaustive. It involves planning all the essential elements such as decoration, invitations, dress, location, guest lists, food items, caterers, spa treatments, honeymoon trip, and so on. This article details the importance of a wedding program.
Where to find free online maths games

Where to find free online maths games

If you are looking to further your mathematical knowledge from the comfort of your own home (and without the use of boring textbooks), then academic games may be the solution. Learn more about the best online mathematical games and where to find them.
Where to find a free map of Lebanon online

Where to find a free map of Lebanon online

If you are planning your next vacation to Lebanon, a map can help you. Either it is a short trip or a long holiday, either you have visited Lebanon before, or it is your first Lebanon visit, you will definitely need a Lebanon map. The following article will help to find out where you can find a free Lebanon map.
A guide to museums in New York city

A guide to museums in New York city

New York City is home to a wide host of institutions that pay homage to artistic and cultural advancements including museums, libraries, performing centres and other historically significant sites. The following are some of the few well-known NYC museums situated in the city that are known both locally and internationally.
A guide to choosing a mixing board

A guide to choosing a mixing board

Mixing boards or mixers are fundamental for a disc jockey (DJ). Any DJ worth his salt is going to have a mixing deck or mixing consoles to ride his act, and spin his tunes. Either, you own your own mixer studio, or you are employed somewhere that will provide it.
Overview of the Indiana map

Overview of the Indiana map

Indiana was admitted to the United States as the 19th state in 1816. Though it is the smallest state west of the Appalachian Mountains, it is geographically, demographically and economically diverse. It even has two time zones within its boundaries. The state is relatively flat, with a maximum elevation of 1257 feet. Indiana is home to major colleges and major league sports teams. Its capital city, Indianapolis, is an important metropolis.
A guide to Kona (Big Island) Hawaii

A guide to Kona (Big Island) Hawaii

Planning an island vacation to Kona? Trips to Hawaii can either be completely relaxing or filled with tours and attractions. Of course, spending time at the beach is a must when visiting the Big Island, but there are many more things to see and do. Here is a look at some of them to help with trip planning.
Where to find fun activities for kids

Where to find fun activities for kids

Finding indoor games, when the sky is cloudy and grey, can prove to be a daunting task sometimes. These days, kids are used to things, like reading a book, playing on the computer or the old standby, watching television. However, using just a bit of imagination can get you an afternoon with summer activities and fun arty games.
How to conduct digs in the Arctic circle

How to conduct digs in the Arctic circle

The Arctic circle maps the northern-most area of the Earth, and marks the extremities of the polar day and the polar night. Learn more about the Arctic circle, and the dangers of its exploration.
Where to buy a dog first aid kit

Where to buy a dog first aid kit

While most family homes will have a well-stocked first aid kit ready in case of various accidents, not many of us have yet considered purchasing a pet first aid kit for prividing essential first aid for dogs. If you have recently bought a puppy or rescue dog, it is well worth learning about where to purchase a dog first aid kit, to be prepared.
How does an atomic absorption spectrophotometer work?

How does an atomic absorption spectrophotometer work?

Atomic absorption spectroscopy sounds complicated, and while, in practice, it is, the basic principles and methods can be easily understood by anyone with a basic understanding of how atoms work. Below is a look at the key principles that an atomic absorption spectrophotometer uses and how they are apllied to analyse a sample.
All about: Florist Supplies UK

All about: Florist Supplies UK

Florist Supplies UK are the UK's premier importer and wholesaler of florist sundries, as well as artificial flowers with over thirty years of experience in the florist trade.The company do not supply flowers to the general public and will only supply to florist shops, garden centres, market traders and bona fide florist traders.
What is behind self-mutilation?

What is behind self-mutilation?

Self-mutilation is a mental disorder that involves causing intentional self-harm. It can be expressed through cutting, burning, breaking the bones, or any other form of self-injury. Read on to learn more about the causes of self-mutilation.
A guide to concrete recycling

A guide to concrete recycling

Recycled concrete is much more valuable than virgin materials. Along with eliminating the need to transfer new materials, it also reduces carbon emissions. This article looks at the benefits of using old materials by preventing the unnecessary build-up of waste.
Which are the most famous prayers for peace?

Which are the most famous prayers for peace?

Prayers for peace have become mandatory for one and all. Spiritual prayers help a person in battling today’s world of meanness and materialism. The whole world today seems to be in a race of one-upmanship and restlessness. What sets us apart is the prayer for peace. Read this article to know the famous prayers for peace.
All about: Charming the Indian cobra

All about: Charming the Indian cobra

The cheesecake factory: a review

The cheesecake factory: a review

Do you love to eat at the Cheesecake Factory and would you like to know more about these stores? Here you will read about the history of the Cheesecake Factory and how you can find out where is the nearest restaurant in your neighbourhood and how to order from their bakery.
Where do hermit crabs get their shells?

Where do hermit crabs get their shells?

Hermit crabs are a species of crustacean that has lost its natural shell, so it has to seek discarded shells from other species, notably gastropods. The crab roams until it finds a spare shell and then enters it. The crab will discard the shell as it grows in size and seek a new one.
What distinguishes Christian science?

What distinguishes Christian science?

Christian science explains how sin, disease and death are all illusions. Instead, it states that human beings should be focused on the spirituality of the universe to overcome their problems. Learn more about Christian science beliefs in this article.
A list of green businesses

A list of green businesses

The green companies listed in this article are 20 of the best businesses in the UK that are making efforts to act in an environmentally friendly fashion. By recognising that the world in which they do business is the same world in which they live, they are taking measures to ensure that their impact doesn't produce lasting damage to the environment.
A buying guide to Winnie the Pooh collectables

A buying guide to Winnie the Pooh collectables

If you're a Pooh fan, it's easier than searching for Heffalumps to find where you can buy the best collectable items. There's a range of options for you to consider . Read this article to find out more.
The sources of pain relief for dogs

The sources of pain relief for dogs

Seeing one's best friend in pain can be absolutely-heart breaking, and it often leaves people asking 'Can I give my dog aspirin?', or 'Can dogs take ibuprofen?'. The answer, quite honestly, is an absolute no. There are, however, many other methods of dog pain relief, as can be seen below.
All about: Scotland's water voles and their conservation

All about: Scotland's water voles and their conservation