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Leisure and Culture: Activities, Exhibitions, and Must-Read Books

Find ideas for cultural activities, exhibitions to visit, books to read, and events not to miss in the cultural world.

Marché de Muong Khong

Marché de Muong Khong

Marché typiquement rural, qui ouvre dès 5h du matin et ferme à 7h30. Il faut être matinal pour faire ses courses ! Sasha a vu un petit échassier entravé et promis à la casserole. Il a tenu à ce qu’on l’achète pour lui rendre sa liberté. Généreuse intention. Bravo mon Sasha !
Bon plan : Le Wallabies à découvrir à Beauvais

Bon plan : Le Wallabies à découvrir à Beauvais

Vous êtes à la recherche d’un bon plan à Beauvais ? Ça tombe bien, car il y en a pas mal qui sont référencés sur Woozgo. Vous pouvez faire un tour sur le réseau social afin de trouver celui qui vous convient le mieux. Par exemple, au 14, rue de Buzanval, vous avez Le Wallabies. Dans ce restaurant, bonne humeur et bonne cuisine font bon m
École suite et fin

École suite et fin

Accueil dans la classe des élèves de leur âge. Ils ont immédiatement été adoptés par les petits Laotiens et se sont même fait de bons copains. Personne ne parle la langue de l’autre. Et pourtant le courant passe. La magie de la communication entre enfants... L’expérience leur a tellement plu qu’il reviendront l’après-midi.
École, suite

École, suite

Arrivée à l’école primaire du district ໂຮງຮຽນປະຖົມສົມບຸນ. Lola, Sasha et Arya attirent la curiosité dans la cour. Ils sont accueillis par le directeur et la maîtresse. Les élèves assurent la propreté de la cour en balayant et ramassant les détritus. Chaque matinée débute avec le lever des couleurs. Ali
Départ pour l’école

Départ pour l’école

Lundi 30 octobre. Grand jour pour notre trio qui va passer la journée à l’école primaire (Pathom) du village, dans une classe d’écoliers de leur âge. Petit déjeuner tranquille et trajet pas trop désagréable (à en juger par ces images) à pied, sur le sentier le long du Mékong.
Chutes de Somphamith et Li Phi

Chutes de Somphamith et Li Phi

En aval de l’île de Khong, les spectaculaires rapides/chutes de Somphamith (dignes du silence sacré), et de Li Phi (la nasse des esprits).
Fruits et légumes

Fruits et légumes

Fruits et légumes sont abondants et variés : haricots verts ມາກທົ່ວ, oignons rosés ພັກບົ່ວ, gingembre ຂີງ, régimes de bananes ມາກກ້ວາຍ, citrons verts ຫມາກນາວ, carambole ຫມາກເຝືອງ...


Fleurs multicolores : orchidées, lentana verbascum, alamenda, fleurs « aiguilles » (Dok Khém ດອກເຂັມ en Laotien), bambous...
Les chutes de Khone Phaphéng

Les chutes de Khone Phaphéng

En aval de l’île de Khong, les spectaculaires rapides de Khone Phaphèng ຄອນພະເພງ. Site remarquablement aménagé pour les visiteurs.
Les enfants

Les enfants

Nous sommes à Ban Veunkham ບ້ານເວີນຄຳ, dernier village avant le Cambodge. Lola, Sasha et Arya sympathisent et jouent avec les petits Laotiens.
Content on demand : Entertainment
What are the tips to become popular

What are the tips to become popular

Your teenage years can be a worrying and upsetting time, especially if you feel that you don't fit in with the most popular crowd. There is in every school all over the world a popular girl or boy who will have all popular people following him or her and so, the "in crowd" is formed. Take a look at how you can fit in.
A guide to overseas adoption

A guide to overseas adoption

Across the world, international adoptions have increased in recent years. In the UK, the number of international adoptions are low as compared to other EU nations such as France, Italy and Spain. As international adoption awareness becomes more prominent in the UK, more families will choose to adopt. These families will benefit from the guide to overseas adoption found in this article.
How to book cheap holidays to Morocco

How to book cheap holidays to Morocco

Located in the western side of Africa, the Kingdom of Morocco is an ethnically diverse place that attracts thousands of tourists every year. As an important holiday destination, this country has a lot to offer to visitors such as beautiful attractions, local cuisine, arts and many more. If you are planning to enjoy African holidays, you should put this country on top of your list. To enjoy a cheap holiday in Morocco with your family, here is what you should do.
What are the principles of integrated pest management programmes?

What are the principles of integrated pest management programmes?

Integrated pest management is a technique that blends chemical, biological and cultural techniques in a structured programme for dealing with pests. Chemicals are used carefully, so as not to be counterproductive by killing beneficial insects, which are selected to attack pest species. Cultural techniques, such as good hygiene and spraying, are a vital part of the process.
Wichita airport: The facts

Wichita airport: The facts

Wichita airport, or Wichita Mid-Continent Airport as it is formally known, is located in south west Wichita, in Sedgwick County, Kansas, USA.
An introduction to studying architecture

An introduction to studying architecture

Architectural practice involves a number of diverse design areas which includes not only the design of individual buildings, but also clutches of buildings and it even extends to designing the surrounding landscape and interior design. Architects are often employed to supervise the construction of their designs. This is but one of the reasons why this can be a great career option. Here is a guide to studying architecture.
Creative ideas for making your own cards

Creative ideas for making your own cards

Create your own greeting cards with some top tips. Creating cards by hand can add a personal touch to any occasion. They are fun and interesting to make and can save you money too.
How to make your own candy boxes

How to make your own candy boxes

For unique and special gifts, you can give candy boxes full of sweets and treats. You can make your own candy or buy sweets from a shop. In this article, we give you some helpful tips on how to make your own candy boxes.
Where to find a map of India

Where to find a map of India

Many different types of maps are available for those looking for them, and maps on India are no exception. This article will discuss where to find the right map for each individual case, whether one is looking for detailed map of India or just an India tourist map.
How can MTG player use the deck builder's toolkit?

How can MTG player use the deck builder's toolkit?

Magic the Gathering (MTG, also known as Magic TCG) is the world's most popular fantasy collectable trading card game. In this guide, we'll show you how to use it to build killer decks!
A guide to the Marriott, St. Kitts

A guide to the Marriott, St. Kitts

The St. Kitts Marriott Resort is a large resort on the Caribbean island of St. Kitts. With a selection of accommodation, a litany of food, drink and leisure options, the Marriott leaves guests in the lap of luxury on the southeast tip of the island near Conaree Bay.
All about: Spalding University

All about: Spalding University

Spalding University is a private co-educational university located in the American state of Kentucky. The college is strongly associated with the Roman Catholic religious order, the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth. There are now around 2000 students enrolled at the college, which takes its name from Catherine Spalding, the founder of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth.
How to get the best spot price gold quotes

How to get the best spot price gold quotes

Investment in gold is one of the most lucrative options in times, such as the one we live in. The value of the magic metal has increased in leaps and bounds over the years. In case, you are planning to make some quick money by selling some gold, it is essential to get an idea about the best spot gold quotes. Read on for a short guide into how to get the best rates.
How to save a relationship

How to save a relationship

Love makes life beautiful, the relationship between two people being the foundation. However, there arise many setbacks in life that test and risk the love of your life. This article explains the beauty and importance of a healthy relationship, helping you to get love back.
What are the best flowers for a first date?

What are the best flowers for a first date?

Flowers are an ideal gift to give when you are going on your first date. With so much choice of colours and blooms, it is hard to decide what is appropriate. In this article, have a look at some ideas of what flowers make the best gift on that special first date.
What is a root canal?

What is a root canal?

Most people will have heard of the term ‘root canal’ at some point, it’s often bandied about by dentists and people suffering from toothache. What exactly is a root canal? Why is it is so important for teeth treatment? Find out in this article.
Where to buy a solar-powered shed light

Where to buy a solar-powered shed light

Solar-powered shed lighting is growing in popularity as more people realise the benefits associated with them. Not only are they an environmentally friendly investment, but they are also ideal security lights as well. This article describes where to buy a solar-powered shed light.
How to create toddler lesson plans

How to create toddler lesson plans

Toddlers learn through doing things and therefore, there is the need create lessons that involve activities and hands-on experiences. Similarly, there is the need to connect the concepts that are being taught to concrete objects that they know. Here are some ideas to create toddler lesson plans.
Ideas for housewarming invitations

Ideas for housewarming invitations

As with any other occasion, the wording and design of housewarming invitations should reflect the type of housewarming party that you intend to offer. In a way, housewarming parties can also act as an icebreaker between you and your neighbours. Make sure then, that you have at least one or two activities prepared that could allow everyone to mingle and get to know each other well.
A guide to Eastern European travel

A guide to Eastern European travel

Europe trips can be a cheap destination for a holiday in any time of the year. Whether you choose Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia or Hungary, the experience is going to be adventurous. Eastern Europe is famous for its relaxing resorts and beautiful cities with historic sites. Read this article and discover the basics for a vacation in Eastern Europe.
British Horse Society: The facts

British Horse Society: The facts

The British Horse Society promotes the interests of horses, riders, riding and high quality breeding. It campaigns for rights of way such as bridleways, against the mistreatment of horses and for increased motorist awareness of horses. Its functions include providing a range of certificates in equine care and riding, and the courses that lead up to them.
How to bet with Tote Sport

How to bet with Tote Sport

Placing a bet at a bookmaker's shop or online is becoming more popular each year. Betting companies, such as Tote Sport, continue to offer a wider selection of gambling activities to attract and maintain customers. This article outlines what is on offer when betting with Tote Sport.
Where to play kids' games for free

Where to play kids' games for free

One major struggle for many parents nowadays is where to find educational, fun games for kids. With so many obscene sites and questionable ads on game websites, it is often hard to judge where to look. This article will outline some known kids' games sites, as well as, how to find more of them for your child yourself, no matter how young or old your child is.
Where to find a free map of Bali

Where to find a free map of Bali

Are you thinking of travelling to Bali? Are you wondering where you can find a free Bali map? You don’t have to spend your time searching and visiting bookstores. Just read the following article and find out all the interesting facts that you need to know about the Bali maps which you will need as well as where you can find them for free.
Five famous purple heart recipients

Five famous purple heart recipients

The Purple Heart Medal was created in 1782 by George Washington, the Continental Army’s Commander-in-Chief. At that time, Washington only awarded the Purple Heart, credited as a badge of military merit, to three soldiers of the Revolutionary War. Only when World War I ended, was the awarding of the Purple Heart once again proposed. The Purple Heart badge is received directly from the president.
How to search for pet friendly accommodation

How to search for pet friendly accommodation

If your dog is part of the family, you probably will want to take him along next time you go on a holiday. After all, your dog probably needs a holiday as much as you do. One of the major problems when travelling with your pet is accommodation. While many places cater to pet-owners, others might be reluctant to accept animals. So how exactly do you go about finding hotels that take pets?
A guide to holidays in Sri Lanka

A guide to holidays in Sri Lanka

The beauty of Sri Lanka, its plantations of tea, the wild beaches and lush palm-lined tropical forests have brought tourists from all over the world there, who called the island the "Pearl of the Indian Ocean." In 2010, the New York Times named Sri Lanka the number 1 destination for a perfect holiday. This article provides you with a guide to holidays in Sri Lanka.
How to save money on cruises to Mexico

How to save money on cruises to Mexico

If you are planning on taking a Mexican cruise, you'll probably want to know how to save money. There are many things you should consider when planning Mexico trips and some of them can help you hold on to a little more of your money. This article will help you save money so that you have more left over for other fun and exciting things to do.
John Grisham: biography

John Grisham: biography

American author John Grisham has become a household name in the literary world for his law-based fiction which has entertained readers across the globe. His penchant for writing exciting stories, whilst delving deep into the U.S. judicial system, has made Grisham an enduring figure amongst modern writers. This biography will discuss his life, work, and achievements.
Where can I get an English-to-Turkish translator online?

Where can I get an English-to-Turkish translator online?

Are you a professional translator and you often find yourself in need of help? Have you ever found yourself wondering about the meaning of a certain word which you have heard? If yes, then you already have the probably to resort to an online translation tool. If you are still wondering where you can find online translation services, then you should definitely read the following article. Find out all the interesting facts which you need to know about English to Turkish online translation tools.
A guide to DIY divorce

A guide to DIY divorce

If you and your spouse have come to the conclusion that you will be getting a divorce, you can hire attorneys to aid you. If both parties agree on the split, you can get a DIY divorce to make it a little easier. Here are the steps to follow to get a divorce on your own.
Where to find free online maths games

Where to find free online maths games

If you are looking to further your mathematical knowledge from the comfort of your own home (and without the use of boring textbooks), then academic games may be the solution. Learn more about the best online mathematical games and where to find them.
Where to find a free map of Lebanon online

Where to find a free map of Lebanon online

If you are planning your next vacation to Lebanon, a map can help you. Either it is a short trip or a long holiday, either you have visited Lebanon before, or it is your first Lebanon visit, you will definitely need a Lebanon map. The following article will help to find out where you can find a free Lebanon map.
A guide to Philadelphia museums

A guide to Philadelphia museums

At the political and intellectual centre of the early history of the American colonies, Philadelphia was the home of the momentum behind radical ideas of social change like the American revolution. Philadelphia exudes history, and maintains a strong cultural focus in modern America. This guide introduces the most interesting and culturally-relevant museums in this fascinating city.
How to dance at a rave?

How to dance at a rave?

Going to a rave can be lots of fun. But what if you are worried about your dancing style? With these pointers you will be ready to go dancing at any rave.
A visitors guide to World of Coke, Atlanta

A visitors guide to World of Coke, Atlanta

If you are planning to visit Atlanta do not forget to visit the World of Coca Cola, one of the area’s most famous attractions! In the following guide find out everything you should know for your visit, including more information about the admission fees and the visiting hours.
The crown jewels of Australian tourism

The crown jewels of Australian tourism

Australia is the 6th largest country in the world. It is the driest inhabited country and much of the interior of the island is desert. Tourism still flourishes in the land down under and there is so much to see, and so many activities to do in this diverse country. Find out more information about Australia and four of its many tourist destinations in this article.
Where to find fun activities for kids

Where to find fun activities for kids

Finding indoor games, when the sky is cloudy and grey, can prove to be a daunting task sometimes. These days, kids are used to things, like reading a book, playing on the computer or the old standby, watching television. However, using just a bit of imagination can get you an afternoon with summer activities and fun arty games.
How to conduct digs in the Arctic circle

How to conduct digs in the Arctic circle

The Arctic circle maps the northern-most area of the Earth, and marks the extremities of the polar day and the polar night. Learn more about the Arctic circle, and the dangers of its exploration.
Where to buy dog urns

Where to buy dog urns

For anyone who has a dog which is well into its retirement years, it is important to think about what you will do when they are no longer present. These days, you can choose from a wide of range dog cremation urns, dog memorials, dog headstones, dog caskets and pet coffins. Read on to learn where to get hold of quality dog urns for pet ashes.
Where to buy a Digital Blue microscope

Where to buy a Digital Blue microscope

Are you thinking of buying a Digital Blue microscope? Are you wondering where you can find one? If this is the case, you do not have to spend your time searching, visiting retail stores and browsing through magazines and websites. Read the following article and find out all the interesting facts that you need to know about buying a Digital Blue microscope.
Where to buy exotic flowers

Where to buy exotic flowers

A bouquet of flowers is a great way to brighten up your home, or show a friend or a loved one just how much you care. If you are a fan of exotic plants and flowers, unusual flowers or strange plants, read on to learn where you can buy the very best in exotic flower species.
What is ADHD?

What is ADHD?

ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and is recognised to be the most common type of behavioural disorder found in the UK, with symptoms typically beginning at a young age. Read on to learn more about the key symptoms associated with ADHD and the different approaches to its treatment.
Where to recycle a mobile phone for cash

Where to recycle a mobile phone for cash

Do you have a collection of unused mobile phones gathering dust in the bottom of a drawer or cupboard that never see the light of day? You can get cash for recycling all your unused or unwanted phones, so instead of leaving them in the dark, read the guide below to discover where to recycle your mobile phones for cash.
What are the strongest over-the-counter sleep aids?

What are the strongest over-the-counter sleep aids?

Getting to sleep can sometimes be a problem, especially when you have a lot of thoughts running through your head. Counting sheep no longer helps to soothe your nerves and put you into a sleeping state. Losing your sleep can also be costly and many people tend to be absent-minded or forgetful. A lack of sleep can cause serious concentration lost.
All about: Charming the Indian cobra

All about: Charming the Indian cobra

All about the Applebees restaurant

All about the Applebees restaurant

Applebees Restaurant or Applebee's Neighborhood Grill and Bar, is a mainstream grill and bar restaurant that is common in the United States. Follow along to learn more about the restaurant and if it might be right for you.
Where do hermit crabs get their shells?

Where do hermit crabs get their shells?

Hermit crabs are a species of crustacean that has lost its natural shell, so it has to seek discarded shells from other species, notably gastropods. The crab roams until it finds a spare shell and then enters it. The crab will discard the shell as it grows in size and seek a new one.
What distinguishes Christian science?

What distinguishes Christian science?

Christian science explains how sin, disease and death are all illusions. Instead, it states that human beings should be focused on the spirituality of the universe to overcome their problems. Learn more about Christian science beliefs in this article.
A list of green businesses

A list of green businesses

The green companies listed in this article are 20 of the best businesses in the UK that are making efforts to act in an environmentally friendly fashion. By recognising that the world in which they do business is the same world in which they live, they are taking measures to ensure that their impact doesn't produce lasting damage to the environment.
How to choose the perfect activity gym

How to choose the perfect activity gym

When it comes to buying children's activity gym, it can be difficult to know which ones are the best to buy. You have to take in a number of factors in order to make sure that the gym you get is the perfect one for your child. This article explains a few of the things that you should look out for.
The benefits of salmon oil for dogs

The benefits of salmon oil for dogs

Pets are dependent on their owners to take care of them and to provide them a regulated and balanced diet. Salmon oil, which contains Omega-3 is essential in providing your dog with a bright and shiny coat, besides lubricating joints and developing a healthy skin which are a must for the dogs' good health.
All about: Scotland's water voles and their conservation

All about: Scotland's water voles and their conservation