Leisure and Culture: Activities, Exhibitions, and Must-Read Books
Find ideas for cultural activities, exhibitions to visit, books to read, and events not to miss in the cultural world.
Pour nous souhaiter bon voyage Vanthyka a organisé un baci ບາສີ au bord du Mékong, auquel étaient conviés les petits camarades de classe des enfants. L’officiant (Mo Phone ຫມໍພອນ en laotien) se faisant désirer, la cérémonie s’est tenue au clair de lune pour finir dans la nuit.
Vat Phouangkéo ວັ່ດພວາງແກ້ວ. Un instant de recueillement au pied du stupa où reposent les cendres de l’ami regretté, Claude Vincent, disparu tragiquement à l’âge de 57 ans, dans ce pays qu’il aimait tant... 😥 Repose en paix Claude.
Je croise ce moine centenaire et nous échangeons... Moment fort.
Sur l’île de Khong, ce temple a été construit selon une architecture composite : Lao traditionnelle, vietnamienne, coloniale. Avec, sur la toiture, des gargouilles grimaçantes et des crocodiles avalant un naga.
Les cours de pagode, toujours bien entretenues par les bonzes, sont propices à la méditation, à l’ombre des banians, à proximité des stupas (monuments funéraires où l’on dépose les cendres des défunts). Selon la tradition bouddhique, les morts sont incinérés. Signe de l’impermanence qui caractérise la philosophie bouddhiste, rien
Les pluies de mousson on cessé depuis deux semaines. La nature est encore luxuriante et la moisson du riz est en cours. Les buffles ຄວາຍ viennent brouter les jeunes épis qui repoussent. Les papayers portent de lourds fruits sucrés.
Le supérieur de la pagode Vat Khammao ວັ່ດຄຳເຫມົ້າ, Achane Chone ອາຈານຈອນ (Maître Chone) nous reçoit et noue des fils de coton au poignet de chacun en formulant des vœux de bonheur. Très respecté, le moine de 87 ans possède d’etonnants pouvoirs de divination reconnus dans la province de Champassak et
Après avoir rendu la liberté à Boun-Balthazar, nous nous rendons à Ban Sène ບ້ານແສນ chez Sisouk pour le déjeuner. Maison traditionnelle sur pilotis au bord du Mékong. Accueil très chaleureux. Siphaphay l’hôtesse des lieux, tout sourire, est déjà aux fourneaux. Repas traditionnel autour du Phakhao (grand plateau repas en v
Celui-ci mérite un récit spécifique. Nous visitons un petit marché local sur notre île. Sasha tombe en arrêt devant un étal sur lequel est entravé un petit échassier en piteux état et promis à la casserole. Pris de compassion Sasha nous demande de l’acheter pour lui rendre la liberté. Sitôt dit sitôt fait. Retour à l’hôtel avec
Production locale exclusivement. Que du kilomètre zéro et du bio. Nos loulous ont beaucoup de succès. Une vendeuse les a reconnus du seul fait que sa fille lui a raconté qu’ils avaient assisté à la classe avec elle la veille.
Content on demand : Entertainment
Empty nest syndrome can be a very difficult time for a woman. She has given her time and energy to creating warm, happy home filled with the hustle and bustle of a growing family and suddenly the house is empty and her role as homemaker is redundant.
Across the world, international adoptions have increased in recent years. In the UK, the number of international adoptions are low as compared to other EU nations such as France, Italy and Spain. As international adoption awareness becomes more prominent in the UK, more families will choose to adopt. These families will benefit from the guide to overseas adoption found in this article.
If you are visiting Dubai for your next vacation, you will certainly have a lot to do during your stay. However, either you are visiting Dubai for a short weekend trip or a long holiday, shopping is something that you will definitely include in your Dubai trip. If you want to be prepared and to know where to go and what to buy from the beginning, read the following comprehensive guide to shopping in Dubai.
Integrated pest management is a technique that blends chemical, biological and cultural techniques in a structured programme for dealing with pests. Chemicals are used carefully, so as not to be counterproductive by killing beneficial insects, which are selected to attack pest species. Cultural techniques, such as good hygiene and spraying, are a vital part of the process.
Discount travel websites are a dime a dozen, and although most of them are pretty good, each comes with its own set of pros and cons that every consumer should be aware of.
The Eiffel tower sits tall and high in the Centre of Paris and was erected over one hundred and twenty years ago. It took over three hundred men to put the tower together as the spire reaches three hundred and twenty metres in to the sky. This article explains the history of the world famous landmark in a timeline format of the most significant events.
Cartwheel Arts is located in Lancashire. It is a private company as categorised by Welfare Organisations and Social Service. The private company's mission is to promote "social inclusion, cohesion, diversity and regeneration through community participation in vibrant, innovative, high-quality arts projects." Cartwheel Arts has a history of over 20 years in Lacashire. It received funding from Link4Life, Rochdale Boroughwide Cultural Trust, Big Lottery Fund Reaching Communities, Arts Council England, and soon by Rochdale MBC.
Beading jewellery is fun and a great way to craft cheap jewellery for yourself, your family and your friends. Once you have mastered the basics of jewellery beading, you will be able to make single pieces, or make your own necklace, bracelet and earring sets. Learn to make simple, yet elegant beaded jewellery to give as gift or sell for profit.
The Shangri-la company has three luxury venues in the city of Penang, Malaysia: the Golden Sands resort, Rasa Sayang resort and spa and the Traders Hotel. All three specialise in offering luxury accommodation in one of Malaysia's most visited tourist areas.
In snooker, players must use their cue (and other pool equipment) to cue the cue ball such that the object ball travels at the appropriate angle into one of the six pockets. If one is successful at this, one gets a chance to shoot at one or more of the balls in the designated chain. This article demonstrates how large a room needs to be to house a full size snooker table.
Dominican Republic, located in the Caribbean, is a country that forms part of the La Hispaniola island. Haiti is its neighbour country. Dominican Republic is a popular travel destination, especially among Europeans, because of its stunning white and sandy beaches, varied attractions and its all-inclusive hotels. This country will provide a guide to this country.
Post-baccalaureate degrees offer university graduates the opportunity to further specialise their area of expertise, develop a specific professional skill and gain accreditation to work in many fields. Doctors, lawyers, and business professionals all attend post-baccalaureate programs to work in their chosen profession. This article outlines the various types of post-graduate study options available for students.
If you are looking for Internet savings, you cannot go wrong with Moneysupermarket.com, be it loans, credit cards, mortgages, home or car insurance, etc. The reason you get high savings here is because you can compare every product before you buy. Get the quick rundown on how you can get the best online savings from this site, here.
Sometimes, it can feel as though it is impossible to meet someone new. Even when someone new and interesting is around, it can be intimidating to take the relationship to the next step, and go on a date. With a few tips, it can be easier to not only find the right person for you, but it will also be easier to move towards going on a date, and hopefully, a relationship.
These days, with so many people busy in life, it can be hard to find time to meet that special someone. This is the reason why dating agencies have greatly increased in number, particularly on the internet. Learn more about the interracial agency, known as Interracial Dating Central.
Most people will have heard of the term ‘root canal’ at some point, it’s often bandied about by dentists and people suffering from toothache. What exactly is a root canal? Why is it is so important for teeth treatment? Find out in this article.
The sun is a free source of energy in the form of natural light and warmth and it is possible to capture some of this abundant free energy directly to convert sunlight into electricity using solar panels. These can be easily incorporated into most houses and can save electricity. In this article, find out where to buy solar panel roofs.
In the United Kingdom, there are many ways in which prospective students and their families can secure funding for college and university. It is important that they educate themselves about the varied options and make decisions according to their needs. This article outlines some the ways to secure government grants to finance education in the UK.
Printable party invitations are a cheap and easy option to use when preparing for a party. This article looks at the pros and cons of making them.
Cyprus is an ideal holiday destination, as it appeals and caters for families, couples, young and old generations. This article serves as a guide to Cyprus villa holidays.
Horse & Rider is a general purpose horse magazine that caters for people who are interested in a wide range of equestrian activities. It includes articles and features from well-known experts, news and competitions. There is a strong shop section that offers horse related items, ranging from properties with stables down to gear and horses.
Placing a bet at a bookmaker's shop or online is becoming more popular each year. Betting companies, such as Tote Sport, continue to offer a wider selection of gambling activities to attract and maintain customers. This article outlines what is on offer when betting with Tote Sport.
Originally created in 1973, Lemonade Stand is a game that utilises basic economics as the premise for its game play. Created by Bob Jamison of Minnesota's Educational Computing Consortium, it was subsequently ported to the Apple II computer in February 1979. Since then, there have been numerous ports to many different platforms. Here, we'll be showing you where to play the Lemonade Stand game.
Are you thinking of travelling to Bali? Are you wondering where you can find a free Bali map? You don’t have to spend your time searching and visiting bookstores. Just read the following article and find out all the interesting facts that you need to know about the Bali maps which you will need as well as where you can find them for free.
The following is a brief historical account of how the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871) led to the unification of the mighty German Empire.
TAFE Gold coast is a surfer’s paradise where beach activities and adventure sports attract people from world over. There are no dearth of hotels and accommodation in the area, although they deserve special mention for their exclusive services.
Thailand is south-east Asia's most popular holiday destination for a good reason. In Thailand, you can combine a tropical beach holiday with a visit to a Buddhist temple and some shopping in Bangkok. Here are some tips for visiting Thailand's holiday islands.
Brazil is among the world’s most fascinating travel destinations. It offers great natural beauty, combined with exceptional cultural wealth which the visitors can discover on their Brazil trip. Brazil tours can be more affordable than trips to most destinations in the U.S. or Europe. Whether you are looking for single vacations or a tour with family and friends, Brazil has something to offer for everyone.
The world of publishing is changing. Whilst traditionally all authors went through major publishing houses, the growing popularity of the internet meant the rise of self publication. This guide looks at the benefits and limitations of both methods and give tips to help the debut author publish their work and share it with the world.
Are you a professional translator and you often find yourself in need of help? Have you ever found yourself wondering about the meaning of a certain word which you have heard? If yes, then you already have the probably to resort to an online translation tool. If you are still wondering where you can find online translation services, then you should definitely read the following article. Find out all the interesting facts which you need to know about English to Turkish online translation tools.
There are dozens of different wedding chapels in Las Vegas and once you have decided on a theme for your wedding, you can go online and find a suitable chapel to conduct your ceremony. This article will be taking a look at how to book a wedding in Las Vegas.
Low cost travel and accommodation deals to Dubai are uncommon, but it's not impossible to achieve a relatively cheap deal and travel to Dubai at cheap prices. Dubai deals might not be very common, but you can capitalise on package deals offered by holiday companies and travel agencies. Furthermore, you can go in your own way and tailor Dubai breaks according to your own requirements by booking your own flights and accommodation, finding the best deals through price comparison websites.
At the political and intellectual centre of the early history of the American colonies, Philadelphia was the home of the momentum behind radical ideas of social change like the American revolution. Philadelphia exudes history, and maintains a strong cultural focus in modern America. This guide introduces the most interesting and culturally-relevant museums in this fascinating city.
Everyone has seen at least one of Robin Williams movies. He has featured in countless roles from films such as Mrs. Doubtfire, Good Will Hunting, Flubber and many more. He has also won a whole host of awards, Academy Awards, Emmy Awards, Golden Globe Awards and Grammy Awards. This American actor and comedian has done a number of stand-up tours since the 1970s. One of his most famous shows Robin Williams LIVE on Broadway broke a number of records with tickets selling out within 30 minutes of going on sale. After a long a gruelling break for the fans, Robin Williams stand-up comedy shows are back!
California is one of the most visited states of the United States, offering a wealth of attractions, ranging from its prestigious Beverly Hills residences to its dramatic mountain scenery. Los Angeles is one of the world’s largest metropolises and is also one of the most popular filming locations in the US. This article will provide important information about the airports of California.
Davao City is a popular destination for tourists and businessmen, being the third most important city in the Philippines, a South East Asian country. It is a clean, safe and exciting place with its hospitable and friendly English-speaking people. Learn more about Davao, how to get there and what to expect from this city in the southern island of Mindanao.
Charity is an excellent thing. By helping others in a charitable manner, you not only feel good about yourself but you really contribute to the welfare of someone or something. If you are looking for all the ways you can help to fund-raise efforts, read the following article.
The Arctic circle maps the northern-most area of the Earth, and marks the extremities of the polar day and the polar night. Learn more about the Arctic circle, and the dangers of its exploration.
Barking is a natural thing for your dog to do just like it's a natural thing for humans to talk. However, when it comes to excessive dog barking, while it may not be a problem for you, it can quickly become tiresome for your neighbours. This article looks at how to train a dog to stop barking.
Atomic absorption spectroscopy sounds complicated, and while, in practice, it is, the basic principles and methods can be easily understood by anyone with a basic understanding of how atoms work. Below is a look at the key principles that an atomic absorption spectrophotometer uses and how they are apllied to analyse a sample.
Pruning trees is an essential gardening task done for aesthetic and production reasons. It is done according to the age of the tree and the needs of the gardener. Cutting trees is a harder task, and there is a serious difference between the way in which you treat large trees and smaller trees.
Hypnosis is a state of mind in which the participant is open to the suggestions of the hypnotist. Hypnosis can help you to make many positive changes within yourself. To learn more about hypnosis and to find out exactly how hypnosis works, keep on reading.
Recycled concrete is much more valuable than virgin materials. Along with eliminating the need to transfer new materials, it also reduces carbon emissions. This article looks at the benefits of using old materials by preventing the unnecessary build-up of waste.
Nowadays, you can find a coach for just about anything, from sports coaching, career coaching, corporate coaching, executive coaching, NLP coaching, coaching in business and dating coaching. Whatever your stage in life and your current circumstance, it is well worth learning about the benefits of life coaching.
When dining out, it is customary to leave some kind of gratuity for the server. Here are some etiquette tips on tipping. Although there is a standard amount, the amount can vary based on the service received while dining and should therefore be adjusted accordingly.
Christian science explains how sin, disease and death are all illusions. Instead, it states that human beings should be focused on the spirituality of the universe to overcome their problems. Learn more about Christian science beliefs in this article.
The green companies listed in this article are 20 of the best businesses in the UK that are making efforts to act in an environmentally friendly fashion. By recognising that the world in which they do business is the same world in which they live, they are taking measures to ensure that their impact doesn't produce lasting damage to the environment.
You’ve had a great wedding day and received loads of gifts but now its time to thank people for their presents. How do you say thanks? Our sample wedding thank yous will give you an idea to how to write them whether you want to write formally or informally.
Pets are dependent on their owners to take care of them and to provide them a regulated and balanced diet. Salmon oil, which contains Omega-3 is essential in providing your dog with a bright and shiny coat, besides lubricating joints and developing a healthy skin which are a must for the dogs' good health.
Wolves, which all belong to the genus Canis, have captured the human imagination for centuries, probably owing to the sense of beauty and danger that they convey. As a result, there are more wolf images in print and online than most other wild animals. In many cases, you may have to pay a fee to buy quality pictures of wolves. However, it doesn't mean that there aren't several free sources available, if you know where to search.