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Leisure and Culture: Activities, Exhibitions, and Must-Read Books

Find ideas for cultural activities, exhibitions to visit, books to read, and events not to miss in the cultural world.

Dauphins de l’Irrawady

Dauphins de l’Irrawady

Dimanche 29 octobre. Excursion en pirogue à la rencontre des dauphins d’eau douce de l’espèce dite « de l’Irrawady », du nom du grand fleuve birman. Ces dauphins remontent parfois du lac Tonlé Sap, au Cambodgeet viennent se reproduire dans les eaux du Mékong. Nous naviguons entre les îles, celle du versant cambodgien de la frontière s
Les 4000 îles

Les 4000 îles

Le but de notre grand voyage au fil du Mékong : le 4000 îles, «Siphan done» en Laotien. Nous résidons toute la semaine sur l’ile de Khong, la plus importante de l’archipel. Voici une carte sommaire situant la région, à l’extrême sud du Laos, à la lisière du Cambodge.


Au bord de la cascade Tad Lo ຕາດເລາະ, petite promenade à dos d’éléphant. Ici Moune ມູນ vieille éléphante de 67 ans, toujours vaillante.


Climat tropical, mais température douces. Nous sortons des pluies de mousson. La végétation est exubérante. Les cascades, Tad, abondantes, l’eau est omniprésente et se jette du haut des falaises dans un fracas assourdissant. On peut admirer susccessivement Tad Fane, ຕາດຟານ, Tad Nheuang ຕາດເຍືອງ et Tad Lo ຕາດ
Sinouk Resort, suite

Sinouk Resort, suite

La plantation abrite également des pavillons accueillant des voyageurs, touristes étrangers généralement. Chambres très confortables et séjour fort agréable. Santi nous a réservé la chambre qu’occupe habituellement l’ambassadeur des États-Unis quand il vient rendre visite aux lieux.
Sinouk Resort

Sinouk Resort

La plantation de café de mon ami Sinouk, sur le plateau des Bolaven. Le plateau réunit les conditions idéales pour la culture du café (introduit par les Français dans les années 1920), du thé, ou ... des fraises : altitude entre 900 et 1200m, climat tempéré, sols volcaniques fertiles, pluies de mousson abondantes.... C’est à partir du L
Paksé, capitale du sud

Paksé, capitale du sud

La nuit est déjà tombée quand nous arrivons à Paksé, ma ville natale. Nous sommes accueillis à la Résidence Sisouk, du nom du père de nos amis Sisomphone, Sisanouk et Sisana (les prénoms de ceux-ci ont été raccourcis). Paksé est une jolie ville très calme et très cool...


Seconde pause pour le déjeuner à Thakhek, dans la province de Khammouane. Ma grand mère paternelle, Nang Thet, y a longtemps vécu, ainsi que mes cousins germains. Sur l‘autre rive du Mékong, la province de Nakhon Phanom, en Thaïlande. Ce stupa, construit sous le protectorat, commémore le naufrage d’une chaloupe dans les années vingt, au
Phabat, l’empreinte du pas de Bouddha

Phabat, l’empreinte du pas de Bouddha

Vendredi 27 octobre. Départ en voiture vers le sud, la province de Champasak, près de la frontière cambodgienne. Une journée de route en suivant le cours du Mékong d’amont en aval. D’où le titre de ce blog... Petite pose prière au sanctuaire de Phabat, qui recèle une empreinte de pas de Bouddha. Ce sanctuaire a été fondé par notre fa
Au Laos on n’a pas la mer...

Au Laos on n’a pas la mer...

On n’a pas la mer, mais on a l’océan ! Vientiane Ocean, tel est le nom de ce complexe aquatique où nous étions quasiment seuls. Les enfants se sont éclatés : toboggans géants, cascades, jeux aquatiques divers et variés.
Content on demand : Entertainment
What are the different stages of child development?

What are the different stages of child development?

Children develop sequentially from prenatal to adolescence. During these stages, the areas of development include physical, emotional, social and intellectual. This article describes some of the main stages of child development.
How to get foster children in the UK

How to get foster children in the UK

Children may enter foster care for short or longer periods because their families are unable to take care of them. This article explains what fostering is and outlines the steps to fostering children in the UK.
How to book cheap holidays to Morocco

How to book cheap holidays to Morocco

Located in the western side of Africa, the Kingdom of Morocco is an ethnically diverse place that attracts thousands of tourists every year. As an important holiday destination, this country has a lot to offer to visitors such as beautiful attractions, local cuisine, arts and many more. If you are planning to enjoy African holidays, you should put this country on top of your list. To enjoy a cheap holiday in Morocco with your family, here is what you should do.
What are the principles of integrated pest management programmes?

What are the principles of integrated pest management programmes?

Integrated pest management is a technique that blends chemical, biological and cultural techniques in a structured programme for dealing with pests. Chemicals are used carefully, so as not to be counterproductive by killing beneficial insects, which are selected to attack pest species. Cultural techniques, such as good hygiene and spraying, are a vital part of the process.
How to get student travel discounts

How to get student travel discounts

Long university holidays and gap years are the perfect time for students to get out and see the world. The huge range of discounts available to student travellers ensures that you can see it all without emptying your entire bank account. Here are some great ways to get student discounts when travelling. Read on the following article to know how to get student travel discounts.
An introduction to studying architecture

An introduction to studying architecture

Architectural practice involves a number of diverse design areas which includes not only the design of individual buildings, but also clutches of buildings and it even extends to designing the surrounding landscape and interior design. Architects are often employed to supervise the construction of their designs. This is but one of the reasons why this can be a great career option. Here is a guide to studying architecture.
Five great train pictures

Five great train pictures

Rail enthusiasts aren't all necessarily trainspotters in anoraks at the end of a platform writing down numbers avidly. There are many beautiful paintings of trains painted by some famous artists from the traditional to the modern for keen locomotive fans. You can commission your own train painting or buy a train photo. Here we look at five of these artists.
How to make a soap holder

How to make a soap holder

The Babylonians made soap in 2800 BC, while Phoenicians have been making soap in 600 BC. In ancient Rome, they made soap with goat tallow and salt to make it hard as well as with olive oil, in Pompeii, a ruin of a soap factory using lye was discovered. In 14th century England, they made soap with animal tallow. Soap remains a staple today. Make a soap holder to make it last as long as you can.
Shangri-La Penang: Review and rate

Shangri-La Penang: Review and rate

The Shangri-la company has three luxury venues in the city of Penang, Malaysia: the Golden Sands resort, Rasa Sayang resort and spa and the Traders Hotel. All three specialise in offering luxury accommodation in one of Malaysia's most visited tourist areas.
How to host a murder game in your home?

How to host a murder game in your home?

Hosting a murder mystery game in your home can be a great way to get some friends together for an evening and have a lot of fun. Murder mystery party games are essentially a series of clues played out by each guest over the course of an evening as part of a script. This article will explain how to host a murder mystery evening.
Review of Disney wonder cruise ship vacations

Review of Disney wonder cruise ship vacations

The Disney Cruise Line´s ‘Wonder’ debuted in 1999. It is considered a premium choice for families with children. However, couples and singles are discovering that the Disney Wonder offers much for their holiday also. Walt Disney Cruises checks demographics of their guests prior to boarding and seats those with similarities together.
What is education?

What is education?

Education is a continuous process of spreading knowledge and one of the vital characteristics of a civilised society. It is an enduring journey where people not only learn from their school and its system, but also from their own life’s experiences. Education believes in achieving the impossible.
What is the moneysaving supermarket

What is the moneysaving supermarket

If you are looking for Internet savings, you cannot go wrong with, be it loans, credit cards, mortgages, home or car insurance, etc. The reason you get high savings here is because you can compare every product before you buy. Get the quick rundown on how you can get the best online savings from this site, here.
What is collaborative law?

What is collaborative law?

Collaborative law is a binding agreement between two parties - usually spouses in the process of a divorce. It ensures that they will work together to find a solution to the termination of their marriage, and that their lawyers will not work in such a way as to undermine the other spouse so as to secure a more preferential verdict pertaining to the divorce settlement.
A guide to some common dating mistakes

A guide to some common dating mistakes

What is a root canal?

What is a root canal?

Most people will have heard of the term ‘root canal’ at some point, it’s often bandied about by dentists and people suffering from toothache. What exactly is a root canal? Why is it is so important for teeth treatment? Find out in this article.
What are the energy saving ideas

What are the energy saving ideas

With everyone talking about reducing your carbon footprint, what can you do to save on energy? This article will look into the various options below.
A guide to cooking with children

A guide to cooking with children

This article will look at taking your kids into the kitchen, and doing a little cooking with them. Most children love to watch their mums cooking when they get to a certain age. Even toddlers love to get their little fingers into the cake mix and give a helping hand. This article will look at how to include your kids in the kitchen.
A review of the Armed Forces Network

A review of the Armed Forces Network

The American Forces Network, otherwise known simply as the AFN, is the trademark term employed by the United States Armed Forces Radio and Television Service (AFRTS) for its entertainment and command internal information networks which is distributed on a worldwide basis. Here follows a brief review of this vital service which is aimed specifically at the Armed Forces.
How to book cheap holidays to the Costa Del Sol

How to book cheap holidays to the Costa Del Sol

Southern Spain's Costa Del Sol is a famous tourist destination that attracts many travellers every year. Situated along the Mediterranean Coast in the Malaga province, holidays to Costa Del Sol can be expensive. For those on a budget, you will want to know how to book cheap holidays to the Costa Del Sol.
All about Horse & Rider magazine

All about Horse & Rider magazine

Horse & Rider is a general purpose horse magazine that caters for people who are interested in a wide range of equestrian activities. It includes articles and features from well-known experts, news and competitions. There is a strong shop section that offers horse related items, ranging from properties with stables down to gear and horses.
Premium Bond winners: The facts

Premium Bond winners: The facts

In today’s current economic climate, the word ‘Investment’ can scare even the most hardened economist. Nevertheless, all Premium Bonds have still remained popular with everyday citizens, with 40% of the population in June 2011 holding some bonds. However, how wise an investment is a Premium Bond, and what are the chances of gaining a return?
Where to find a free daily crossword puzzle

Where to find a free daily crossword puzzle

Many people enjoy the daily challenge of a crossword. The first known crossword puzzle dates back to 1890 and the first example of one appearing in Britain was published by Arthur Wynne in 1913. Since then, daily crosswords have appeared all over the place. Here, I will be showing you where you can find some free puzzles.
Where to find a free map of Brisbane

Where to find a free map of Brisbane

Are you thinking of travelling to Brisbane, Australia for your next long holiday or for a short trip? Are you wondering where you can find free Brisbane maps? Read the following article and find out all the interesting facts that you should know about the Brisbane maps that you will need and where you can find them free of charge.
The powers of the US Attorney General

The powers of the US Attorney General

The United States Attorney General is the chief law enforcement officer of the United States government. Concerned with legal affairs, he heads the United States Department of Justice. The Attorney General is nominated by the President of the United States and his position receives ratification from the Senate. The current Attorney General, sworn into office in February 2009, is Eric Holder, the first African-American to hold the position.
Review: Travel Lodge in London

Review: Travel Lodge in London

Are you thinking of travelling to London for a holiday or for business trip? In any case, if you are searching for quality budget hotels in London, UK, consider staying at one of the London Travel Lodge hotels. Read the following article and find out all the interesting facts that you need to know about London Travel Lodge hotels.
A guide to booking holidays in Thailand

A guide to booking holidays in Thailand

Thailand is south-east Asia's most popular holiday destination for a good reason. In Thailand, you can combine a tropical beach holiday with a visit to a Buddhist temple and some shopping in Bangkok. Here are some tips for visiting Thailand's holiday islands.
How to save money on cruises to Mexico

How to save money on cruises to Mexico

If you are planning on taking a Mexican cruise, you'll probably want to know how to save money. There are many things you should consider when planning Mexico trips and some of them can help you hold on to a little more of your money. This article will help you save money so that you have more left over for other fun and exciting things to do.
An introduction to Time Magazine

An introduction to Time Magazine

Time Magazine (Time Mag) is an American news magazine, with editions covering most of the rest of the world. It is the world's biggest news magazine, with a readership of 20 million in North America and 25 million people globally. Find out more about Time Magazine in the following article.
Where can I get an English-to-Turkish translator online?

Where can I get an English-to-Turkish translator online?

Are you a professional translator and you often find yourself in need of help? Have you ever found yourself wondering about the meaning of a certain word which you have heard? If yes, then you already have the probably to resort to an online translation tool. If you are still wondering where you can find online translation services, then you should definitely read the following article. Find out all the interesting facts which you need to know about English to Turkish online translation tools.
How to change your name

How to change your name

Changing your name is a relatively simple task and may be done for a variety of reasons. The most common reason for changing one's name is when going through a marriage separation. Learn how to change your name by deed poll, whether you live in the UK or in the Channel Islands.
An introduction to calculus

An introduction to calculus

The best deals on all-inclusive Egypt packages

The best deals on all-inclusive Egypt packages

Egypt is the land of pyramids and the Sphinx. Cairo is the capital with an interesting history. An exciting cheap Nile cruise can be the beginning of a great low-cost holiday in Egypt. There are many Egypt packages available to explore this biblical land of Pharaohs. It is the land of Tutankhamen, Rameses, Ptolemy and Cleopatra. Read this article to know more on Egypt packages.
A guide to Philadelphia museums

A guide to Philadelphia museums

At the political and intellectual centre of the early history of the American colonies, Philadelphia was the home of the momentum behind radical ideas of social change like the American revolution. Philadelphia exudes history, and maintains a strong cultural focus in modern America. This guide introduces the most interesting and culturally-relevant museums in this fascinating city.
All about fun party games

All about fun party games

There are many fun party games that can be played depending on what kind of party you are hosting. A fun activity or game list for a child's party will be different than the right type of activity ideas for an adult group. Therefore, you should decide on your guest list before you plan your dinner game or game party idea. This article gives you some tips for great games to play.
A guide to the map of California

A guide to the map of California

California is the world-famous American state. It comprises a great diversity of different sights and attractions including great national parks, mountain ranges, the Mojave Desert and mythical home of film industry – Hollywood. In this article, I give a geographical guide to the state of California and relevant California facts.
How to find Hunter Valley wine tours

How to find Hunter Valley wine tours

There are overone hundred Hunter Valley wineries in New South Wales, Australia. Hunter Valley tours are many and varied, and a pleasant visit can be enjoyed in this beautiful wine country. What options are available, and how does one find and select them?
How to make fishing lures?

How to make fishing lures?

Making one’s own fishing lures adds to the fun of angling. Fishing tackle stores are full of fish lures but making a lure according to one’s own specifications and brilliant idea is what fishing is all about. Lure making is an art in itself. This art, of course, comes with experience and a good fisherman needs only the minimum equipment.
How to conduct digs in the Arctic circle

How to conduct digs in the Arctic circle

The Arctic circle maps the northern-most area of the Earth, and marks the extremities of the polar day and the polar night. Learn more about the Arctic circle, and the dangers of its exploration.
Where to buy dog urns

Where to buy dog urns

For anyone who has a dog which is well into its retirement years, it is important to think about what you will do when they are no longer present. These days, you can choose from a wide of range dog cremation urns, dog memorials, dog headstones, dog caskets and pet coffins. Read on to learn where to get hold of quality dog urns for pet ashes.
The uses of rare earth magnets

The uses of rare earth magnets

Rare earth magnets have many applications ranging from Maglev transport systems to Warhammer figurines. Learn more about magnets and the way in which rare earth metals have revolutionised modern technology.
A guide to pruning and cutting trees

A guide to pruning and cutting trees

Pruning trees is an essential gardening task done for aesthetic and production reasons. It is done according to the age of the tree and the needs of the gardener. Cutting trees is a harder task, and there is a serious difference between the way in which you treat large trees and smaller trees.
How to treat attention deficit disorder in children

How to treat attention deficit disorder in children

Most people have come across a child who suffers from attention deficit disorder (ADD), with many children being diagnosed much earlier than before. Thankfully, there are now plenty of effective treatments available to help to cure ADD in children. Read on to learn how to treat ADD in children.
A guide to concrete recycling

A guide to concrete recycling

Recycled concrete is much more valuable than virgin materials. Along with eliminating the need to transfer new materials, it also reduces carbon emissions. This article looks at the benefits of using old materials by preventing the unnecessary build-up of waste.
All about: Hugger Mugger yoga products

All about: Hugger Mugger yoga products

Yoga has greatly increased in popularity in recent years with more women than ever before taking up this form of exercise and relaxation. As you require the right clothing and accessories for making the most of a yoga class or when you are practising at home, it is worth learning about Hugger Mugger yoga products.
The African clawed frog

The African clawed frog

The African clawed frog is the only clawed amphibian and is found in Sub-Saharan Africa, with one species found in the South East and another in the West. It is characterised by a number of claws on its feet and some other distinguishing characteristics which render it quite different from other frogs. It is a species that dwells in rivers and ponds.
Steak 'n Shake: The facts

Steak 'n Shake: The facts

Steak 'n Shake is a popular restaurant within the United States. Learn more about the restaurant and its food in what follows.
Where do hermit crabs get their shells?

Where do hermit crabs get their shells?

Hermit crabs are a species of crustacean that has lost its natural shell, so it has to seek discarded shells from other species, notably gastropods. The crab roams until it finds a spare shell and then enters it. The crab will discard the shell as it grows in size and seek a new one.
What distinguishes Christian science?

What distinguishes Christian science?

Christian science explains how sin, disease and death are all illusions. Instead, it states that human beings should be focused on the spirituality of the universe to overcome their problems. Learn more about Christian science beliefs in this article.
A list of green businesses

A list of green businesses

The green companies listed in this article are 20 of the best businesses in the UK that are making efforts to act in an environmentally friendly fashion. By recognising that the world in which they do business is the same world in which they live, they are taking measures to ensure that their impact doesn't produce lasting damage to the environment.
The facts about White Barn Candle Company

The facts about White Barn Candle Company

Internationally renowned as the manufacturer of candles, the White Barn Candle Company have a range of candles which they have created that cannot only set the mood to a room, but can also to add fragrance to a home. They are famous for the quality, style and elegance of their products. The following article gives you the facts about White Barn Candle Company.
The benefits of salmon oil for dogs

The benefits of salmon oil for dogs

Pets are dependent on their owners to take care of them and to provide them a regulated and balanced diet. Salmon oil, which contains Omega-3 is essential in providing your dog with a bright and shiny coat, besides lubricating joints and developing a healthy skin which are a must for the dogs' good health.
Wolves' pictures

Wolves' pictures

Wolves, which all belong to the genus Canis, have captured the human imagination for centuries, probably owing to the sense of beauty and danger that they convey. As a result, there are more wolf images in print and online than most other wild animals. In many cases, you may have to pay a fee to buy quality pictures of wolves. However, it doesn't mean that there aren't several free sources available, if you know where to search.