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Leisure and Culture: Activities, Exhibitions, and Must-Read Books

Find ideas for cultural activities, exhibitions to visit, books to read, and events not to miss in the cultural world.

Bouddha couché

Bouddha couché

Les enfants libèrent des oiseaux captifs afin d’acquérir des mérites. Ce Bouddha couché (qui symbolise dans son histoire la fin proche) se trouve près du That Luang.
That Luang

That Luang

Le Pha That Luang, grand stupa sacré de Vientiane. Entièrement doré il abriterait, selon la légende, un cheveu de Bouddha. Les flèches qui s’elancent depuis la base symbolisent les Palamy, ou perfections de Bouddha. Des fêtes solennelles sont organisées chaque année en novembre pour le célébrer. Son cloître recèle notamment une statue
Alma Mater

Alma Mater

Le Lycée de Vientiane où j’ai passé de bonnes années jadis et que je voulais montrer à mes enfants. Et une rencontre avec mon vieil ami Sitaheng, ancien ministre du gouvernement Laotien, avec qui j’ai partagé les bancs du même Lycée.
Rencontre entre amis au restaurant La Cachette à Valence

Rencontre entre amis au restaurant La Cachette à Valence

Vous prévoyez une rencontre entre amis pour bientôt, mais vous ne savez pas encore où vous rendre ? Ce n’est pas un problème, car Woozgo répertorie des centaines de bons plans qui devraient certainement vous plaire. Pour les membres qui sont de la région de Valence, il y a le restaurant La Cachette, qui vous permet de vous retrouver entre a
Chez Moustache : l’un des bons plans répertoriés sur Woozgo

Chez Moustache : l’un des bons plans répertoriés sur Woozgo

Avez-vous déjà entendu parler de Chez Moustache ? Pour ceux qui sont de la région de Toulouse, c’est possible. Alors, vous savez donc que dans cette brasserie c’est une ambiance sympathique qui vous attend. Si vous le souhaitez, vous pouvez inviter vos amis de Woozgo à vous retrouver sur place, non seulement pour découvrir les menus varié


Lundi 23 octobre après-midi. Patuxay ປະຕູໄຊ, la porte de la victoire, l’arc de triomphe de Vientiane. Vues du sommet à 360 degrés sur la ville.
L’école privée Nirada

L’école privée Nirada

Lundi 23 octobre. Visite de l’école privée Nirada ນິຣະດາ, dirigée par mes amis d’enfance Arouny et son mari Sitaheng. Équipements remarquables, élèves joyeux et épanouis, excellente ambiance. Les élèves nous offrent des cartes géographiques, notamment une carte des provinces du Laos réalisée avec des graines de sésame.
Rencontre entre amis à Dijon : essayez Carte Blanche !

Rencontre entre amis à Dijon : essayez Carte Blanche !

Pour une rencontre entre amis dans la région de Dijon, il y a plusieurs options qui s’offrent à vous. Si vous voulez passer un agréable moment avec vos camarades tout en dégustant des plats délicieux, alors ne manquez pas de faire un tour à Carte Blanche. Dans cet établissement du Boulevard de Champagne, une bonne ambiance chic vous attend
Cérémonie à Vat Ongtu, suite

Cérémonie à Vat Ongtu, suite

Dans la procession autour du Vat Ongtu. Des danseuses, des fidèles...
Cérémonie du Kathin à Vat Ongtu

Cérémonie du Kathin à Vat Ongtu

Suite du déroulement de la cérémonie. Arrivée du cortège à Vat Ongtu.
Content on demand : Entertainment
How to cope when all my sons are moving out

How to cope when all my sons are moving out

Empty nest syndrome can be a very difficult time for a woman. She has given her time and energy to creating warm, happy home filled with the hustle and bustle of a growing family and suddenly the house is empty and her role as homemaker is redundant.
How to get foster children in the UK

How to get foster children in the UK

Children may enter foster care for short or longer periods because their families are unable to take care of them. This article explains what fostering is and outlines the steps to fostering children in the UK.
A guide to the Cape Verde Islands

A guide to the Cape Verde Islands

The Cape Verde Islands can be found in the mid-Atlantic Ocean around 300 miles from the west coast of Africa. This archipelago consists of ten islands and five islets divided into two groups. The main islands are known as the Windward (Barlavento) and the smaller group is the Leeward (Sotavento). Here is a guide to the Cape Verde Islands that gives an outline of the history, geography and relevant vacation information.
All about destructive grazing

All about destructive grazing

Guide to BA holidays

Guide to BA holidays

BA holidays are flight and accommodation packages booked on the British Airways website ( Travellers can also use the BA website to arrange other components of their trips such as excursions, airport transfers and car hire.
All about: Stained glass in churches

All about: Stained glass in churches

Glass making is more than 5000 years old and can be traced back to ancient Mesopotamia. In a crude form, glass has been used as a decoration through history. It was brought to some perfection in the first century of the Christian era under the Romans. Stained glass for windows in churches really begins to appear in the seventh century.
Where to buy matte photo paper

Where to buy matte photo paper

Looking at Matte photo papers and the best places to buy it. Is the cheapest option necessarily the best or do you get for what you pay for?
How to make a boomerang?

How to make a boomerang?

Tired of the toys around you and want to play with something different and more interesting? Then try to build your own Boomerang. Use the hints and tips in this article in order to craft a boomerang that actually will come back to you after throwing.
A guide to holidays in the Far East

A guide to holidays in the Far East

The Far East is one of the most exotic cultural destinations of the world. Many tourists from around the world are looking at Asian holidays as a different vacation experience than what they are used to in the West. Eastern travel can offer you all the fascinating oriental charm that you may have read in books or seen in movies. You can experience it for real on a trip to the Far East. This guide provides information on holidays in the Far East.
How to beat The Impossible Quiz?

How to beat The Impossible Quiz?

The Impossible Quiz has been a popular game in the past few years. For some people it's a thrill to see how far they can get, and for others it's an exercise in futility. Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to finish the game, and there are a variety of ways to do it.This is your guide on how to beat the Impossible Quiz.
A guide to all-inclusive resorts in Aruba

A guide to all-inclusive resorts in Aruba

Aruba is a Caribbean island that is part of the Lesser Antilles islands and is a very popular holiday destination, especially for those looking for all-inclusive resorts, either for a family holiday or for a honeymoon. Here is a guide to some of the main all-inclusive resorts.
How to find jobs in higher education

How to find jobs in higher education

Many people dream of working at the community college, college or university level of the educational system. While this is an admirable ambition, it can be overwhelming to start to look for work in the higher education realm. Understanding the different avenues available for employment will make it easier for an individual to find work in universities and colleges.
How to pay off credit card debt?

How to pay off credit card debt?

Credit card debt can be eliminated quickly using financial tools such as a debt planner. This article looks at a debt reduction plan to clear credit card debt, which could mean the start of a debt free life.
How to save a relationship

How to save a relationship

Love makes life beautiful, the relationship between two people being the foundation. However, there arise many setbacks in life that test and risk the love of your life. This article explains the beauty and importance of a healthy relationship, helping you to get love back.
What are the most common online dating scams?

What are the most common online dating scams?

Advanced Fee scams or ‘419 frauds’ can take a number of different forms but perhaps the most morally-reprehensible type is the ’dating scam’. These online scams depend on the increased popularity of dating websites and innocent victims looking for meaningful relationships. By slowly building a bond with unsuspecting victims, fraudsters will abuse the trust they have built to obtain monies. The following article provides some common dating scam profiles and key warning signs to watch out for.
How to get your teeth whitened

How to get your teeth whitened

Given the availability of numerous teeth whitening products, people are able to get a set of whiter teeth without even having to visit the dentist. However, each whitening product is formulated differently and should be used with care. To play it safe, visit the dentist to have a routine check-up before you bleach your teeth. Ask your dentist if you are an ideal candidate for teeth whitening and find out which product is suitable for you.
How to compare gas and electric providers

How to compare gas and electric providers

Energy is the backbone of an economy, and as energy demand across the UK keeps on escalating, so are companies finding themselves with the avid task of affording quality service to their customers at reasonable prices. Many people are thus in constant need to compare gas and electric providers across the country, so as to make an informed decision in an attempt to receive quality power at low costs. This is how to compare energy providers.
A guide to AP courses in the UK

A guide to AP courses in the UK

AP or Advanced Placement courses are now available for students in the UK. These courses have curriculum and exams that are created by the College Board which are standardised and far more rigorous than general courses that are offered in American high schools. Read on to learn more about AP courses available in the UK.
A guide to America's Best Dance Crew

A guide to America's Best Dance Crew

America's Best Dance Crew is an American, competitive, dance reality television show that mainly features street dancers competing against each other to win the competition. It is produced by the judge from the American Pop idol, Randy Jackson and airs in the U.S on MTV. This article provides you with a guide to America's Best Dance Crew.
A guide to Yorkshire County

A guide to Yorkshire County

Yorkshire is a popular tourist destination in the UK. The county offers diverse options for visitors, from pretty coastal towns to bleak moorland, to bustling cities. This article offers a brief guide to what Yorkshire has to offer.
All about Horse & Rider magazine

All about Horse & Rider magazine

Horse & Rider is a general purpose horse magazine that caters for people who are interested in a wide range of equestrian activities. It includes articles and features from well-known experts, news and competitions. There is a strong shop section that offers horse related items, ranging from properties with stables down to gear and horses.
How to play blackjack?

How to play blackjack?

On the surface, blackjack is one of the simplest casino card games and blackjack betting is the easiest category of gambling to master. However, once an understanding of the game is achieved, there are many other elements of blackjack strategy that can be learned in order to play on a higher intellectual level.
How to download music to a psp?

How to download music to a psp?

The PSP is a handheld gaming device developed by Microsoft. The PSP plays games, there are movies for PSP, and also plays music. You can download music to a PSP from songs you have on your computer in a few short steps. The songs do have to be in PSP MP3 format before they will work on a PSP. You can have songs downloaded to a PSP in a few minutes.
Where to find a map of Britain

Where to find a map of Britain

Some of the earliest maps of Britain date back to the time of the Romans. One of the earliest examples of these maps that survived is a Medieval edition known as the Tabula Peutingeriana. In the Middle Ages, there were many maps, some of which were drawn by Matthew Paris. It was not until the 1700s that the more modern style of maps had begun. You can buy maps of Britain. Read this article to know where to find a map of Britain.
All about: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

All about: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a Christian religion believing in Jesus Christ as the saviour of the world and the Son of God. This religion is also known as Mormonism. It is a diversion from the Protestant Church while holding the King James Bible as its basic scripture.
Sign Post: The Facts

Sign Post: The Facts

Sign Post companies aim at providing their clients high quality homes. Of course Sign Post housing is a company, yet it does not aim solely at reaching the highest profit. This article examines the facts about Sign Post.
A guide to cheap holidays to Thailand

A guide to cheap holidays to Thailand

Thailand offers tropical beaches, delicious food, exciting cities with lots to see and do, ancient culture, Buddhist temples and monasteries and some of the most welcoming and friendliest people in the world. Thailand holidays can also be very cheap, if you avoid the main tourist seasons and choose destinations that offer the most value for money.
A guide to planning holidays to South America

A guide to planning holidays to South America

One of the most popular holiday destinations in the world, South America is a continent which offers visitors a wide variety of cultures, countries, food and adventures. This continent, located below the North American country of Panama, consists of three territories and 12 countries. Those who are planning to spend holidays in South America will benefit from the information found in this article.
A guide to African-American literature

A guide to African-American literature

African-American poets and authors have written major works of literature. Several of them are well-known globally , such as Alice Walker and James Baldwin. This article suggests some reasons why African-American literature is held in high esteem.
Where can I get an English-to-Turkish translator online?

Where can I get an English-to-Turkish translator online?

Are you a professional translator and you often find yourself in need of help? Have you ever found yourself wondering about the meaning of a certain word which you have heard? If yes, then you already have the probably to resort to an online translation tool. If you are still wondering where you can find online translation services, then you should definitely read the following article. Find out all the interesting facts which you need to know about English to Turkish online translation tools.
A guide to cheap wedding packages

A guide to cheap wedding packages

There are many wedding packages available for couples to choose from nowadays, and whether or not you choose to tie the knot in the UK, or travel to a sunny destination, the choices are endless. This article will look at some of the different options that are on offer and the prices that you can expect to pay.
Where to find free online maths games

Where to find free online maths games

If you are looking to further your mathematical knowledge from the comfort of your own home (and without the use of boring textbooks), then academic games may be the solution. Learn more about the best online mathematical games and where to find them.
Where to find a free map of Lebanon online

Where to find a free map of Lebanon online

If you are planning your next vacation to Lebanon, a map can help you. Either it is a short trip or a long holiday, either you have visited Lebanon before, or it is your first Lebanon visit, you will definitely need a Lebanon map. The following article will help to find out where you can find a free Lebanon map.
A guide to the Ronald Reagan library

A guide to the Ronald Reagan library

Ronald Reagan is consistently ranked as one of the most popular U.S. presidents in history. His presidential library gives the public unprecedented access to his life, his presidency and helps us to understand how he governed. The Ronald Reagan Library is a fitting tribute to the 40th President of the United States.
Where to see Robin Williams stand-up comedy

Where to see Robin Williams stand-up comedy

Everyone has seen at least one of Robin Williams movies. He has featured in countless roles from films such as Mrs. Doubtfire, Good Will Hunting, Flubber and many more. He has also won a whole host of awards, Academy Awards, Emmy Awards, Golden Globe Awards and Grammy Awards. This American actor and comedian has done a number of stand-up tours since the 1970s. One of his most famous shows Robin Williams LIVE on Broadway broke a number of records with tickets selling out within 30 minutes of going on sale. After a long a gruelling break for the fans, Robin Williams stand-up comedy shows are back!
A guide to the New York City subway map

A guide to the New York City subway map

The New York City subway system is the fastest and cheapest way to get around town. This is because of the the busy streets which get clogged with traffic jams as cars are waiting in line for the traffic lights to change. Owned by the City of New York, it is one of the oldest and most extensive public transportation systems in the world.
A guide to NZ immigration

A guide to NZ immigration

With the global economic downturn affecting everyone and every country, emigrating to Australia or New Zealand for jobs and work is an appealing prospect. This article is a guide to New Zealand immigration.
How to make a fire

How to make a fire

Fire making involves using a source of heat, some kindling and a supply of wood or other flammable materials to burn. The area round the fire should be made safe in order to prevent the fire from spreading, and it should be kept dry to prevent the fire from extinguishing through rainfall.
What do the small intestines do?

What do the small intestines do?

The small intestines are an essential part of the human digestive system and are used to absorb the nutrients found in the already digested food - it is said that around 95% of absorption takes place along this six-metre tract. This article will discuss the structure and function of the small intestines in much greater detail.
Where to find dog care information

Where to find dog care information

A pet's well-being is one of the most important things to look out for when caring for an animal. Luckily, there is a lot of information offered on the correct ways in which to care for them. This information can be found in books, online or in leaflets that can be picked up from various outlets. This article will look at where to find dog care information.
How to use an air pressure gauge in a pneumatic system

How to use an air pressure gauge in a pneumatic system

An air pressure gauge is an instrument used for measuring the pressure. It is used in pneumatic systems like air compressors, air cylinders, air supplies and filling systems. It is useful for monitoring and testing pneumatic systems. An air pressure gauge can measure pneumatic and hydraulic pressure of gases, compressed air and low viscosity non-aggressive fluids. This article provides a guide to using an air pressure gauge in a pneumatic system.
A guide to pruning and cutting trees

A guide to pruning and cutting trees

Pruning trees is an essential gardening task done for aesthetic and production reasons. It is done according to the age of the tree and the needs of the gardener. Cutting trees is a harder task, and there is a serious difference between the way in which you treat large trees and smaller trees.
Clinical psychologist jobs: The facts

Clinical psychologist jobs: The facts

With psychology now being one of the most popular bachelor’s degree subjects it is clear that interest in the subject is very high, and competition for careers in psychology is very keen! Clinical psychology is one possible career path for anyone holding such a degree.
A guide to concrete recycling

A guide to concrete recycling

Recycled concrete is much more valuable than virgin materials. Along with eliminating the need to transfer new materials, it also reduces carbon emissions. This article looks at the benefits of using old materials by preventing the unnecessary build-up of waste.
What is life coaching?

What is life coaching?

Nowadays, you can find a coach for just about anything, from sports coaching, career coaching, corporate coaching, executive coaching, NLP coaching, coaching in business and dating coaching. Whatever your stage in life and your current circumstance, it is well worth learning about the benefits of life coaching.
Where to find pictures of frogs

Where to find pictures of frogs

Frogs come in many shapes and sizes. There are over 5,000 species of frog distributed worldwide, from tropical to sub-arctic regions and are considered as one the most diverse vertebrate group on the planet. This article will give some information about the life history of frogs and where you can find some cool photos of these amazing animals.
A guide to Atlanta restaurants

A guide to Atlanta restaurants

This article discusses and reviews the best Atlanta restaurants, covering a wide range of food types for any budget. From those looking for a cheap and quick bite to eat to those looking to dine on something extravagant and luxurious, there is something for everyone in this guide.
Where do hermit crabs get their shells?

Where do hermit crabs get their shells?

Hermit crabs are a species of crustacean that has lost its natural shell, so it has to seek discarded shells from other species, notably gastropods. The crab roams until it finds a spare shell and then enters it. The crab will discard the shell as it grows in size and seek a new one.
What distinguishes Christian science?

What distinguishes Christian science?

Christian science explains how sin, disease and death are all illusions. Instead, it states that human beings should be focused on the spirituality of the universe to overcome their problems. Learn more about Christian science beliefs in this article.
A list of green businesses

A list of green businesses

The green companies listed in this article are 20 of the best businesses in the UK that are making efforts to act in an environmentally friendly fashion. By recognising that the world in which they do business is the same world in which they live, they are taking measures to ensure that their impact doesn't produce lasting damage to the environment.
A guide to buying electronic gadgets for men

A guide to buying electronic gadgets for men

Electronic gadgets can make great gifts for men. There are so many different types that it may be difficult to choose. This article will have a look at what gadgets you could buy from music to video and more.
How to get rid of dog worms

How to get rid of dog worms

Worms are a reality in most dogs and puppies at some point in their lives. Worms in puppies are very common. Parasites in dogs can lead to numerous health issues and even death. For that reason, the more you know about canine worms, the better it is for the health and wellness of your best furry friend.
Wolves' pictures

Wolves' pictures

Wolves, which all belong to the genus Canis, have captured the human imagination for centuries, probably owing to the sense of beauty and danger that they convey. As a result, there are more wolf images in print and online than most other wild animals. In many cases, you may have to pay a fee to buy quality pictures of wolves. However, it doesn't mean that there aren't several free sources available, if you know where to search.