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Leisure and Culture: Activities, Exhibitions, and Must-Read Books

Find ideas for cultural activities, exhibitions to visit, books to read, and events not to miss in the cultural world.

Marché, suite

Marché, suite

Les préparations culinaires en direct, sous vos yeux, servies aussitôt !
Marché de Bén Than

Marché de Bén Than

Le marché de Bén Than (Chó Bén Than) Ce grand marché central est extraordinaire et offre un spectacle permanent haut en couleurs dans toutes ses sections : souvenirs, bibelots, laques, textiles, fruits et légumes et surtout alimentation. On peut en effet y prendre de véritables repas, en dégustant sur d’etroits comptoirs les spécialités
Départ pour Saïgon

Départ pour Saïgon

Samedi 4 novembre. Départ de Paksé pour la grande métropole du sud Vietnam par le vol Lao Airlines. Petit saut de puce de 1h30. Notre séjour au Laos se termine en beauté. Au revoir émouvant à nos amis que nous quittons à regret, les larmes aux yeux, non sans leur avoir fait la promesse de revenir : Vanthyka, Khounvilay, Sisouk, Viengsavanh
Croquis à Vat Phou

Croquis à Vat Phou

Petits croquis sur le vif. Rehaussés à l’aquarelle. À gauche, une Apsara (danseuse sacrée). Au centre en haut, la vue depuis le pied des falaises. En bas à droite, le temple sud.
Le temple de Vat Phou

Le temple de Vat Phou

Le site millénaire de Vat Phou ວັ່ດພູ (temple de la montagne), de style hindouiste khmer et classé au patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco, est antérieur à l’ensemble d’Angkor. Situé sur la rive droite du Mékong, en aval de Paksé, il est bâti au pied d’une montagne (Phou Kao) ce qui lui donne un cachet particulier. Une allée
Temple de Vat Phou

Temple de Vat Phou

Vendredi 3 novembre. Arrivée à Vat Phou.
Sur la route de Khong à Paksé

Sur la route de Khong à Paksé

Après un séjour d’une semaine, nous quittons à grand regret l’île de Khong et nos amis qui nous ont si gentiment accueillis : Vanthyka, Khounvilay, Sisouk, Viengsavanh, etc. Impossible de les citer tous. Chacun nous a fait promettre de revenir ! Nous empruntons la RN13 pour remonter vers Paksé, en amont sur la rive gauche du Mékong. À 40
Le Mékong

Le Mékong

Le Mékong est un très très long fleuve tranquille. Plus de 4000 km depuis la source, dans l’Himalaya, jusqu’à la Mer de Chine du sud -Mer de l’Est pour les Vietnamiens. Après la Chine, le fleuve arrose cinq pays : la Birmanie, la Thaïlande, le Laos, le Cambodge et le Vietnam. Véritable source de vie il est appelé par les Lao Ménam Kh
Retour sur l’histoire

Retour sur l’histoire

Vestiges de la colonisation française. Sur l’île de Khone, on peut admirer une locomotive française, ainsi qu’un pont reliant l’île de Khone à l’île de Det. Années 1860- Lorsqu’ils remontent en chaloupe le cours du Mékong depuis le Vietnam, les explorateurs Français se heurtent à un obstacle : les chutes et les rapides infranchi
Petite coupe pour Sasha et Arya

Petite coupe pour Sasha et Arya

Flashback : hier les twins ont eu droit à une petite coupe de cheveux chez la coiffeuse de l’île. Rapport qualité/prix imbattable ! 1 euro la coupe...
Content on demand : Entertainment
What are the tips to become popular

What are the tips to become popular

Your teenage years can be a worrying and upsetting time, especially if you feel that you don't fit in with the most popular crowd. There is in every school all over the world a popular girl or boy who will have all popular people following him or her and so, the "in crowd" is formed. Take a look at how you can fit in.
How to get foster children in the UK

How to get foster children in the UK

Children may enter foster care for short or longer periods because their families are unable to take care of them. This article explains what fostering is and outlines the steps to fostering children in the UK.
All about: Garden Route, South Africa

All about: Garden Route, South Africa

South Africa is a land of incredible beauty and contrast with a wide variety of scenery, flora and fauna to enjoy. One of the many tourist attractions is the garden route, a 200 kilometer long stretch of coastline in the Cape province which includes everything, from giant trees, ostrich farms to the famous Cango Caves.
All about destructive grazing

All about destructive grazing

how to save money with last minute bookings

how to save money with last minute bookings

Many UK travellers are under the assumption that booking flights and travel package deals early is the cheapest method. While this is true most of the time, it is possible to find last minute holiday deals. Here, we will examine the ins and outs of saving money on last minute holiday bookings.
A guide to Universal Design Studio

A guide to Universal Design Studio

Universal is a global motion picture production company, commonly referred to as either Universal Studios or Universal City Studios. Owned by NBC Universal, a subsidiary of Comcast and General Electric, it began as a relatively small studio and has grown to one of the largest major movie studios known to man. Their library extends as far back as the first movies.
How to draw a face

How to draw a face

Human eyes and facial expressions, including all the wrinkles, fleshy folds and shadows, personify the human spirit, so artists strive to learn how to draw people's faces. As a newcomer to drawing, you will probably first learn how to draw with pencil, but don't expect a beautiful face to flow from your first try. Plan on trying many times. You will get better. Vincent Van Gogh spent years learning to draw, so be patient.
Where to find cheap art supplies

Where to find cheap art supplies

Art supplies can be very expensive if you are looking for good-quality equipment. It does not have to be overly expensive though and this article details some of the places where you can go to buy cheap art supplies.
How to make a samurai sword?

How to make a samurai sword?

The katana, the weapon of choice for a samurai, is believed to be the most perfect sword ever designed. Combining the finest steel in the world with the absolute perfectionism of Japanese swordsmiths, each one was a work of art, reflecting the samurai himself - strong, flexible, lightning fast, and deadly. Below is a step by step guide describing how to forge one of these masterpieces.
Where can I get crossword puzzles online?

Where can I get crossword puzzles online?

Crosswords have long been an activity associated with pen and paper, but in recent years, there has been an explosion of crosswords which are accessible online. This article details the best (and hardest) free crosswords out there!
How to find all inclusive Caribbean resorts

How to find all inclusive Caribbean resorts

When trying to find an all inclusive Caribbean resort, some people may feel like they don't know where to start. Here a few tips on finding all inclusive resorts.
Where to study for UK psychology degrees

Where to study for UK psychology degrees

When it comes to studying for a UK degree, there are a few options that are available. You can do it part-time, full-time or online. Studying psychology is no different. Here are just a few options, whether you want to study basic psychology or specialise in certain areas.
What are the best buy corporate deals?

What are the best buy corporate deals?

Do you feel that looking for a special bargain can be a nightmare? Where do you go and where do you look? This article will provide a brief guide on how to buy the best buy corporate deals.
How to get a date

How to get a date

Sometimes, it can feel as though it is impossible to meet someone new. Even when someone new and interesting is around, it can be intimidating to take the relationship to the next step, and go on a date. With a few tips, it can be easier to not only find the right person for you, but it will also be easier to move towards going on a date, and hopefully, a relationship.
LDS Planet: The facts

LDS Planet: The facts

There are many online dating services available that it is now possible to find dating sites which specifically cater for those of the same religion. If you belong to the Mormon Church of Latter-day Saints, head to LDS Planet to search thousands of profiles of single Latter-day Saints in order to find your ideal partner.
What is a root canal?

What is a root canal?

Most people will have heard of the term ‘root canal’ at some point, it’s often bandied about by dentists and people suffering from toothache. What exactly is a root canal? Why is it is so important for teeth treatment? Find out in this article.
How to compare gas and electric providers

How to compare gas and electric providers

Energy is the backbone of an economy, and as energy demand across the UK keeps on escalating, so are companies finding themselves with the avid task of affording quality service to their customers at reasonable prices. Many people are thus in constant need to compare gas and electric providers across the country, so as to make an informed decision in an attempt to receive quality power at low costs. This is how to compare energy providers.
All about: Teaching in Japan

All about: Teaching in Japan

Opportunities are available for qualified individuals from foreign countries to teach English in Japan. There are different types of vacancies including teaching English conversation and as assistant language teachers in elementary and high schools. This article describes three programmes for teaching English in Japan.
A guide to America's Best Dance Crew

A guide to America's Best Dance Crew

America's Best Dance Crew is an American, competitive, dance reality television show that mainly features street dancers competing against each other to win the competition. It is produced by the judge from the American Pop idol, Randy Jackson and airs in the U.S on MTV. This article provides you with a guide to America's Best Dance Crew.
When is the weather at its best in Gran Canaria?

When is the weather at its best in Gran Canaria?

The island of Gran Canaria is part of the Canary Islands which, although, just off the coast of North Africa, are governed by Spain.The weather is an important part of any holiday abroad and Gran Canaria enjoys year-round warm weather, making it a perfect holiday destination at any time of the year.
British Horse Society: The facts

British Horse Society: The facts

The British Horse Society promotes the interests of horses, riders, riding and high quality breeding. It campaigns for rights of way such as bridleways, against the mistreatment of horses and for increased motorist awareness of horses. Its functions include providing a range of certificates in equine care and riding, and the courses that lead up to them.
Premium Bond winners: The facts

Premium Bond winners: The facts

In today’s current economic climate, the word ‘Investment’ can scare even the most hardened economist. Nevertheless, all Premium Bonds have still remained popular with everyday citizens, with 40% of the population in June 2011 holding some bonds. However, how wise an investment is a Premium Bond, and what are the chances of gaining a return?
How to download music to a psp?

How to download music to a psp?

The PSP is a handheld gaming device developed by Microsoft. The PSP plays games, there are movies for PSP, and also plays music. You can download music to a PSP from songs you have on your computer in a few short steps. The songs do have to be in PSP MP3 format before they will work on a PSP. You can have songs downloaded to a PSP in a few minutes.
Where to find a free map of the Ukraine

Where to find a free map of the Ukraine

Are you thinking of travelling to Ukraine? Either it is your first time visiting Ukraine or you have visited the area before, you will need one or more Ukraine maps. Read the following article and find out all the interesting facts that you should know about the Ukraine maps that you will need as well as where you can find them for free.
The myth about the childhood of Shaka, king of the Zulus

The myth about the childhood of Shaka, king of the Zulus

A guide to the Sheraton, Waikiki

A guide to the Sheraton, Waikiki

The Sheraton Waikiki is one of the most widely sought after hotels in Hawaii due to the fact that the hotel allows guests to feel luxury, while enjoying a relaxing ambience that is difficult to match. Additionally, it is also centrally located near all of the happening things to do in Waikiki.
Holidays in Goa: What are the best places to visit?

Holidays in Goa: What are the best places to visit?

Goa has some of the best beaches in India, a tropical climate with a lot of sunshine, and a relaxed vibe that makes it an easy landing place in India. Goa attracts sunbathers, families, Europeans on two-week Goa package deals, backpackers, party people and expatriates from around the world. Most tourists come here for the beaches, but there is a lot to see and do from wildlife sanctuaries to spice plantations.
A guide to planning holidays to South America

A guide to planning holidays to South America

One of the most popular holiday destinations in the world, South America is a continent which offers visitors a wide variety of cultures, countries, food and adventures. This continent, located below the North American country of Panama, consists of three territories and 12 countries. Those who are planning to spend holidays in South America will benefit from the information found in this article.
A review of Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy by David D. Burns, M.D

A review of Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy by David D. Burns, M.D

In Feeling good, Dr. David D. Burns, puts forth key tips to healing yourself from anxiety, fear, depression, moods and harsh self-criticism with cognitive therapy. This theory although new, has some similarities to the theory from French psychologist, Emil Coue (1857-1926) who had his patients proclaiming "everyday I'm getting better and better".
Where can I get an English-to-Turkish translator online?

Where can I get an English-to-Turkish translator online?

Are you a professional translator and you often find yourself in need of help? Have you ever found yourself wondering about the meaning of a certain word which you have heard? If yes, then you already have the probably to resort to an online translation tool. If you are still wondering where you can find online translation services, then you should definitely read the following article. Find out all the interesting facts which you need to know about English to Turkish online translation tools.
How do I replace my lost birth certificate?

How do I replace my lost birth certificate?

Losing your original birth certificate is an inconvenience, but it is possible to replace the document by getting in touch with the General Registrar Office. This article will thus explain the process of replacing the birth certificate.
Where to find free online maths games

Where to find free online maths games

If you are looking to further your mathematical knowledge from the comfort of your own home (and without the use of boring textbooks), then academic games may be the solution. Learn more about the best online mathematical games and where to find them.
Where to find a free map of Lebanon online

Where to find a free map of Lebanon online

If you are planning your next vacation to Lebanon, a map can help you. Either it is a short trip or a long holiday, either you have visited Lebanon before, or it is your first Lebanon visit, you will definitely need a Lebanon map. The following article will help to find out where you can find a free Lebanon map.
How to get hold of old newspaper articles

How to get hold of old newspaper articles

Old newspaper articles are available from many sources. You can try your local library, the newspaper that interests you, or specialised archives. This article will discuss several ways to get hold of old newspaper articles, including on the Internet.
How to dance at a rave?

How to dance at a rave?

Going to a rave can be lots of fun. But what if you are worried about your dancing style? With these pointers you will be ready to go dancing at any rave.
What to avoid on the Walt Disney World map

What to avoid on the Walt Disney World map

Walt Disney World is home to world-class theme parks, quality hotels and a large number of great dining options. However, it's important to know that not everything at the resort is worth visiting.
A guide to cheap Brisbane accommodation

A guide to cheap Brisbane accommodation

The Australian city of Brisbane has plenty of accommodation options for the budget-conscious traveller. This article provides a guide to finding cost-effective lodgings across the city whether you are looking for hotels, apartments, hostels or caravan and camping options.
Ferrari: biography

Ferrari: biography

The world famous Italian sports car manufacturer was founded in 1929, by Enzo Ferrari in the Italian city of Maranello. Ferrari cars are renowned the world over, easily recognizable from their distinctive colour 'Ferrari Red' and the companies symbol, the Prancing Horse.
How to conduct digs in the Arctic circle

How to conduct digs in the Arctic circle

The Arctic circle maps the northern-most area of the Earth, and marks the extremities of the polar day and the polar night. Learn more about the Arctic circle, and the dangers of its exploration.
Where to buy dog urns

Where to buy dog urns

For anyone who has a dog which is well into its retirement years, it is important to think about what you will do when they are no longer present. These days, you can choose from a wide of range dog cremation urns, dog memorials, dog headstones, dog caskets and pet coffins. Read on to learn where to get hold of quality dog urns for pet ashes.
What is particle size analysis useful for?

What is particle size analysis useful for?

Particle size analysis is an important process in many industries, ranging from construction to cosmetics. Learn more about the process of particle size analysis, and its importance in a person's life.
A guide to pruning and cutting trees

A guide to pruning and cutting trees

Pruning trees is an essential gardening task done for aesthetic and production reasons. It is done according to the age of the tree and the needs of the gardener. Cutting trees is a harder task, and there is a serious difference between the way in which you treat large trees and smaller trees.
What is ADHD?

What is ADHD?

ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and is recognised to be the most common type of behavioural disorder found in the UK, with symptoms typically beginning at a young age. Read on to learn more about the key symptoms associated with ADHD and the different approaches to its treatment.
Where to recycle a mobile phone for cash

Where to recycle a mobile phone for cash

Do you have a collection of unused mobile phones gathering dust in the bottom of a drawer or cupboard that never see the light of day? You can get cash for recycling all your unused or unwanted phones, so instead of leaving them in the dark, read the guide below to discover where to recycle your mobile phones for cash.
Which are the most famous prayers for peace?

Which are the most famous prayers for peace?

Prayers for peace have become mandatory for one and all. Spiritual prayers help a person in battling today’s world of meanness and materialism. The whole world today seems to be in a race of one-upmanship and restlessness. What sets us apart is the prayer for peace. Read this article to know the famous prayers for peace.
The African clawed frog

The African clawed frog

The African clawed frog is the only clawed amphibian and is found in Sub-Saharan Africa, with one species found in the South East and another in the West. It is characterised by a number of claws on its feet and some other distinguishing characteristics which render it quite different from other frogs. It is a species that dwells in rivers and ponds.
A review of Snappy Tomato Pizza

A review of Snappy Tomato Pizza

Snappy Tomato Pizza is a fast food outlet which we are all relatively familiar with. There are a few outlets in the UK where you can visit or you can even order online for home delivery.
Where do hermit crabs get their shells?

Where do hermit crabs get their shells?

Hermit crabs are a species of crustacean that has lost its natural shell, so it has to seek discarded shells from other species, notably gastropods. The crab roams until it finds a spare shell and then enters it. The crab will discard the shell as it grows in size and seek a new one.
How to understand solution-focused brief therapy

How to understand solution-focused brief therapy

Solution-focused brief therapy differs from conventional talking therapies, with its primary focus on the future. The therapist encourages a client to construct a hypothetical "dream future", and then establishes the steps required to reach it. Learn more about how solution-focused brief therapy works, and how exactly the results are achieved.
A list of green businesses

A list of green businesses

The green companies listed in this article are 20 of the best businesses in the UK that are making efforts to act in an environmentally friendly fashion. By recognising that the world in which they do business is the same world in which they live, they are taking measures to ensure that their impact doesn't produce lasting damage to the environment.
How to select a baby boy gift

How to select a baby boy gift

Do you know someone who just had a baby boy? Are you looking for gift ideas? Read on the article for some tips and advice on how to select a baby boy gift.
How does a horse wormer work?

How does a horse wormer work?

As with many other animals, worming in horses is something that has to be taken very seriously. Following a worming schedule will not only ensure that your horse is kept in perfect health, but it will also prevent other problems from occurring later on. This article will explain how a horse wormer works.
All about: Scotland's water voles and their conservation

All about: Scotland's water voles and their conservation