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Leisure and Culture: Activities, Exhibitions, and Must-Read Books

Find ideas for cultural activities, exhibitions to visit, books to read, and events not to miss in the cultural world.

Marché, suite

Marché, suite

Les préparations culinaires en direct, sous vos yeux, servies aussitôt !
Marché de Bén Than

Marché de Bén Than

Le marché de Bén Than (Chó Bén Than) Ce grand marché central est extraordinaire et offre un spectacle permanent haut en couleurs dans toutes ses sections : souvenirs, bibelots, laques, textiles, fruits et légumes et surtout alimentation. On peut en effet y prendre de véritables repas, en dégustant sur d’etroits comptoirs les spécialités
Départ pour Saïgon

Départ pour Saïgon

Samedi 4 novembre. Départ de Paksé pour la grande métropole du sud Vietnam par le vol Lao Airlines. Petit saut de puce de 1h30. Notre séjour au Laos se termine en beauté. Au revoir émouvant à nos amis que nous quittons à regret, les larmes aux yeux, non sans leur avoir fait la promesse de revenir : Vanthyka, Khounvilay, Sisouk, Viengsavanh
Croquis à Vat Phou

Croquis à Vat Phou

Petits croquis sur le vif. Rehaussés à l’aquarelle. À gauche, une Apsara (danseuse sacrée). Au centre en haut, la vue depuis le pied des falaises. En bas à droite, le temple sud.
Le temple de Vat Phou

Le temple de Vat Phou

Le site millénaire de Vat Phou ວັ່ດພູ (temple de la montagne), de style hindouiste khmer et classé au patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco, est antérieur à l’ensemble d’Angkor. Situé sur la rive droite du Mékong, en aval de Paksé, il est bâti au pied d’une montagne (Phou Kao) ce qui lui donne un cachet particulier. Une allée
Temple de Vat Phou

Temple de Vat Phou

Vendredi 3 novembre. Arrivée à Vat Phou.
Sur la route de Khong à Paksé

Sur la route de Khong à Paksé

Après un séjour d’une semaine, nous quittons à grand regret l’île de Khong et nos amis qui nous ont si gentiment accueillis : Vanthyka, Khounvilay, Sisouk, Viengsavanh, etc. Impossible de les citer tous. Chacun nous a fait promettre de revenir ! Nous empruntons la RN13 pour remonter vers Paksé, en amont sur la rive gauche du Mékong. À 40
Le Mékong

Le Mékong

Le Mékong est un très très long fleuve tranquille. Plus de 4000 km depuis la source, dans l’Himalaya, jusqu’à la Mer de Chine du sud -Mer de l’Est pour les Vietnamiens. Après la Chine, le fleuve arrose cinq pays : la Birmanie, la Thaïlande, le Laos, le Cambodge et le Vietnam. Véritable source de vie il est appelé par les Lao Ménam Kh
Retour sur l’histoire

Retour sur l’histoire

Vestiges de la colonisation française. Sur l’île de Khone, on peut admirer une locomotive française, ainsi qu’un pont reliant l’île de Khone à l’île de Det. Années 1860- Lorsqu’ils remontent en chaloupe le cours du Mékong depuis le Vietnam, les explorateurs Français se heurtent à un obstacle : les chutes et les rapides infranchi
Petite coupe pour Sasha et Arya

Petite coupe pour Sasha et Arya

Flashback : hier les twins ont eu droit à une petite coupe de cheveux chez la coiffeuse de l’île. Rapport qualité/prix imbattable ! 1 euro la coupe...
Content on demand : Entertainment
Youth With A Mission England: The facts

Youth With A Mission England: The facts

Youth With A Mission (YWAM) England is a Christian ministry which is part of YWAM International with the main aim of helping the British youth to know God better, and to make Him known to others around the world. Since YWAM first began in 1960, the ministry has been focused primarily upon providing young people with opportunities to demonstrate the love of God to people. This article details the facts about Youth With A Mission England.
A guide to overseas adoption

A guide to overseas adoption

Across the world, international adoptions have increased in recent years. In the UK, the number of international adoptions are low as compared to other EU nations such as France, Italy and Spain. As international adoption awareness becomes more prominent in the UK, more families will choose to adopt. These families will benefit from the guide to overseas adoption found in this article.
All about: Garden Route, South Africa

All about: Garden Route, South Africa

South Africa is a land of incredible beauty and contrast with a wide variety of scenery, flora and fauna to enjoy. One of the many tourist attractions is the garden route, a 200 kilometer long stretch of coastline in the Cape province which includes everything, from giant trees, ostrich farms to the famous Cango Caves.
All about destructive grazing

All about destructive grazing

Future Travel: The facts

Future Travel: The facts

Are you thinking of travelling to Greece for your next holiday? If that is the case, you should dedicate a few days to explore the island of Crete. You can travel to Crete from Athens or Thessaloniki , and your trip will last less than an hour by plane. Read the following article and find out about Future Travel holidaymakers that can help you to organise your Crete holiday.
An introduction to studying architecture

An introduction to studying architecture

Architectural practice involves a number of diverse design areas which includes not only the design of individual buildings, but also clutches of buildings and it even extends to designing the surrounding landscape and interior design. Architects are often employed to supervise the construction of their designs. This is but one of the reasons why this can be a great career option. Here is a guide to studying architecture.
How to design a book cover?

How to design a book cover?

With increased self-publishing opportunities, many authors are wondering how to design a book cover. Book covers may be judged as works of art by critics like NYT book reviewer Joseph Sullivan, but they are primarily an advertisement for content. What does book cover design entail?
How to start a craft business

How to start a craft business

Getting started with your own craft business is easy with a few hints and tips. Working for yourself using a craft that you love, can be a life-changing experience. In this article, find the relevant information on how to start a craft business.
All about: Bhutan Travel

All about: Bhutan Travel

This article will provide important information for tourists intending on travelling to the country of Bhutan,. There is currently no British representation within the country's borders, and the closest consular office is located in Kolkata, India. The capital of Bhutan is Thimphu and the country is a land-locked state in Asia, situated in the vast Himalayan mountain range.
Where can I get crossword puzzles online?

Where can I get crossword puzzles online?

Crosswords have long been an activity associated with pen and paper, but in recent years, there has been an explosion of crosswords which are accessible online. This article details the best (and hardest) free crosswords out there!
How to organise weddings in Jamaica

How to organise weddings in Jamaica

Would you like to get married in tropical Jamaica? With these pointers, you will know just where to go for the perfect wedding celebration.
How to get a grant to study?

How to get a grant to study?

There are different types of grants and loans available for studying, whether you're doing it part-time or full-time. The question is how to get the grants to help you. The answer to this depends on the type of grant that you decide to take.
How to hire a van in the UK

How to hire a van in the UK

There are numerous reasons why a person may want to rent a car or a budget van in the UK. Some may be traveling around the country while others may need a van so that they can move from one house to another. Whatever the reason, hiring a van in the UK is a relatively simple process.
How to save a relationship

How to save a relationship

Love makes life beautiful, the relationship between two people being the foundation. However, there arise many setbacks in life that test and risk the love of your life. This article explains the beauty and importance of a healthy relationship, helping you to get love back.
The benefits of open-ended questions

The benefits of open-ended questions

An open-ended question is one which is phrased in such a manner as to encourage a meaningful answer using the subjects’ knowledge or feelings. They are rather objective in nature and provide an opportunity for a person to come up with an answer that is pertinent to him or her. Such questions implicitly ask for a response in the person's own words and is not limiting.
All about: Dental insurance in the UK

All about: Dental insurance in the UK

Dental health insurance in the UK is becoming a necessity due to the dentist costs. As dental insurance is a wide area, it's important to know the full scope of it in order to get the best health insurance quote for your needs.
What are the energy saving ideas

What are the energy saving ideas

With everyone talking about reducing your carbon footprint, what can you do to save on energy? This article will look into the various options below.
A guide to government student grants in the UK

A guide to government student grants in the UK

In the United Kingdom, there are many ways in which prospective students and their families can secure funding for college and university. It is important that they educate themselves about the varied options and make decisions according to their needs. This article outlines some the ways to secure government grants to finance education in the UK.
All about: Modest Mouse live

All about: Modest Mouse live

An American indie rock band, ‘Modest Mouse’ was formed in 1993 in Washington, now based in Oregon. While the band initially began with singer, lyricist, guitarist Isaac Brock, drummer Jeremiah Green, and bassist Eric Judy; guitarist Jim Fairchild, percussionist Joe Plummer and instrumentalist Tom Peloso joined them later. This article details some facts about Modest Mouse music - songs, tours and albums.
What to know about Geneva car hire

What to know about Geneva car hire

Whether you're in Switzerland on business or pleasure, you will need to rent a car to get the best out of your visit. Cheap car hire in Geneva is sometimes hard to find but by no means impossible. Here, we'll take a look at Geneva car rental in particular and cheap car hire in Switzerland in general.
British Horse Society: The facts

British Horse Society: The facts

The British Horse Society promotes the interests of horses, riders, riding and high quality breeding. It campaigns for rights of way such as bridleways, against the mistreatment of horses and for increased motorist awareness of horses. Its functions include providing a range of certificates in equine care and riding, and the courses that lead up to them.
How to play blackjack?

How to play blackjack?

On the surface, blackjack is one of the simplest casino card games and blackjack betting is the easiest category of gambling to master. However, once an understanding of the game is achieved, there are many other elements of blackjack strategy that can be learned in order to play on a higher intellectual level.
Which are the best PC game controllers?

Which are the best PC game controllers?

The purpose of this article is to discuss the top brands of PC gaming controllers, and what the characteristics of them are. Most consumers do not know that each USB game-pad has a different response time, as well as a different layout, that may benefit more gamers. Additionally, there are some controllers, which are more compatible with the top games.
Where to find a free map of Nepal

Where to find a free map of Nepal

Nepal, which is officially called the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, is a sovereign state that is landlocked in South Asia. Situated in the Himalayas, it has the Republic of India on the south, east and west, and the People's Republic of China on the north. This article provides a guide to finding a free map of Nepal.
In Wiccan Lore, what is the rule of three?

In Wiccan Lore, what is the rule of three?

The Wiccan rule of three is a teaching that your actions return to you threefold, particulary if they are magical actions. It is not a belief universally agreed among Wiccans, as it is not specifically stated in the Wiccan Rede. There are various interpretations of this rule, some of which see it as a kind of karma. This article provides you with an overview of the Wiccan rule of three.
West Plaza Hotel, NZ: Review and rate

West Plaza Hotel, NZ: Review and rate

Are you thinking of travelling to New Zealand and visiting the beautiful city of Wellington? If this is the case, you should definitely consider staying at one of the best hotels in Wellington, namely the West Plaza Hotel. Read the following article and find out all the interesting facts that you should know before visiting the West Plaza Wellington Hotel.
A guide to holidays in Sri Lanka

A guide to holidays in Sri Lanka

The beauty of Sri Lanka, its plantations of tea, the wild beaches and lush palm-lined tropical forests have brought tourists from all over the world there, who called the island the "Pearl of the Indian Ocean." In 2010, the New York Times named Sri Lanka the number 1 destination for a perfect holiday. This article provides you with a guide to holidays in Sri Lanka.
Visiting Guyana, South America

Visiting Guyana, South America

Guyana, on the northern coast of South America, is the third smallest country on the continent. Below is a look at this nearly untouched country's history, economy, and some things to know when visiting.
A biography of Linda Lael Miller

A biography of Linda Lael Miller

Linda Lael Miller is a popular American author who writes predominately historical and romantic novels, sometimes under the pseudonym Lael St James. The daughter of a town marshal, Miller is a writer whose work reflects her deep and lifelong immersion in the 'western' lifestyle, she has now produced more than 100 novels.
Where can I get an English-to-Turkish translator online?

Where can I get an English-to-Turkish translator online?

Are you a professional translator and you often find yourself in need of help? Have you ever found yourself wondering about the meaning of a certain word which you have heard? If yes, then you already have the probably to resort to an online translation tool. If you are still wondering where you can find online translation services, then you should definitely read the following article. Find out all the interesting facts which you need to know about English to Turkish online translation tools.
How do I replace my lost birth certificate?

How do I replace my lost birth certificate?

Losing your original birth certificate is an inconvenience, but it is possible to replace the document by getting in touch with the General Registrar Office. This article will thus explain the process of replacing the birth certificate.
An introduction to calculus

An introduction to calculus

How to get low cost Dubai deals

How to get low cost Dubai deals

Low cost travel and accommodation deals to Dubai are uncommon, but it's not impossible to achieve a relatively cheap deal and travel to Dubai at cheap prices. Dubai deals might not be very common, but you can capitalise on package deals offered by holiday companies and travel agencies. Furthermore, you can go in your own way and tailor Dubai breaks according to your own requirements by booking your own flights and accommodation, finding the best deals through price comparison websites.
Boston museum of fine arts: A visitors perspective

Boston museum of fine arts: A visitors perspective

The Boston Museum of Fine Arts (MFA) is a veritable treasure trove of art, photography, jewelry, musical instruments and textiles from both the modern and ancient worlds. The varied standing collection and prestigious visiting exhibitions makes this arts museum a must-see for locals and visitors alike.
How to do the robot dance?

How to do the robot dance?

How to do the robot (or mannequin) dance?This i an illusionary street dance with origins in the 1970s that attempts to imitate a dancing robot or mannequin.
The five worst airports in California

The five worst airports in California

Airports in California have the distinction of being some of the worst in the country. From safety issues to lost luggage, and from poor customer service to scary airport landings, it would seem that California has it all.This article details out the five worst airports in California.
A guide to Davao City, Philippines

A guide to Davao City, Philippines

Davao City is a popular destination for tourists and businessmen, being the third most important city in the Philippines, a South East Asian country. It is a clean, safe and exciting place with its hospitable and friendly English-speaking people. Learn more about Davao, how to get there and what to expect from this city in the southern island of Mindanao.
A guide to road trip planning

A guide to road trip planning

Road tripping can be an exciting and inexpensive way to travel around the world. This involves seeing places that you would not have been able to see. However, anyone who has experience in journeys will know that it is not simply a case of hopping in a car and seeing where you end up. These trips require careful planning and consideration. So, what do you need to successfully plan a road trip?
What do the small intestines do?

What do the small intestines do?

The small intestines are an essential part of the human digestive system and are used to absorb the nutrients found in the already digested food - it is said that around 95% of absorption takes place along this six-metre tract. This article will discuss the structure and function of the small intestines in much greater detail.
A guide to buying animal health products

A guide to buying animal health products

All pet owners need to buy animal health products from time to time, from wormers for dogs and cats to pet litter to other health solutions.What should be bought? Where should you buy the animal health products? This article looks at all the issues involved in obtaining health supplies for dogs, cats and other animals.
How to use an air pressure gauge in a pneumatic system

How to use an air pressure gauge in a pneumatic system

An air pressure gauge is an instrument used for measuring the pressure. It is used in pneumatic systems like air compressors, air cylinders, air supplies and filling systems. It is useful for monitoring and testing pneumatic systems. An air pressure gauge can measure pneumatic and hydraulic pressure of gases, compressed air and low viscosity non-aggressive fluids. This article provides a guide to using an air pressure gauge in a pneumatic system.
Where to buy exotic flowers

Where to buy exotic flowers

A bouquet of flowers is a great way to brighten up your home, or show a friend or a loved one just how much you care. If you are a fan of exotic plants and flowers, unusual flowers or strange plants, read on to learn where you can buy the very best in exotic flower species.
What is ADHD?

What is ADHD?

ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and is recognised to be the most common type of behavioural disorder found in the UK, with symptoms typically beginning at a young age. Read on to learn more about the key symptoms associated with ADHD and the different approaches to its treatment.
A guide to concrete recycling

A guide to concrete recycling

Recycled concrete is much more valuable than virgin materials. Along with eliminating the need to transfer new materials, it also reduces carbon emissions. This article looks at the benefits of using old materials by preventing the unnecessary build-up of waste.
How to calm down

How to calm down

In the stressful world in which people live, it is important to know how to reduce stress levels and to calm down. When a person gets angry, it can be very hard to find ways to quickly calm down and stop them from feeling overwhelmed. Thankfully, there are many simple steps to having a calm mind and to keep calm when under pressure.
Where to find pictures of frogs

Where to find pictures of frogs

Frogs come in many shapes and sizes. There are over 5,000 species of frog distributed worldwide, from tropical to sub-arctic regions and are considered as one the most diverse vertebrate group on the planet. This article will give some information about the life history of frogs and where you can find some cool photos of these amazing animals.
Where to buy bar towels

Where to buy bar towels

Drinks are spilled and bar towels are used thousands of times on any given night across the world. As one of the most important tools of a bartender, bar towels keep the bar clean and make it looks nice. There are a number of physical locations and Internet sites which sell bar towels by the hundreds for a bulk price. This article details out where to buy bar towels.
Where do hermit crabs get their shells?

Where do hermit crabs get their shells?

Hermit crabs are a species of crustacean that has lost its natural shell, so it has to seek discarded shells from other species, notably gastropods. The crab roams until it finds a spare shell and then enters it. The crab will discard the shell as it grows in size and seek a new one.
What distinguishes Christian science?

What distinguishes Christian science?

Christian science explains how sin, disease and death are all illusions. Instead, it states that human beings should be focused on the spirituality of the universe to overcome their problems. Learn more about Christian science beliefs in this article.
A list of green businesses

A list of green businesses

The green companies listed in this article are 20 of the best businesses in the UK that are making efforts to act in an environmentally friendly fashion. By recognising that the world in which they do business is the same world in which they live, they are taking measures to ensure that their impact doesn't produce lasting damage to the environment.
How to compare the prices of cot top changers

How to compare the prices of cot top changers

This article looks at the benefits of using a cot top changer as opposed to alternative methods for changing your baby. It also guides you to where you can purchase a cot top changer for the best price.
The sources of pain relief for dogs

The sources of pain relief for dogs

Seeing one's best friend in pain can be absolutely-heart breaking, and it often leaves people asking 'Can I give my dog aspirin?', or 'Can dogs take ibuprofen?'. The answer, quite honestly, is an absolute no. There are, however, many other methods of dog pain relief, as can be seen below.
Wolves' pictures

Wolves' pictures

Wolves, which all belong to the genus Canis, have captured the human imagination for centuries, probably owing to the sense of beauty and danger that they convey. As a result, there are more wolf images in print and online than most other wild animals. In many cases, you may have to pay a fee to buy quality pictures of wolves. However, it doesn't mean that there aren't several free sources available, if you know where to search.