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Leisure and Culture: Activities, Exhibitions, and Must-Read Books

Find ideas for cultural activities, exhibitions to visit, books to read, and events not to miss in the cultural world.

Rencontre entre amis à organiser au restaurant Le Lion d’Or

Rencontre entre amis à organiser au restaurant Le Lion d’Or

Pour organiser une rencontre entre amis, vous pouvez vous rendre sur Woozgo. Le réseau social encourage tous les célibataires qui désirent faire de nouvelles connaissances et participer à des sorties à s’inscrire. Pour votre premier face à face avec vos nouveaux amis, vous pouvez les inviter au restaurant Le Lion d’Or. Situé à Amboise,
Woozgo : l’occasion de faire des rencontres selon vos choix

Woozgo : l’occasion de faire des rencontres selon vos choix

Sur Woozgo, les occasions de faire de nouvelles rencontres ne manquent pas. Afin d’offrir à ses membres la possibilité de choisir la façon de créer des rencontres, la plateforme les invite à utiliser les filtres de recherche mis à disposition. Ils pourront ainsi choisir de faire connaissance avec des personnes qui partagent les mêmes loisi
Un retour sur les chemins du blog:)

Un retour sur les chemins du blog:)

De retour sur le blog. Interruption de rédaction mais en réalité il n'y eut pas d'arrêt dans les passionnantes rencontres et recherches sur les chemins chrétiens de la terre de Turquie. Je vous montre quelques extraits de ces beautés . En attendant de tout vous présenter tout dans une jolie publication complète de ces belles ruines:) 1er ex
Kiwi style

Kiwi style

Alors pour rappel avant toute chose, le terme "Kiwi" peut ici s'utiliser pour un animal, un fruit ou ... un Néo-Zélandais. C'est d'espèce humaine locale dont je vais vous parler aujourd'hui et de quelque chose dont il est ultra fier, le 'style' Kiwi ou 'Kiwi style'. J'ai fait la première expérience du 'Kiwi style' très vite après mon arrivé


AMSTERDAM (juillet 2007) Au bord des plus fameux canaux (Herrengracht ...) Devant le Rijksmuseum Balade à vélo jusqu'à Marken GAND (juillet 2013)


GRENADE (mars 2010) Hôtel Parador dans l'Alhambra L'Alhambra SEVILLE (avril 2016) Vue sur la ville Cathédrale de Séville L'Alcazar Jardins de l'Alcazar Hôtel Sur les bords du Guadalquivir CORDOUE (mars 2016) En chemin arrêt à Carmona Mezquita Portail de la Mezquita
Le libéralisme

Le libéralisme

Je suis patron mais je vote Mélanchon, ce n'est pas un secret. Je préfère le dire cependant étant donné le sujet de cet article. Vous pourrez toujours me dire que mes arguments sont à charge ... La France n'est pas un pays libéral, pour l'instant. Le libéralisme de la Nouvelle-Zélande est assez modéré, mais laissez-moi vous décrire les
Top 5 endroits à visiter à Marrakech

Top 5 endroits à visiter à Marrakech

Marrakech, la ville ocre ou encore la perle du sud est l’un des plus belles destinations touristiques au monde, elle regorge d’activités et d’endroits à visiter. L’architecture impressionnante de ses monuments historiques, la courtoisie et l’hospitalité de ses habitants et la beauté de ses paysages sont juste quelques-unes des attract


SYDNEY Journée grise à Sydney De l'autre côté du pont : vue sur l'opéra, lee CBD, Kirribli House et la maison de l'Amirauté A la sortie du musée d'art contemporain Quartier The Rocks Jardin botanique de Sydney Au plus près de l'opéra Journée ensoleillée à Bondi Beach Balade sur le sentier de Bondi à Bronte Maisons victoriennes de Padd
Prologue Tour de l’AVM : Tour du Léman à l’envers

Prologue Tour de l’AVM : Tour du Léman à l’envers

182 km 1483 m et une belle rencontre On m’a demandé si j’étais malade après cette journée autour du lac Léman. La question n’était pas de savoir si j’avais perdu la tête d’entreprendre un périple de 185 km kilomètres à vélo. Mon ami s’interrogeait parce que cette journée ne comportait pas sa dose habituelle de dénivellation
Content on demand : Entertainment
How to cope when all my sons are moving out

How to cope when all my sons are moving out

Empty nest syndrome can be a very difficult time for a woman. She has given her time and energy to creating warm, happy home filled with the hustle and bustle of a growing family and suddenly the house is empty and her role as homemaker is redundant.
Where to find pugs for adoption

Where to find pugs for adoption

These days, it is easier than ever before to find certain breeds of dogs up for adoption. If you have decided that you would much rather give a rescue dog, such as a pug, a good home as opposed to buying a new puppy, read on to learn where to find pugs for adoption.
All about: The ink Spots

All about: The ink Spots

The Ink Spots were an American vocal group who began recording in the 1930s. They enjoyed a lengthy and influential career, being one of the first African-American actors to find wider acceptance amongst the white American community. Their work exerted a key influence about what became rhythm and blues and later rock'n'roll. This articles provides the career overview of the Ink spots.
What are the principles of integrated pest management programmes?

What are the principles of integrated pest management programmes?

Integrated pest management is a technique that blends chemical, biological and cultural techniques in a structured programme for dealing with pests. Chemicals are used carefully, so as not to be counterproductive by killing beneficial insects, which are selected to attack pest species. Cultural techniques, such as good hygiene and spraying, are a vital part of the process.
Australian Air Express: The facts

Australian Air Express: The facts

Australian Air Express (AaE) delivers across Australia as well as more than 200 other countries worldwide. The AaE has its own air and ground freighter network and can successfully provide day and night facilities even to the most remote areas. In this article you can find out more interesting facts about the Australian Air Express.
A guide to fitting mezzanine floors

A guide to fitting mezzanine floors

A mezzanine floor is located at a level intermediate to that of the main building floors. By using redundant headroom, mezzanines optimise space and increase the floor area. Mezzanine floors may also be used as observation decks overlooking a work space or creating area for storage systems. Their application is common in residential, commercial and industrial buildings. Read this guide to fitting mezzanine floors for information on planning and construction.
How to draw cartoon girls?

How to draw cartoon girls?

Being able to draw realistic-looking characters is a skill that a lot of people wish they could master. This step-by-step easy drawing tutorial will explain how to draw female characters - and the technique required to perfect the skill of cartoon drawing.
How to make a zebra-print shower curtain?

How to make a zebra-print shower curtain?

The love of animal-print fabric dates back to primitive mankind when animal skins were used as clothing. As time went on, animal skins were used by the kings as a form of power. During the 1960s, animal-print fabric became popular when used with clothing and other accessories such as curtains and more. With some zebra-print fabric, you can make your own animal-print shower curtains or a zebra-print shower curtain. This article explains how to make zebra-print shower curtains.
A guide to travelling to Singapore

A guide to travelling to Singapore

If you are considering to visit Singapore for your next vacation, then you should definitely read the following article. Whether you are visiting Singapore for a short weekend trip or for a long vacation, you are going to need a comprehensive Singapore guide. In the following review, learn all that you need to know about Singapore.
How to host a murder game in your home?

How to host a murder game in your home?

Hosting a murder mystery game in your home can be a great way to get some friends together for an evening and have a lot of fun. Murder mystery party games are essentially a series of clues played out by each guest over the course of an evening as part of a script. This article will explain how to host a murder mystery evening.
A guide to Atlantis in the Bahamas

A guide to Atlantis in the Bahamas

The Atlantis Resort and Casino in the Bahamas is a unique resort for many reasons. It offers guests world class dining, access to a Marine Park, and even is home to one of the most expensive hotels in the world. It certainly is a place worth visiting.
What will an online psychology degree teach me?

What will an online psychology degree teach me?

Studying psychology online can be a great option for prospective students. What you will learn in this online setting can differ slightly, but you will ,for the most part, obtain the same education as you would in a traditional institution. Here are some more information on psychology courses online.
How to get deals on Subway subs

How to get deals on Subway subs

Getting a discount or cheap deal on a Subway sub is easily achieved in the UK. Many Subway stores give away booklets full of vouchers that you can use to make savings on subs as well as drinks and confectionery goods. Furthermore, Subway in the UK operates the subcard loyalty points scheme, where consumers can collect points when purchasing goods in Subway.
What is the aim of divorce mediation?

What is the aim of divorce mediation?

Couples seeking a divorce are usually invited to seek family mediation. This can help married couples to file for divorce when there is no possibility of reconciliation, or it can help couples realise that they are not yet ready for such a final step. Divorce in the UK usually involves couples with children. As divorce rates increase, mediators who can supply useful, impartial divorce information are becoming increasingly useful.
The benefits of open-ended questions

The benefits of open-ended questions

An open-ended question is one which is phrased in such a manner as to encourage a meaningful answer using the subjects’ knowledge or feelings. They are rather objective in nature and provide an opportunity for a person to come up with an answer that is pertinent to him or her. Such questions implicitly ask for a response in the person's own words and is not limiting.
What is a root canal?

What is a root canal?

Most people will have heard of the term ‘root canal’ at some point, it’s often bandied about by dentists and people suffering from toothache. What exactly is a root canal? Why is it is so important for teeth treatment? Find out in this article.
Calculating solar panel efficiency

Calculating solar panel efficiency

The escalating prices of energy are coupled with a growing demand for green energy. Hence, it becomes imperative for engineers and scientists to come up with efficient energy sources. Since only a minuscule fraction of solar energy is in use, there is a need to come up with highly efficient solar PV panels. Hence, a large potential of solar energy can be harnessed to power homes and businesses.
How to encourage young writers

How to encourage young writers

Some children love writing and making up stories and poems. How can you support their gift and nurture them as the writers of the future. This article looks at the ways in which you can encourage young writers.
How to create baby shower invitations for free

How to create baby shower invitations for free

Baby showers, while not being known by that name, have been around for a long time. Baby showers, then as well as now, celebrate the transition into motherhood. You can create baby shower invitations for free by following the tips in this article.
A travel guide to southwestern England

A travel guide to southwestern England

Southwestern England has some of the best coast in the country and is a beautiful area to escape to. It is easily accessible by car or train from London and is a great way to visit another side of the UK.
British Horse Society: The facts

British Horse Society: The facts

The British Horse Society promotes the interests of horses, riders, riding and high quality breeding. It campaigns for rights of way such as bridleways, against the mistreatment of horses and for increased motorist awareness of horses. Its functions include providing a range of certificates in equine care and riding, and the courses that lead up to them.
How to win at craps?

How to win at craps?

While there are craps strategies and bets that offer straight up or close odds, you are still playing against the house. An irrefutable rule in life is that, over time, the the house ALWAYS wins. That said, playing craps can be very enjoyable, and the odds it offers are fair. Below is an overview of the rules of craps and the odds each bet pays. Knowing them will help improve a player win ratios.
All about: Official PlayStation Magazine

All about: Official PlayStation Magazine

The Official PlayStation Magazine is a publication based in the United Kingdom that provides news on all things PlayStation. The magazine was originally distributed every three months, but from the second issue, it became a monthly magazine. The magazine generally covers the PlayStation Three (PS3) and PlayStation Portable (PSP) platforms. This article gives you an overview of the Official PlayStation Magazine.
Where to find a free map of the Netherlands

Where to find a free map of the Netherlands

Are you thinking of travelling to the Netherlands for your next long holiday or for a short weekend break? Are you wondering where you can find a free map of the Netherlands? Read the following article and find out all the interesting facts that you should know about the Netherlands maps that you will need. Also, learn where you can find them for free.
The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

The Seven wonders of the Ancient World are an ancient tourist itinerary compiled in the second century B.C. They take in sights in Egypt, Greece, Asia [modern Turkey] and the Aegean Islands. Only one of them stands nowadays, the others having been destroyed by a combination of earthquakes, wars and human malpractice. This article provides an insight into the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
Voyages of Discovery: what cruises do they offer?

Voyages of Discovery: what cruises do they offer?

Captain James Cook undertook his voyages of discovery during the 18th century. Now, Voyages of Discovery ( offers a plethora of cruise trips all over the world. This article is an overview of the cruises that they offer.
Attractions to visit on cheap Thailand holidays

Attractions to visit on cheap Thailand holidays

Thai holidays can still be great value if you are considering a trip to the Far East. Bargain flights and package deals can be found at certain times of the year. It is also important to note that because of the dynamic nature of Thailand, there are many cheap attractions here and also some that do not cost a penny.
A guide to Playa Dorada in the Dominican Republic

A guide to Playa Dorada in the Dominican Republic

Playa Dorada is a Dominican all-inclusive resort community located at the north coast of the island of the Dominican Republic. The popular city of Puerto Plata is just five km away from Playa Dorada. indicates that this resort community receives the greatest amount of 'all-inclusive tourists' to the north coast of the Dominican Republic. This article acts as a guide to Playa Dorada in the Dominican Republic.
A review of Oh! The Places You'll Go by Dr Seuss

A review of Oh! The Places You'll Go by Dr Seuss

The Dr Seuss classic childhood book, Oh, The Places You'll Go! has the distinction of becoming a book associated with students, all through their educational experiences. Kids learn to read with Dr Seuss books, and Oh, The Places You'll Go, is often read to groups of students at transitional stages, such as moving-up to the next school and school graduations.
Where can I get an English-to-Turkish translator online?

Where can I get an English-to-Turkish translator online?

Are you a professional translator and you often find yourself in need of help? Have you ever found yourself wondering about the meaning of a certain word which you have heard? If yes, then you already have the probably to resort to an online translation tool. If you are still wondering where you can find online translation services, then you should definitely read the following article. Find out all the interesting facts which you need to know about English to Turkish online translation tools.
Where to buy a wedding guest book

Where to buy a wedding guest book

Now you have sent out the wedding invites, it is time to purchase a wedding guest book and wedding pen to allow your guests to leave special notes and form a wedding keepsake. If you are unsure of where to get hold of a good quality wedding guest book, read on to learn more and save money.
Where to find free online maths games

Where to find free online maths games

If you are looking to further your mathematical knowledge from the comfort of your own home (and without the use of boring textbooks), then academic games may be the solution. Learn more about the best online mathematical games and where to find them.
Where to find cheap Dubai holidays

Where to find cheap Dubai holidays

Set in the United Arab Emirates, Dubai is the modern day land of opportunity and top location for glamorous beach hotels. With some careful planning, it's possible to find some cheap deals to Dubai. Knowing where to look will help to make that all inclusive Dubai break more affordable. For top tips on bargain exotic travel and one of the best holidays in Dubai, read the article.
A guide to Boston Museum of Science

A guide to Boston Museum of Science

Do you want to see a butterfly garden, visit the undiscovered world of the sun, learn about cosmic collisions, or even discover and venture Australia or the Great Lakes without actually going there? If yes, then ‘Museum of Science’ in Boston, Massachusetts should be your destination. This article will serve as a guide to the Boston science museum.
ManchesterOnline: Review and rate

ManchesterOnline: Review and rate

ManchesterOnline is a daily, online local newspaper site that brings all of the latest news from the Manchester City area. It currently holds the award for the 'best daily newspaper Internet site' from the newspaper society new media awards. This article will provide a review on this newspaper.
A guide to the map of Arkansas

A guide to the map of Arkansas

Abbreviated to AR, the state of Arkansas is located in the southern United States, in the band often referred to as the 'Bible Belt' of states. Its eastern border is largely defined by the Mississippi River, and it shares a border with six other states. The state's soil is rich and fertile and it is home to many lakes and forests.
A guide to getting an Australian working visa

A guide to getting an Australian working visa

With the sublime weather, beautiful beaches and great outdoors lifestyle on offer, it is easy to see why Australia is attractive to many people. There has been a massive boom in the number of people packing up and heading down under to start anew. While the change in lifestyle may seem a daunting task to face, the process of getting an Australian working holiday visa is quite simple.
The benefits of a foam mat while camping

The benefits of a foam mat while camping

Camping is a pass-time, which is enjoyed by many. Camping can incorporate a holiday, relaxation and also exercise. The great outdoors provide a great way for people to get away from the stresses of everyday life, and the hustle and bustle of the city.
What do the small intestines do?

What do the small intestines do?

The small intestines are an essential part of the human digestive system and are used to absorb the nutrients found in the already digested food - it is said that around 95% of absorption takes place along this six-metre tract. This article will discuss the structure and function of the small intestines in much greater detail.
Buying guide: large rabbit hutches

Buying guide: large rabbit hutches

Having a large rabbit hutch is very important for the rabbit’s health and well-being. If kept in a small cage, the animal will get fat and out of shape and it’s likely to be bored. Bored bunnies chew on cages and bowls and things it shouldn’t eat. Sometimes they chew on themselves.
How to use an air pressure gauge in a pneumatic system

How to use an air pressure gauge in a pneumatic system

An air pressure gauge is an instrument used for measuring the pressure. It is used in pneumatic systems like air compressors, air cylinders, air supplies and filling systems. It is useful for monitoring and testing pneumatic systems. An air pressure gauge can measure pneumatic and hydraulic pressure of gases, compressed air and low viscosity non-aggressive fluids. This article provides a guide to using an air pressure gauge in a pneumatic system.
All about: Florist Supplies UK

All about: Florist Supplies UK

Florist Supplies UK are the UK's premier importer and wholesaler of florist sundries, as well as artificial flowers with over thirty years of experience in the florist trade.The company do not supply flowers to the general public and will only supply to florist shops, garden centres, market traders and bona fide florist traders.
An explanation of the Abilene Paradox

An explanation of the Abilene Paradox

The theory known as the Abilene Paradox: The Management of Agreement was created by Jerry B Harvey, a professor of management science at the George Washington University in Washington DC. After a personal experience, he realised that organisations often take actions, contrary to what they really want to do, and thereby, defeat the very purpose of the action.
A guide to concrete recycling

A guide to concrete recycling

Recycled concrete is much more valuable than virgin materials. Along with eliminating the need to transfer new materials, it also reduces carbon emissions. This article looks at the benefits of using old materials by preventing the unnecessary build-up of waste.
A guide to choosing a serenity day spa

A guide to choosing a serenity day spa

People nowadays live in stressful times and it has become difficult to fully relax and be at peace even for a few minutes, which is the reason why spa trips have become essential. Going to a serenity day spa is all about pampering, relaxation and being able to recharge to continue with normal life.
Where to find pictures of frogs

Where to find pictures of frogs

Frogs come in many shapes and sizes. There are over 5,000 species of frog distributed worldwide, from tropical to sub-arctic regions and are considered as one the most diverse vertebrate group on the planet. This article will give some information about the life history of frogs and where you can find some cool photos of these amazing animals.
Where to find pizza deals

Where to find pizza deals

Popular for all types of people and occasions, you should always be on the lookout for great pizza deals. After all, you never know when you'll need to feed a group of people - or get a food that's great for leftovers. Consider the following tips for locating some great pizza deals.
Where do hermit crabs get their shells?

Where do hermit crabs get their shells?

Hermit crabs are a species of crustacean that has lost its natural shell, so it has to seek discarded shells from other species, notably gastropods. The crab roams until it finds a spare shell and then enters it. The crab will discard the shell as it grows in size and seek a new one.
What distinguishes Christian science?

What distinguishes Christian science?

Christian science explains how sin, disease and death are all illusions. Instead, it states that human beings should be focused on the spirituality of the universe to overcome their problems. Learn more about Christian science beliefs in this article.
A list of green businesses

A list of green businesses

The green companies listed in this article are 20 of the best businesses in the UK that are making efforts to act in an environmentally friendly fashion. By recognising that the world in which they do business is the same world in which they live, they are taking measures to ensure that their impact doesn't produce lasting damage to the environment.
Sample wedding thank you notes

Sample wedding thank you notes

You’ve had a great wedding day and received loads of gifts but now its time to thank people for their presents. How do you say thanks? Our sample wedding thank yous will give you an idea to how to write them whether you want to write formally or informally.
How to get rid of dog worms

How to get rid of dog worms

Worms are a reality in most dogs and puppies at some point in their lives. Worms in puppies are very common. Parasites in dogs can lead to numerous health issues and even death. For that reason, the more you know about canine worms, the better it is for the health and wellness of your best furry friend.
Wolves' pictures

Wolves' pictures

Wolves, which all belong to the genus Canis, have captured the human imagination for centuries, probably owing to the sense of beauty and danger that they convey. As a result, there are more wolf images in print and online than most other wild animals. In many cases, you may have to pay a fee to buy quality pictures of wolves. However, it doesn't mean that there aren't several free sources available, if you know where to search.