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Leisure and Culture: Activities, Exhibitions, and Must-Read Books

Find ideas for cultural activities, exhibitions to visit, books to read, and events not to miss in the cultural world.

Rencontre entre amis à organiser au restaurant Le Lion d’Or

Rencontre entre amis à organiser au restaurant Le Lion d’Or

Pour organiser une rencontre entre amis, vous pouvez vous rendre sur Woozgo. Le réseau social encourage tous les célibataires qui désirent faire de nouvelles connaissances et participer à des sorties à s’inscrire. Pour votre premier face à face avec vos nouveaux amis, vous pouvez les inviter au restaurant Le Lion d’Or. Situé à Amboise,
Woozgo : l’occasion de faire des rencontres selon vos choix

Woozgo : l’occasion de faire des rencontres selon vos choix

Sur Woozgo, les occasions de faire de nouvelles rencontres ne manquent pas. Afin d’offrir à ses membres la possibilité de choisir la façon de créer des rencontres, la plateforme les invite à utiliser les filtres de recherche mis à disposition. Ils pourront ainsi choisir de faire connaissance avec des personnes qui partagent les mêmes loisi
Un retour sur les chemins du blog:)

Un retour sur les chemins du blog:)

De retour sur le blog. Interruption de rédaction mais en réalité il n'y eut pas d'arrêt dans les passionnantes rencontres et recherches sur les chemins chrétiens de la terre de Turquie. Je vous montre quelques extraits de ces beautés . En attendant de tout vous présenter tout dans une jolie publication complète de ces belles ruines:) 1er ex
Kiwi style

Kiwi style

Alors pour rappel avant toute chose, le terme "Kiwi" peut ici s'utiliser pour un animal, un fruit ou ... un Néo-Zélandais. C'est d'espèce humaine locale dont je vais vous parler aujourd'hui et de quelque chose dont il est ultra fier, le 'style' Kiwi ou 'Kiwi style'. J'ai fait la première expérience du 'Kiwi style' très vite après mon arrivé


AMSTERDAM (juillet 2007) Au bord des plus fameux canaux (Herrengracht ...) Devant le Rijksmuseum Balade à vélo jusqu'à Marken GAND (juillet 2013)


GRENADE (mars 2010) Hôtel Parador dans l'Alhambra L'Alhambra SEVILLE (avril 2016) Vue sur la ville Cathédrale de Séville L'Alcazar Jardins de l'Alcazar Hôtel Sur les bords du Guadalquivir CORDOUE (mars 2016) En chemin arrêt à Carmona Mezquita Portail de la Mezquita
Le libéralisme

Le libéralisme

Je suis patron mais je vote Mélanchon, ce n'est pas un secret. Je préfère le dire cependant étant donné le sujet de cet article. Vous pourrez toujours me dire que mes arguments sont à charge ... La France n'est pas un pays libéral, pour l'instant. Le libéralisme de la Nouvelle-Zélande est assez modéré, mais laissez-moi vous décrire les
Top 5 endroits à visiter à Marrakech

Top 5 endroits à visiter à Marrakech

Marrakech, la ville ocre ou encore la perle du sud est l’un des plus belles destinations touristiques au monde, elle regorge d’activités et d’endroits à visiter. L’architecture impressionnante de ses monuments historiques, la courtoisie et l’hospitalité de ses habitants et la beauté de ses paysages sont juste quelques-unes des attract


SYDNEY Journée grise à Sydney De l'autre côté du pont : vue sur l'opéra, lee CBD, Kirribli House et la maison de l'Amirauté A la sortie du musée d'art contemporain Quartier The Rocks Jardin botanique de Sydney Au plus près de l'opéra Journée ensoleillée à Bondi Beach Balade sur le sentier de Bondi à Bronte Maisons victoriennes de Padd
Prologue Tour de l’AVM : Tour du Léman à l’envers

Prologue Tour de l’AVM : Tour du Léman à l’envers

182 km 1483 m et une belle rencontre On m’a demandé si j’étais malade après cette journée autour du lac Léman. La question n’était pas de savoir si j’avais perdu la tête d’entreprendre un périple de 185 km kilomètres à vélo. Mon ami s’interrogeait parce que cette journée ne comportait pas sa dose habituelle de dénivellation
Content on demand : Entertainment
Youth With A Mission England: The facts

Youth With A Mission England: The facts

Youth With A Mission (YWAM) England is a Christian ministry which is part of YWAM International with the main aim of helping the British youth to know God better, and to make Him known to others around the world. Since YWAM first began in 1960, the ministry has been focused primarily upon providing young people with opportunities to demonstrate the love of God to people. This article details the facts about Youth With A Mission England.
How to get foster children in the UK

How to get foster children in the UK

Children may enter foster care for short or longer periods because their families are unable to take care of them. This article explains what fostering is and outlines the steps to fostering children in the UK.
All about: The ink Spots

All about: The ink Spots

The Ink Spots were an American vocal group who began recording in the 1930s. They enjoyed a lengthy and influential career, being one of the first African-American actors to find wider acceptance amongst the white American community. Their work exerted a key influence about what became rhythm and blues and later rock'n'roll. This articles provides the career overview of the Ink spots.
A guide to getting a job in dairy farming

A guide to getting a job in dairy farming

Getting a job in dairy farming involves acquiring the right range of skills that you will need in the job. This can be done by attending certain college courses, and getting work experience. There are also several sources of job adverts, such as newspapers and websites that will attract the potential dairy worker. This article therefore provides a guide to getting a job in dairy farming.
how to save money with last minute bookings

how to save money with last minute bookings

Many UK travellers are under the assumption that booking flights and travel package deals early is the cheapest method. While this is true most of the time, it is possible to find last minute holiday deals. Here, we will examine the ins and outs of saving money on last minute holiday bookings.
An architect's guide to the hip roof

An architect's guide to the hip roof

In modern times, if you happen to see bungalows and cottages, you will notice that the majority of them will be fitted with a 'Hipped roof' or a 'Hip roof'. This is because this style of roofing tends to evoke both comfort and practicality. Here follows a brief guide to this pretty architectural construction.
How to draw Eiffel Tower pictures

How to draw Eiffel Tower pictures

One of the most famous and instantly-recognisable landmarks in the world is the Eiffel Tower in Paris. It is also one of the most beautiful, at least as far as man-made structures are concerned. Its design construction replete with intricate patterns has made it a favourite of Paris images for artists since its originally conception. So why not have a go at drawing it yourself? The execution may appear a little daunting, but this guide will show you how in a few simple steps.
How to make an oil drizzler

How to make an oil drizzler

An oil drizzler is an essential kitchen gadget. They are useful in dressing salads or preparing meals. They can make your kitchen look good and make you feel like a real cook. Sadly, however, they can be a bit costly to buy. The article below shows you an easy step-by-step way to make an oil drizzler.
How to enjoy a trip to Thailand

How to enjoy a trip to Thailand

Thailand is more than just beaches and clear blue waters. If this is your first holiday to the kingdom, you are probably anxious to see as much scenery as possible. Here's how you can make your trip to Thailand one that you will never forget.
How to host a murder game in your home?

How to host a murder game in your home?

Hosting a murder mystery game in your home can be a great way to get some friends together for an evening and have a lot of fun. Murder mystery party games are essentially a series of clues played out by each guest over the course of an evening as part of a script. This article will explain how to host a murder mystery evening.
How to find holidays in Cuba

How to find holidays in Cuba

Cuba is a captivating, vibrant Island, filled with music, laughter, brightly-painted houses and even brighter old cars. Although, its history under Fidel Castro has meant that its not been one of the more popular Caribbean destinations, recent changes show that everyone wants to go to Cuba. The main language is Spanish and it will help if you can speak even a little of Lingo.
All about: Eccles college

All about: Eccles college

Eccles College was an English further education college which was situated in the Manchester suburb of Eccles. It recently ceased to exist as an autonomous, separate entity and is now a fully incorporated part of Salford City College. What follows is a handy guide to all about Eccles College, what it was and what it is today.
About the Department of Trade and Industry

About the Department of Trade and Industry

The Department of Trade and Industry - also referred to as DTI - was a UK government department up until June 2007. It was then replaced by the creation of the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform and the Department of Innovation,, Universities and Skills. However, essentially the department has a new title but does much the same work.
How to save a relationship

How to save a relationship

Love makes life beautiful, the relationship between two people being the foundation. However, there arise many setbacks in life that test and risk the love of your life. This article explains the beauty and importance of a healthy relationship, helping you to get love back.
A review of Interracial Dating Central

A review of Interracial Dating Central

These days, with so many people busy in life, it can be hard to find time to meet that special someone. This is the reason why dating agencies have greatly increased in number, particularly on the internet. Learn more about the interracial agency, known as Interracial Dating Central.
All about: The British Dental Association

All about: The British Dental Association

The British Dental Association is the biggest voluntary membership organisation in the UK that is especially designed for dentists. This article looks at what the BDA is.
How to compare gas and electric providers

How to compare gas and electric providers

Energy is the backbone of an economy, and as energy demand across the UK keeps on escalating, so are companies finding themselves with the avid task of affording quality service to their customers at reasonable prices. Many people are thus in constant need to compare gas and electric providers across the country, so as to make an informed decision in an attempt to receive quality power at low costs. This is how to compare energy providers.
A guide to free online courses

A guide to free online courses

A lot of people are interested in taking online college courses to enhance their educational background, improve their resumes, increase their chances for employment or promotion or simply to learn some additional information on a particular interest. Find out where you can obtain free online courses in the comfort of your home without having to attend formal classes in college.
All about: Fancy dress themes

All about: Fancy dress themes

Have you just been told that there's a fancy dress party? Are you thinking of a theme for your own party? You may be looking for Halloween ideas for costumes. Here are a few fancy dress themes that are popular, and are easy to do at home.
What to look for in Gran Canaria holidays

What to look for in Gran Canaria holidays

The Canary Islands, off the coast of Africa but under the government of Spain are the perfect place for a year round holiday break. Let's look at the second largest of the islands, Gran Canaria.
All about Horse & Rider magazine

All about Horse & Rider magazine

Horse & Rider is a general purpose horse magazine that caters for people who are interested in a wide range of equestrian activities. It includes articles and features from well-known experts, news and competitions. There is a strong shop section that offers horse related items, ranging from properties with stables down to gear and horses.
Premium Bond winners: The facts

Premium Bond winners: The facts

In today’s current economic climate, the word ‘Investment’ can scare even the most hardened economist. Nevertheless, all Premium Bonds have still remained popular with everyday citizens, with 40% of the population in June 2011 holding some bonds. However, how wise an investment is a Premium Bond, and what are the chances of gaining a return?
Where to buy cheap Sony PSP games

Where to buy cheap Sony PSP games

Sony PSPs are an extremely popular hand-held computer console, and games can be bought for a variety of prices for both new and second-hand games. This article wil be looking at the best places to get hold of a cheap game.
Where to find a free map of the Netherlands

Where to find a free map of the Netherlands

Are you thinking of travelling to the Netherlands for your next long holiday or for a short weekend break? Are you wondering where you can find a free map of the Netherlands? Read the following article and find out all the interesting facts that you should know about the Netherlands maps that you will need. Also, learn where you can find them for free.
The story of Camp Hope (Chile)

The story of Camp Hope (Chile)

Camp Hope, Chile, was a short-lived tent city which grew up around the scene of a mining disaster. It was not originally planned, but evolved spontaneously from a group of relatives camping in cars outside the mine to a well-organised site with good facilities. It lasted for about two months until the miners were rescued.
A guide to villas in Fuerteventura

A guide to villas in Fuerteventura

Are you thinking of travelling to the Canary Islands and staying at Furteventura for your next holiday? Either you are visiting Fuerteventura for a long holiday or you only have time for a short trip, consider renting a Fuerteventura villa. Read the following article and find out all that you need to know about Fuerteventura villas for rent.
How to save money on Asian cruises

How to save money on Asian cruises

As the cruise industry continues to grow, many travellers consider a trip on a great ship with the sight seeing experiences of a land holiday. Asian cruises provide tourists with multi-stop, far east holidays, enabling them to see several countries on one cruise trip. These holidays don't have to cost a fortune. Follow the article for some valuable money-saving tips.
What to do on holidays in Peru

What to do on holidays in Peru

Are you thinking of undertaking a Peru trip for your next holiday? Whether it is your first time visiting the Peru or you have visited the area before, you definitely need to read this comprehensive Peru guide. Read the following article and find out all the interesting facts that you should know about Peru, including where to go and what to do.
The story of the Revised Standard Version Bible

The story of the Revised Standard Version Bible

The Revised Standard Version (rsv) Bible is a popular and celebrated translation of the Bible. The New Testament version was first printed in 1946, followed by the Old Testament translation in 1952. The aim of the RSV Bible is, according to its translators, "To put the message of the Bible in simple, enduring words" to make it an easy-to-read Bible. The following article provides you with an overview of the Revised Standard Version Bible.
Where can I get an English-to-Turkish translator online?

Where can I get an English-to-Turkish translator online?

Are you a professional translator and you often find yourself in need of help? Have you ever found yourself wondering about the meaning of a certain word which you have heard? If yes, then you already have the probably to resort to an online translation tool. If you are still wondering where you can find online translation services, then you should definitely read the following article. Find out all the interesting facts which you need to know about English to Turkish online translation tools.
A guide to booking Cyprus weddings

A guide to booking Cyprus weddings

Cyprus is a beautiful island, which is why it is a very popular wedding venue. Of course, if you want to have a dream wedding abroad, there are some things which you should remember. This article will tell you what you need to know when arranging a wedding in Cyprus.
An introduction to calculus

An introduction to calculus

How to get late deals to Egypt

How to get late deals to Egypt

Finding a late holiday deal to Egypt is relatively straightforward. Tracking down the best and latest possible deals for your Egyptian adventure can be achieved in a number of ways, including holiday websites, low cost holiday comparison websites and using your local travel agent, such as Thompson holidays, Thomas Cook, Going Places and First Choice.
Willow Creek Community Church: The facts

Willow Creek Community Church: The facts

Willow Creek Community Church describes itself as a megachurch, meaning that it is large community with satellite congregations. It belongs to the evangelical movement and has a strong outreach ministry that aims to bring the gospel to excluded groups. It associates with other evangelical churches in outreach ministry through the Willow Creek Association.
Where to see Robin Williams stand-up comedy

Where to see Robin Williams stand-up comedy

Everyone has seen at least one of Robin Williams movies. He has featured in countless roles from films such as Mrs. Doubtfire, Good Will Hunting, Flubber and many more. He has also won a whole host of awards, Academy Awards, Emmy Awards, Golden Globe Awards and Grammy Awards. This American actor and comedian has done a number of stand-up tours since the 1970s. One of his most famous shows Robin Williams LIVE on Broadway broke a number of records with tickets selling out within 30 minutes of going on sale. After a long a gruelling break for the fans, Robin Williams stand-up comedy shows are back!
Visiting Alameda County

Visiting Alameda County

Alameda County is located in the East Bay section of the San Francisco Bay Area. It can easily be reached from San Francisco, by crossing the Bay Bridge. If you are planning to visit, good attractions can be found in the city of Alameda, along with Oakland and Berkeley. Here's a look at some things to do.
Five reasons to move to New Zealand

Five reasons to move to New Zealand

Anyone who watched the Lord of the Rings Trilogy has already fallen in love with the beautiful and majestic landscape of New Zealand. If you add to that the safety aspect, the low unemployment figures and a stable economy, the friendly people, a good lifestyle and low cost of living, then immigration to New Zealand is a must.
How to become a public notary?

How to become a public notary?

A public notary, also called as notary, is a public officer who serves the public through the administration of oaths and affirmations. A notary is responsible for making affidavits and statutory declarations. He/she is also involved in the authentication and execution of certain documents and so on. These acts are also known as notarisation. This article provides a guide to becoming a public notary.
What do the small intestines do?

What do the small intestines do?

The small intestines are an essential part of the human digestive system and are used to absorb the nutrients found in the already digested food - it is said that around 95% of absorption takes place along this six-metre tract. This article will discuss the structure and function of the small intestines in much greater detail.
A guide to Beta Dog Food

A guide to Beta Dog Food

Purina is a company that was founded in 1902. The founder of the company, William H. Danforth, created a log that was modelled on red and white checked clothing which a family he knew as a child wore. In 2001, Purina and Nestlé merged, becoming one of the largest pet food companies all over the world. Beta dog food is popular in the UK, and can offer nutrition for your dog.
How does an atomic absorption spectrophotometer work?

How does an atomic absorption spectrophotometer work?

Atomic absorption spectroscopy sounds complicated, and while, in practice, it is, the basic principles and methods can be easily understood by anyone with a basic understanding of how atoms work. Below is a look at the key principles that an atomic absorption spectrophotometer uses and how they are apllied to analyse a sample.
All about: Florist Supplies UK

All about: Florist Supplies UK

Florist Supplies UK are the UK's premier importer and wholesaler of florist sundries, as well as artificial flowers with over thirty years of experience in the florist trade.The company do not supply flowers to the general public and will only supply to florist shops, garden centres, market traders and bona fide florist traders.
Why psychics can never be for real

Why psychics can never be for real

A psychic is an individual who can supposedly sense things that are not accessible through ordinary sensory perceptions. There are many people who claim to be psychics, but is psychic ability supported by science? Read this article to find out why psychics can never be for real.
Where to recycle a mobile phone for cash

Where to recycle a mobile phone for cash

Do you have a collection of unused mobile phones gathering dust in the bottom of a drawer or cupboard that never see the light of day? You can get cash for recycling all your unused or unwanted phones, so instead of leaving them in the dark, read the guide below to discover where to recycle your mobile phones for cash.
Where to buy a portable massage bed

Where to buy a portable massage bed

While it used to be that to obtain a massage you had to go to a spa, massages that occur at home are increasing. Due to a re-evaluation of massage as a therapy for many symptoms and more portable equipment becoming available, individuals began to request services in their homes. Massage therapists began providing this service as they learnt that it was more profitable than being paid on commission or by the hour.
The African clawed frog

The African clawed frog

The African clawed frog is the only clawed amphibian and is found in Sub-Saharan Africa, with one species found in the South East and another in the West. It is characterised by a number of claws on its feet and some other distinguishing characteristics which render it quite different from other frogs. It is a species that dwells in rivers and ponds.
A guide to hiring a community hall

A guide to hiring a community hall

Do you need to hire a hall for an event? What about a local community centre? Community halls can be inexpensive to hire and might provide you with a suitable venue. Have a look at our guide for more information.
All about: Shark attacks in South Africa

All about: Shark attacks in South Africa

What distinguishes Christian science?

What distinguishes Christian science?

Christian science explains how sin, disease and death are all illusions. Instead, it states that human beings should be focused on the spirituality of the universe to overcome their problems. Learn more about Christian science beliefs in this article.
A list of green businesses

A list of green businesses

The green companies listed in this article are 20 of the best businesses in the UK that are making efforts to act in an environmentally friendly fashion. By recognising that the world in which they do business is the same world in which they live, they are taking measures to ensure that their impact doesn't produce lasting damage to the environment.
Fun and educational games for toddlers

Fun and educational games for toddlers

The toddler years constitute a busy and learning time. Providing fun and educational games at this stage is a great idea. The following article provides some suggestions on where to find such activities.
The types of essential puppy shots

The types of essential puppy shots

Puppies’ health need to be taken care of by their owners. An essential part of dogs’ health care is the administration of puppy vaccines. This article provides puppy’s owners with information about the types of puppy shots that are essential for the health of their animals. Puppies may get infected with diseases such as canine distemper, rabies, canine adenovirus and parvorvirus without the administration of proper vaccines.
All about: Scotland's water voles and their conservation

All about: Scotland's water voles and their conservation