Leisure and Culture: Activities, Exhibitions, and Must-Read Books
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Après 7 heures de route sous une pluie d’orage et un snack canadien, arrivée au Bed & Breakfast en fin de soirée pour un week-end de rencontres et de visites avec d’autres enseignants en échanges principalement australiens.
La visite en bateau ayant été annulée au dernier moment, nous l’avons remplacée par une visite en bus.
Le châte
Plus vraiment l’hiver... et pas tout à fait le printemps, mais déjà de belles couleurs. Promenades à Mount Bridges.
Neige au réveil en ce 28 avril.
Jeudi soir pluvieux sur la route de l’aéroport de Toronto
Vendredi un peu plus sec, qui nous a permis une belle promenade dans London Dowtown, à la découverte des bâtiments religieux, puis un bon repas au Garlic’s avant de nous rendre à Port Stanley pour profiter de la jetée à nouveau ouverte.
Samedi était tellement pluvieux qu’après
Où même la marmotte profite du soleil 🌞, suivie d’un dimanche pluvieux, occupé à peindre avec Natalie, qui m’a offert cette sortie pour mon anniversaire 💕
Retour de la neige pour ce début du mois d’avril, mais avec le soleil s’il vous plaît et la découverte des poissons d’avril par mes élèves !
Buffet de bonbons pour aider nos neurones à mieux fonctionner en ce vendredi pédagogique destiné à la formation. Pour le premier week-end d’avril, le soleil et la chaleur sont au rendez-vous e
La neige me manquait ;) je n’avais pas eu l’occasion de m’essayer à la motoneige. Me voilà donc partie pour 6h de route. Après avoir admiré un nouveau coucher de soleil spectaculaire, les derniers 68 km s’effectuent à travers la forêt sur une route bien abîmée par les températures glaciales et la neige abondante des derniers mois e
Les élèves m’en avaient parlé à plusieurs reprises, nous les avons goûtés, avant de partir pour St Jacob’s, ville de Mennonites.
Et retour par Waterloo après un bon goûter. 🍪☕️
4ème jour
5e jour : départ pour Huntsville dans le Nord de l’Ontario.
Petit routier entre Huntsville et Toronto.
Queues de Castor pour le goûter avan
Cette semaine de vacances est bienvenue au milieu de l’hiver. Mes amis arrivent de France et nous avons prévu de nombreuses visites. Nous avons commencé par les pistes de ski et de tubbing de Boler Mountain.
Puis Kinsmen Sugar Bush,une « cabane à sucre » où nous avons tout appris sur la production de sirop d’érable et avons dégusté des
Ici l’hiver fait de la résistance. Ce matin —11 degrés et 10 cm de neige plus 3 annoncés pour demain. Mais c’est toujours aussi beau ! Et moins froid que les semaines précédentes ou tout était figé dans la glace.
Samedi, j’ai eu envie de retourner à la plage pour marcher au bord de l’eau... surprise !
Sur la route du retour, déto
Content on demand : Entertainment
Your teenage years can be a worrying and upsetting time, especially if you feel that you don't fit in with the most popular crowd. There is in every school all over the world a popular girl or boy who will have all popular people following him or her and so, the "in crowd" is formed. Take a look at how you can fit in.
Across the world, international adoptions have increased in recent years. In the UK, the number of international adoptions are low as compared to other EU nations such as France, Italy and Spain. As international adoption awareness becomes more prominent in the UK, more families will choose to adopt. These families will benefit from the guide to overseas adoption found in this article.
Kenya has some of the best safari parks in Africa. Its west coast and islands are attractive destinations for African beach holidays. Nairobi, Kenya's capital, is where most international flights land.
If you wish to organise your travel, be sure to make a stop at Vantage Travel. The travel managers of the company will offer you a quality travel experience and great services that will make your trip experience of a lifetime. It is sure that Vantage Travel will exceed your expectations.
Universal is a global motion picture production company, commonly referred to as either Universal Studios or Universal City Studios. Owned by NBC Universal, a subsidiary of Comcast and General Electric, it began as a relatively small studio and has grown to one of the largest major movie studios known to man. Their library extends as far back as the first movies.
The English writer and painter Percy Wyndham Lewis was one of the most imaginative artists of the 20th century. His paintings depicted the dynamism of the industrial world. Lewis wrote novels, plays, autobiographies and critical articles attacking modern art and society.
Making birthday cards is great fun, and you can make them even more personal by adding in photos. Give them to family and friends in order to put a smile on their faces. This article will provide a guide to the making of photo birthday cards.
In snooker, players must use their cue (and other pool equipment) to cue the cue ball such that the object ball travels at the appropriate angle into one of the six pockets. If one is successful at this, one gets a chance to shoot at one or more of the balls in the designated chain. This article demonstrates how large a room needs to be to house a full size snooker table.
The Atlantis Resort and Casino in the Bahamas is a unique resort for many reasons. It offers guests world class dining, access to a Marine Park, and even is home to one of the most expensive hotels in the world. It certainly is a place worth visiting.
There are different types of grants and loans available for studying, whether you're doing it part-time or full-time. The question is how to get the grants to help you. The answer to this depends on the type of grant that you decide to take.
A budget sheet is immensely useful for anyone who needs to watch what they spend. It is particularly necessary for hard up families, and for many students budgeting is a priority. This article looks at a simple way to make and use a monthly budget sheet.
Couples seeking a divorce are usually invited to seek family mediation. This can help married couples to file for divorce when there is no possibility of reconciliation, or it can help couples realise that they are not yet ready for such a final step. Divorce in the UK usually involves couples with children. As divorce rates increase, mediators who can supply useful, impartial divorce information are becoming increasingly useful.
An open-ended question is one which is phrased in such a manner as to encourage a meaningful answer using the subjects’ knowledge or feelings. They are rather objective in nature and provide an opportunity for a person to come up with an answer that is pertinent to him or her. Such questions implicitly ask for a response in the person's own words and is not limiting.
Most people will have heard of the term ‘root canal’ at some point, it’s often bandied about by dentists and people suffering from toothache. What exactly is a root canal? Why is it is so important for teeth treatment? Find out in this article.
The amount of solar energy, falling on the earth’s surface is so immense that tapping only a small fraction of this renewable source of energy would be enough to satisfy the global energy needs. This article will provide a guide to solar energy.
When it comes to choosing further education, it is important to find the right course for you. Sometimes you will need to opt for part time education classes to be able to get your qualification.
Far from simply training individuals for a career in the acting world, acting lessons can develop a wide range of skills. They can teach you a wide range of techniques, from performative style to public speaking and the ways in which physical movement can engage with words. From advancing towards an acting college and career in performance, to simply wishing to increase confidence, acting lessons can offer you a plethora of skills.
The Automobile Association is an institution that was created in Britain in 1905 and has a worldwide influence with its AA maps, online routemaster and AA street maps.
The British Horse Society promotes the interests of horses, riders, riding and high quality breeding. It campaigns for rights of way such as bridleways, against the mistreatment of horses and for increased motorist awareness of horses. Its functions include providing a range of certificates in equine care and riding, and the courses that lead up to them.
Placing a bet at a bookmaker's shop or online is becoming more popular each year. Betting companies, such as Tote Sport, continue to offer a wider selection of gambling activities to attract and maintain customers. This article outlines what is on offer when betting with Tote Sport.
A lot of people say that free games cannot be as good as games which you pay for. For the most part, this is true. However, there are plenty of free online gaming sites out there, with free games that can provide hours of entertainment. The following article looks at a few of the best ones.
Nepal, which is officially called the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, is a sovereign state that is landlocked in South Asia. Situated in the Himalayas, it has the Republic of India on the south, east and west, and the People's Republic of China on the north. This article provides a guide to finding a free map of Nepal.
Are you one of the hundreds of millions of people who have decided to give any war films or army movies the cold shoulder? Or is it quite simply a question of liking war movies as long as they are not Iraq war movies or have anything to do with the Afghanistan war? Certainly, many pundits like to point out the relative box-office failures of this genre of film. But are they right? This article will attempt to find out.
Travelling to the Harbour City? This bustling and beautiful city offers a wide range of budget accommodation options. Read this article, which is a brief guide on finding the best, cheap and quality accommodation Sydney has to offer.
The Maldives is a paradise for diving and scuba diving travel in the heart of the Indian Ocean. It is full of exciting places to visit, from its beautiful beaches and ocean sports to its historical landmarks. This article mentions the most amazing places to see during your travel in the Maldives.
If you are planning on taking a Mexican cruise, you'll probably want to know how to save money. There are many things you should consider when planning Mexico trips and some of them can help you hold on to a little more of your money. This article will help you save money so that you have more left over for other fun and exciting things to do.
A step-by-step guide to creating model questionnaire templates – key tools for business surveys, client surveys and customer surveys.
Are you a professional translator and you often find yourself in need of help? Have you ever found yourself wondering about the meaning of a certain word which you have heard? If yes, then you already have the probably to resort to an online translation tool. If you are still wondering where you can find online translation services, then you should definitely read the following article. Find out all the interesting facts which you need to know about English to Turkish online translation tools.
If you are planning to get married and you are considering having chocolates as favours at the wedding, there are plenty of options available. The cheapest option is to make your own. Both chocolate retailers and Internet sites offer great discounts when you bulk buy. Read on to learn where to get the very best chocolate wedding favours for your special day.
Low cost travel and accommodation deals to Dubai are uncommon, but it's not impossible to achieve a relatively cheap deal and travel to Dubai at cheap prices. Dubai deals might not be very common, but you can capitalise on package deals offered by holiday companies and travel agencies. Furthermore, you can go in your own way and tailor Dubai breaks according to your own requirements by booking your own flights and accommodation, finding the best deals through price comparison websites.
Old newspaper articles are available from many sources. You can try your local library, the newspaper that interests you, or specialised archives. This article will discuss several ways to get hold of old newspaper articles, including on the Internet.
How to do the robot (or mannequin) dance?This i an illusionary street dance with origins in the 1970s that attempts to imitate a dancing robot or mannequin.
A Hawaiian vacation is a dream trip and one which you will never forget. As well as choosing which of the amazing islands to visit, you also need to choose the type of vacation that you want. Choosing an all-inclusive vacation means that you don't have to worry about booking things separately or any hidden charges.You just have lie back and enjoy this wonderful destination.
Brisbane International Airport (BNE) is the third largest airport in Australia and is located on the east coast, in the state of Queensland. There are two terminals, the domestic terminal and the international terminal. Brisbane airport was voted the best airport, with the friendliest staff, in the Australia-Pacific region in 2008. The airport is modern, spacious and easy to navigate. It is very easy to rent a car in Australia, and Brisbane car rentals are no different.
The world famous Italian sports car manufacturer was founded in 1929, by Enzo Ferrari in the Italian city of Maranello. Ferrari cars are renowned the world over, easily recognizable from their distinctive colour 'Ferrari Red' and the companies symbol, the Prancing Horse.
The Arctic circle maps the northern-most area of the Earth, and marks the extremities of the polar day and the polar night. Learn more about the Arctic circle, and the dangers of its exploration.
The term 'teacup dog' is the name given to any one of the 21 toy dog breeds which are small enough to be carried around in a handbag. Teacup dogs are especially popular amongst celebrities, such as Paris Hilton. Read on to learn all about teacup yorkies.
Rare earth magnets have many applications ranging from Maglev transport systems to Warhammer figurines. Learn more about magnets and the way in which rare earth metals have revolutionised modern technology.
Pruning trees is an essential gardening task done for aesthetic and production reasons. It is done according to the age of the tree and the needs of the gardener. Cutting trees is a harder task, and there is a serious difference between the way in which you treat large trees and smaller trees.
With psychology now being one of the most popular bachelor’s degree subjects it is clear that interest in the subject is very high, and competition for careers in psychology is very keen! Clinical psychology is one possible career path for anyone holding such a degree.
Recycled concrete is much more valuable than virgin materials. Along with eliminating the need to transfer new materials, it also reduces carbon emissions. This article looks at the benefits of using old materials by preventing the unnecessary build-up of waste.
Getting to sleep can sometimes be a problem, especially when you have a lot of thoughts running through your head. Counting sheep no longer helps to soothe your nerves and put you into a sleeping state. Losing your sleep can also be costly and many people tend to be absent-minded or forgetful. A lack of sleep can cause serious concentration lost.
Popular for all types of people and occasions, you should always be on the lookout for great pizza deals. After all, you never know when you'll need to feed a group of people - or get a food that's great for leftovers. Consider the following tips for locating some great pizza deals.
Christian science explains how sin, disease and death are all illusions. Instead, it states that human beings should be focused on the spirituality of the universe to overcome their problems. Learn more about Christian science beliefs in this article.
The green companies listed in this article are 20 of the best businesses in the UK that are making efforts to act in an environmentally friendly fashion. By recognising that the world in which they do business is the same world in which they live, they are taking measures to ensure that their impact doesn't produce lasting damage to the environment.
Mylittlepony.com is the official website of the toy doll product, My Little Pony. If you'd like to learn more about this website, follow along as its scope is covered in this article.
Pets are dependent on their owners to take care of them and to provide them a regulated and balanced diet. Salmon oil, which contains Omega-3 is essential in providing your dog with a bright and shiny coat, besides lubricating joints and developing a healthy skin which are a must for the dogs' good health.