Leisure and Culture: Activities, Exhibitions, and Must-Read Books
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Si vous avez une rencontre à Rennes, vous pouvez vous tourner vers Woozgo pour prendre connaissance des différents lieux à visiter. Il y a des centaines de restaurants, piscines et autres établissements sympas qui sont répertoriés sur le site. Par exemple, vous pouvez opter pour la crêperie Sainte-Anne si vous êtes dans la région rennaise.
Sur le nouveau marché (Chó Moí) de Vungtau. Ce marché a conservé le nom de « nouveau » bien qu’il ait été inauguré il y a quelques années. Fruits exotiques variés : des pommes cannelles, des jujubes, des goyaves, des fruits du dragon, des jacques, des sapotilles, des durillons, des mangues... ça fait saliver !
Vue d’ensemble du site, les temples, les frangipaniers centenaires, prières et dévotions au sanctuaire.
Dégustation de coco, détente après le dessert. Visite à la belle galerie/boutique/atelier fondée par mon vieil ami Michel Saada, à Vat Inpèng. Prières et offrandes au boucha couché. Les journées déroulent paisiblement leurs cours...
Si vous résidez à Rennes, vous avez certainement dû entendre parler de La Fontaine aux Perles. Sachez que ce restaurant a sa place dans le répertoire de Woozgo. Il fait partie des centaines de bons plans qui sont enregistrés dans la capitale du rock’n roll ! Vous pouvez créer une sortie sur le réseau social et inviter vos amis à partager
Une rencontre entre amis à La Briciola pourra vous aider à sortir un peu de votre solitude. Si vous êtes inscrit sur Woozgo, sachez que la plateforme répertorie des centaines de lieux intéressants qui permettent aux membres de se retrouver. Par exemple, dans ce restaurant italien de la capitale, vous aurez l’occasion de goûter à des spéci
Les repas revêtent toujours une importance particulière. Que ce soit en famille, avec des amis, lors de grandes fêtes, c’est un moment de partage convivial, surtout si les convives sont sympa et si les plats sont bons. Ce qui est toujours le cas au Laos. De jour comme de nuit au bord du Mékong, au restaurant ou simplement à la maison.
24 octobre 2017- Notre ami Sinouk Sisombat, président de Sinouk Café, nous reçoit dans sa propriété du km 9 à Vientiane. Sa villa, les bureaux du siège de l’entreprise ainsi qu’un salon de thé, « Coffee Collation », sont implantés dans un vaste parc très fleuri. Sinouk a fondé son entreprise il y a une vingtaine d’années. Il exp
Au restaurant Yakitori, place à une variété de menus de la cuisine japonaise. Si vous souhaitez organiser une sortie avec vos amis rencontrés sur Woozgo, vous pouvez leur proposer cet établissement. Vous y retrouverez, entre autres, des sushis, diverses salades, des soupes ou encore du riz. Rendez-vous sur le réseau social de rencontres entre
Les différents Phó, la soupe de crabe, le Bân Cùôn du matin, le Bun Bo de Hué... un vrai régal pour les papilles !
Content on demand : Entertainment
Youth With A Mission (YWAM) England is a Christian ministry which is part of YWAM International with the main aim of helping the British youth to know God better, and to make Him known to others around the world. Since YWAM first began in 1960, the ministry has been focused primarily upon providing young people with opportunities to demonstrate the love of God to people. This article details the facts about Youth With A Mission England.
These days, it is easier than ever before to find certain breeds of dogs up for adoption. If you have decided that you would much rather give a rescue dog, such as a pug, a good home as opposed to buying a new puppy, read on to learn where to find pugs for adoption.
Business Branding allows you to communicate the essence of your business to other people. Having a good brand identity can make your business stand out in your market and allow you to be more successful overall. There are several aspects of branding that you should explore:
Getting a job in dairy farming involves acquiring the right range of skills that you will need in the job. This can be done by attending certain college courses, and getting work experience. There are also several sources of job adverts, such as newspapers and websites that will attract the potential dairy worker. This article therefore provides a guide to getting a job in dairy farming.
This article looks at BMI, a British airline which operates flights between London Heathrow and destinations throughout the UK, Europe and beyond. It is a member of the Lufthansa Group of carriers, and one of 27 airlines making up the international "Star Alliance" grouping. BMI's membership of this grouping allows its passengers to make through bookings to destinations across the globe, transferring from bmi flights to flights operated by other Star Alliance members. weight health
You will be able to search criminal records for free online, and this information can be found in many ways. If you would like to see if an employee has a criminal history, you can find this information when searching through databases such as criminal record checks. Overtime, the world has become a crime-ridden place, and there are many people that have been affected by crime in one way or another.
Occasionally referred to as 'Tar Heel Blue', Carolina blue is a shade of pale blue which has come to be strongly associated with the US state of North Carolina. The name derives from the popular usage of the term 'Carolina' to the University of North Carolina which has adopted the shade as one of its official school colours.
Babylonians were the first to clay wrappers "envelopes" which were folded over important papers and then baked. In order to open the "envelope", it was necessary to destroy the clay. Next came paper casings made of rice and reeds from the Chinese in 1200 BC, papyrus rolls of the ancient Egyptians, then came folded pieces of paper sealed with wax. This article details out the different places where coloured envelopes can be bought.
Are you looking for a break from the UK and plan on travelling to India. Well, before you go, you will need a map of India. While many decent maps can be found online for free, the best and most detailed maps of India need to be purchased. This article explains where to buy maps of India.
Hosting a murder mystery game in your home can be a great way to get some friends together for an evening and have a lot of fun. Murder mystery party games are essentially a series of clues played out by each guest over the course of an evening as part of a script. This article will explain how to host a murder mystery evening.
Aruba has some of the finest cuisines in the Caribbean and these are exotic, delicious and diverse. The country’s cuisine is a delectable confluence of global cuisine. Native cuisine here has evolved to take on Dutch influences. Let's take a look at what makes this Caribbean nation's cuisine famous and the restaurants that showcase the nation's finest food.
Many people do not know it, but the famous and globally renowned University of Oxford is comprised of thirty-eight independent colleges and six Permanent Private Halls as well, where you can study from business media to accounting and marketing courses. Read the following article and find out more about the Oxford University’s collegiate system and its significant role in the success of the University of Oxford.
Do you need to increase your income? You are not alone. People everywhere are searching for ways in which to increase their bank account. Follow these tips to earn some extra income.
Love makes life beautiful, the relationship between two people being the foundation. However, there arise many setbacks in life that test and risk the love of your life. This article explains the beauty and importance of a healthy relationship, helping you to get love back.
These days, due to longer employment hours and busier lives, many people have little time to go out and try to meet that perfect partner. If you are a man who is looking for a new relationship, learn where you can find a new female partner.
Dentistry in Wigan is on the rise because of the dedication of local dentists. This article details out some facts concerning family dentistry in Wigan. It explains all about the kind of services provided, the types of dental emergencies treated, dental insurance and also covers other necessary areas.
The Centre for Alternative Technology is a visitor centre and training school specialising in green, sustainable living. Set in Wales, it is accessible by train and bus and contains a large range of renewable energy sources and facilities for training and for visitors. It offers courses and outreach work in schools and colleges.
AP or Advanced Placement courses are now available for students in the UK. These courses have curriculum and exams that are created by the College Board which are standardised and far more rigorous than general courses that are offered in American high schools. Read on to learn more about AP courses available in the UK.
Love Worth Finding (LWF) is a worldwide Christian ministry that promotes the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ. This short article tells the story of LWF from its origins in the work of Dr Adrian Rogers, the late Pastor Emeritus of one of America’s biggest churches.
Whether you're in Switzerland on business or pleasure, you will need to rent a car to get the best out of your visit. Cheap car hire in Geneva is sometimes hard to find but by no means impossible. Here, we'll take a look at Geneva car rental in particular and cheap car hire in Switzerland in general.
Finding cows for sale is not a hard task, as there are many sites in the U.K. You must, however, decide what are your requirements and how many cattle your land can take. There are many agricultural markets where cattle are auctioned, but there is a range of websites selling cattle, some of which specialise in particular breeds.
Learn to play blackjack: whether playing blackjack online, at home or in a casino, this guide will take you through the basic rules of blackjack.
Gaming websites can mean many things, are these sites that we use for the downloading of the latest games, or are they full of news and reviews? It is a more common thought that the leading gaming websites would be the ones that the gamer would go to, to read news and reviews of their favourite past-time.
Are you thinking of travelling to the Netherlands for your next long holiday or for a short weekend break? Are you wondering where you can find a free map of the Netherlands? Read the following article and find out all the interesting facts that you should know about the Netherlands maps that you will need. Also, learn where you can find them for free.
Andrew Marr is one of Britain's best known journalists, political commentators and broadcasters. He is the presenter of the Andrew Marr Show, a Sunday morning current affairs talk show on Britain's BBC One and has interviewed a whole host of the country's top politicians.
The timeshare property industry has its roots in the 1960s, Europe. A Frenchman who owned a ski resort decided to start encouraging his guests to stop renting rooms and actually buy a piece of the resort. Guests were keen on this new type of property ownership, holiday and the various timeshare deals sold out quickly. This was the start of what would become a huge international industry worth billions of pounds.
As the cruise industry continues to grow, many travellers consider a trip on a great ship with the sight seeing experiences of a land holiday. Asian cruises provide tourists with multi-stop, far east holidays, enabling them to see several countries on one cruise trip. These holidays don't have to cost a fortune. Follow the article for some valuable money-saving tips.
Guyana, on the northern coast of South America, is the third smallest country on the continent. Below is a look at this nearly untouched country's history, economy, and some things to know when visiting.
The Australian Men’s magazine Alpha closed in May 2011. It was the highest rated Australian men’s magazine, but it sold itself as a class publication without resorting to the easy sell method of publishing smut. This article will look at Alpha magazine's history.
Are you a professional translator and you often find yourself in need of help? Have you ever found yourself wondering about the meaning of a certain word which you have heard? If yes, then you already have the probably to resort to an online translation tool. If you are still wondering where you can find online translation services, then you should definitely read the following article. Find out all the interesting facts which you need to know about English to Turkish online translation tools.
Changing your name is a relatively simple task and may be done for a variety of reasons. The most common reason for changing one's name is when going through a marriage separation. Learn how to change your name by deed poll, whether you live in the UK or in the Channel Islands.
Low cost travel and accommodation deals to Dubai are uncommon, but it's not impossible to achieve a relatively cheap deal and travel to Dubai at cheap prices. Dubai deals might not be very common, but you can capitalise on package deals offered by holiday companies and travel agencies. Furthermore, you can go in your own way and tailor Dubai breaks according to your own requirements by booking your own flights and accommodation, finding the best deals through price comparison websites.
Located on Huntington Avenue, Boston Museum of Fine Arts, one of the largest museums in the United States, was founded in 1870 and has been at its current location for more than a hundred years. Its affiliate, the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, stands on a nearby site, enabling students to gain first-hand experience.
Going to a rave can be lots of fun. But what if you are worried about your dancing style? With these pointers you will be ready to go dancing at any rave.
Don't park at Miami International Airport until you know the rates and options available. While the airport parking lots closest to the airport terminal appear to be the most convenient, economy parking lots offer much lower rates and free shuttle service. You'll have more money to spend on yourself during your travels. Learn on how to find the best MIA parking options in this article.
The Gold Coast in the south east corner of Queensland, Australia is famous for its holiday accommodation ranging from cheap backpacker hostels to the finest luxurious apartments on offer. It is an area for fun with nightlife and theme parks to suit all tastes. To learn all about the Gold Coast Resorts, read the guide below.
Kids enjoy competitions, but it's never great to lose. Some kids hate sports contests that clearly separate the good from the not so good. Not everyone is sporty. So, what are the other contests that kids can take part in? This article looks at some healthy contests for kids.
The small intestines are an essential part of the human digestive system and are used to absorb the nutrients found in the already digested food - it is said that around 95% of absorption takes place along this six-metre tract. This article will discuss the structure and function of the small intestines in much greater detail.
If you are looking to purchase a dog crate, there are a variety of places where you can look from, the local pages to dedicated websites and stores. This article will guide you in the right direction.
Rare earth magnets have many applications ranging from Maglev transport systems to Warhammer figurines. Learn more about magnets and the way in which rare earth metals have revolutionised modern technology.
Pruning trees is an essential gardening task done for aesthetic and production reasons. It is done according to the age of the tree and the needs of the gardener. Cutting trees is a harder task, and there is a serious difference between the way in which you treat large trees and smaller trees.
Older women dating or even marrying younger men has become socially acceptable. Once it was older men (usually rich) who would have a pretty woman half his age hanging from his arm, but as women have become more independent in their lives and careers, the incidence of dating younger men has hugely increased in the last few years.
Do you have a collection of unused mobile phones gathering dust in the bottom of a drawer or cupboard that never see the light of day? You can get cash for recycling all your unused or unwanted phones, so instead of leaving them in the dark, read the guide below to discover where to recycle your mobile phones for cash.
Getting to sleep can sometimes be a problem, especially when you have a lot of thoughts running through your head. Counting sheep no longer helps to soothe your nerves and put you into a sleeping state. Losing your sleep can also be costly and many people tend to be absent-minded or forgetful. A lack of sleep can cause serious concentration lost.
The African clawed frog is the only clawed amphibian and is found in Sub-Saharan Africa, with one species found in the South East and another in the West. It is characterised by a number of claws on its feet and some other distinguishing characteristics which render it quite different from other frogs. It is a species that dwells in rivers and ponds.
The Thames is the main artery of London. Most of the historic sites are on the river, or able to be seen from the river. What better way to see the sites of London than from a river boat. There are different types of Thames River Cruises to choose from - from a simple meal while floating down the river to a night of feasting, merriment and dancing. Read on for a comparison of Thames dinner cruise offers.
Library Science and Information Science are two closely related disciplines that involve the study of the organisation, retrieval and dissemination of information, with particular application to libraries. This social science has groundings in humanities, law and computer technology. The masters degree of this discipline (MLIS) is commonly required for advanced jobs in librarianship.
The green companies listed in this article are 20 of the best businesses in the UK that are making efforts to act in an environmentally friendly fashion. By recognising that the world in which they do business is the same world in which they live, they are taking measures to ensure that their impact doesn't produce lasting damage to the environment.
Is there a special woman in your life that you would like to say thank you to? Are you looking for gift ideas that can say 'thank you' for you? This article provides you with some 'thank you' gift ideas for that special someone.
Seeing one's best friend in pain can be absolutely-heart breaking, and it often leaves people asking 'Can I give my dog aspirin?', or 'Can dogs take ibuprofen?'. The answer, quite honestly, is an absolute no. There are, however, many other methods of dog pain relief, as can be seen below.
Keeping baby chimpanzee as pets is illegal in the United Kingdom, as it transgresses the laws on keeping and importing wild animals. There are serious problems with keeping primates as pets, as they can never be fully safe for humans. There is also the problem that creatures as intelligent as chimpanzees might have rights like humans do.