Leisure and Culture: Activities, Exhibitions, and Must-Read Books
Find ideas for cultural activities, exhibitions to visit, books to read, and events not to miss in the cultural world.
Le grand fleuve, toujours lui. J’y reviens une fois encore, tant il prend aux tripes et ne lâche pas. On comprendra pourquoi je l’ai choisi pour intituler ce blog... La Mère des eaux, Mae Nam Khong, ແມ່ນ້ຳຂອງ, qui traverse le Laos du nord au sud, mère nourricière, source de vie respectée et vénérée par la population. T
Petit flashback, c’etait le 28 octobre. Accueillis par Vanthyka venue nous chercher en pirogue, afin de mieux nous faire découvrir son île natale en l’abordant par le fleuve. Nous prenons conscience, à partir de ce moment, que le Mékong est omniprésent. On vit sur lui, par lui, à côté et avec lui en permanence. Impossible de s’en pass
Retour sur l’île de Khong, les enfants très à l’aise, ont trouvé leurs marques. Réveillés très tôt chaque matin, ils descendaient aux cuisines et se faisaient nourrir. Ici, ils participent à la confection de gâteaux avec Khounvilay et Vanthyka.
À la pointe sud de l’île de Khong (Hang Khong en Lao), on trouve une fabrique artisanale de vermicelles de riz. Plateaux de cuisson, séchage en plein air au bord du fleuve...
Les moines, bonzes (ຄຸບາ Khouba en Lao) vivent dans les pagodes, consacrant leur vie à la prière et à la méditation. Le bouddhisme pratiqué au Laos, en Thaïlande, au Cambodge et en Birmanie relève du courant Thera vada ເທຣະວະດາ. Également qualifié de Hinayana ou petit véhicule et considéré comme le plus proche de
Vous aimez faire des sorties entre amis de temps en temps, histoire de découvrir de nouveaux lieux ? Ce n’est pas un problème quand vous connaissez Woozgo. Ce réseau social vous propose des bons plans à partager avec vos amis. Justement, si vous êtes sur Twitter, n’hésitez pas à suivre la page du site de rencontres, car il y a des liens
Aux 7 jours de la semaine, correspondent 7 représentations différentes de Bouddha. Chaque fidèle peut ainsi rendre hommage au Bouddha correspondant au jour de sa naissance. À la manière d’un horoscope, chaque jour de la semaine révèle les qualités de la personne (traits de caractère, jour de chance, couleur fétiche, etc.). On connaît d
Dans la mythologie bouddhiste, Nang Thorani, (ນາງໂທຣະນີ), en thaï Pha Mae Thorani (พระแม่ธรณี) déesse de la terre qui, en essorant ses cheveux, sauva Bouddha en noyant le démon Mara et son armée. Pour se préserver des tentations de Mara, Bouddha prend la terre à témoin, une de ses nombreuses représentat
Le naga (serpent, dragon en sanskrit) est un héritage de l’hindouisme et fort présent dans la tradition et la culture Lao. Protecteur et gardien des trésors de la terre, le naga symbolise la fertilité des sols et la fécondité des femmes. La figure du naga est représentée dans l’architecture et sert notamment à orner les rampes d’esca
Les écoles Lao diffèrent beaucoup selon qu’elles sont urbaines et rurales. Dans les cours de ces dernières, il n’est pas rare de voir divaguer des animaux : volailles, chiens, chats, voire buffles... Les élèves des campagnes restent ainsi en communion permanente avec la nature. Points communs : les programmes scolaires et le port de l’un
Content on demand : Entertainment
Children develop sequentially from prenatal to adolescence. During these stages, the areas of development include physical, emotional, social and intellectual. This article describes some of the main stages of child development.
Children may enter foster care for short or longer periods because their families are unable to take care of them. This article explains what fostering is and outlines the steps to fostering children in the UK.
Mount Kilimanjaro is located in north eastern Tanzania, Africa, and is the continent's tallest mountain. Mount Kilimanjaro has three inactive volcanic cones. Tour agents have been arranging treks along Kilimanjaro routes for a number of years now. A Kilamanjaro climb can be quite challenging due to the terrain of the mountain and also its height. People who who are planning to climb the mountain should take certain steps to prepare.
Integrated pest management is a technique that blends chemical, biological and cultural techniques in a structured programme for dealing with pests. Chemicals are used carefully, so as not to be counterproductive by killing beneficial insects, which are selected to attack pest species. Cultural techniques, such as good hygiene and spraying, are a vital part of the process.
Flying from the United Kingdom to New Zealand takes approximately 24 hours. Most international flights land at New Zealand’s capital, Auckland, from where you can travel on to other destinations. The following is a guide to how to get cheap airfares to New Zealand.
Pre-engineered buildings allow a large part of the construction activity to be carried out off-site, thus offering an economic solution by cutting down the project duration.
Based in Mission Viejo, California, United States, Sir Speedy is a printing, copying and document management company. Now with over 1,000 franchises in 26 different American States, it has grown since its foundation in 1968 to become one of the world's largest companies of its kind.
Woodworking is an excellent way to express your artistic ability to the world. You can create functional or visually-appealing masterpieces through formal training or self-education. There are a number of courses and books available for purchase. Either way, the process requires time and dedication to be successful. This article provides a guide to learning wood crafts.
If you are considering to visit Singapore for your next vacation, then you should definitely read the following article. Whether you are visiting Singapore for a short weekend trip or for a long vacation, you are going to need a comprehensive Singapore guide. In the following review, learn all that you need to know about Singapore.
Hosting a murder mystery game in your home can be a great way to get some friends together for an evening and have a lot of fun. Murder mystery party games are essentially a series of clues played out by each guest over the course of an evening as part of a script. This article will explain how to host a murder mystery evening.
The Disney Cruise Line´s ‘Wonder’ debuted in 1999. It is considered a premium choice for families with children. However, couples and singles are discovering that the Disney Wonder offers much for their holiday also. Walt Disney Cruises checks demographics of their guests prior to boarding and seats those with similarities together.
Holyoke Community College was founded in 1946 and offers over 100 certificate and degree programs and more than 5,500 workforce training and non-credit courses. The college is situated in a sprawling 135 acre campus in Massachusetts Turnpike and attracts students from various regions in Western Massachusetts.
Is contacting the business customer contact centre driving you up the wall? Stay calm and remind yourself that there is more than one way to contact a company. Calling by phone may sound fast but there are other more effective methods which you can use and many people have had their problems solved through the latter. Read on for more information.
Sometimes, it can feel as though it is impossible to meet someone new. Even when someone new and interesting is around, it can be intimidating to take the relationship to the next step, and go on a date. With a few tips, it can be easier to not only find the right person for you, but it will also be easier to move towards going on a date, and hopefully, a relationship.
Flowers are an ideal gift to give when you are going on your first date. With so much choice of colours and blooms, it is hard to decide what is appropriate. In this article, have a look at some ideas of what flowers make the best gift on that special first date.
Given the availability of numerous teeth whitening products, people are able to get a set of whiter teeth without even having to visit the dentist. However, each whitening product is formulated differently and should be used with care. To play it safe, visit the dentist to have a routine check-up before you bleach your teeth. Ask your dentist if you are an ideal candidate for teeth whitening and find out which product is suitable for you.
The amount of solar energy, falling on the earth’s surface is so immense that tapping only a small fraction of this renewable source of energy would be enough to satisfy the global energy needs. This article will provide a guide to solar energy.
This article will look at taking your kids into the kitchen, and doing a little cooking with them. Most children love to watch their mums cooking when they get to a certain age. Even toddlers love to get their little fingers into the cake mix and give a helping hand. This article will look at how to include your kids in the kitchen.
Bounce U is at the top of the wish list for kids' party places. It is a clean, safe and indoor party place for kids who love to bounce. In addition, this inflatable paradise caters for fundraising projects, teenage and team building parties, as well as 'open bounce' sessions for all the family.
It is possible to travel to Germany at an affordable cost from most destinations as long as the travellers are willing to choose budget airlines or trains, and make their bookings well in advance. Local German travel and stay can also be arranged within a low budget by avoiding costly hotels, and opting for cheaper alternative accommodations such as B&Bs, youth hostels and camps.
The British Horse Society promotes the interests of horses, riders, riding and high quality breeding. It campaigns for rights of way such as bridleways, against the mistreatment of horses and for increased motorist awareness of horses. Its functions include providing a range of certificates in equine care and riding, and the courses that lead up to them.
While there are craps strategies and bets that offer straight up or close odds, you are still playing against the house. An irrefutable rule in life is that, over time, the the house ALWAYS wins. That said, playing craps can be very enjoyable, and the odds it offers are fair. Below is an overview of the rules of craps and the odds each bet pays. Knowing them will help improve a player win ratios.
Gaming websites can mean many things, are these sites that we use for the downloading of the latest games, or are they full of news and reviews? It is a more common thought that the leading gaming websites would be the ones that the gamer would go to, to read news and reviews of their favourite past-time.
Athens, the largest capital city of Greece is a city steeped in a rich history that millions of people flock to every year to bask in its recorded history that spans 3,400 years. Of course, before visiting it's worthwhile to check out the map of Athens to receive a detailed overview of what it looks like.
The Engineering News Record (ENR) is published weekly by The McGraw-Hill Companies and provides news, analysis, commentary and data for construction industry professionals.
Are you planning a visit to Bath, UK? Either it is for a business trip, for a long vacation or for your next weekend trip, you definitely want the best accommodation option for your stay. Read the following article and find out all the interesting facts that you should know about one of the most popular hotel chains, namely the Premier Inn Hotels and the four Premier Inn Hotels in Bath (Frome, Chippenham and Bristol).
The Maldives is a paradise for diving and scuba diving travel in the heart of the Indian Ocean. It is full of exciting places to visit, from its beautiful beaches and ocean sports to its historical landmarks. This article mentions the most amazing places to see during your travel in the Maldives.
South American cruises are fast becoming one of the most popular holidays. Going with a host of travel agents and tour groups offers a vast array of destinations and increased flexibility of tours.
Choosing books from the best-sellers lists are easy with our tips on where to look and how to find out more about them.
Are you a professional translator and you often find yourself in need of help? Have you ever found yourself wondering about the meaning of a certain word which you have heard? If yes, then you already have the probably to resort to an online translation tool. If you are still wondering where you can find online translation services, then you should definitely read the following article. Find out all the interesting facts which you need to know about English to Turkish online translation tools.
If you and your spouse have come to the conclusion that you will be getting a divorce, you can hire attorneys to aid you. If both parties agree on the split, you can get a DIY divorce to make it a little easier. Here are the steps to follow to get a divorce on your own.
If you are looking to further your mathematical knowledge from the comfort of your own home (and without the use of boring textbooks), then academic games may be the solution. Learn more about the best online mathematical games and where to find them.
If you are planning your next vacation to Lebanon, a map can help you. Either it is a short trip or a long holiday, either you have visited Lebanon before, or it is your first Lebanon visit, you will definitely need a Lebanon map. The following article will help to find out where you can find a free Lebanon map.
St. Jude is the Patron Saint of those in need. Many believers of the Catholic faith pray a novena to St. Jude in times of trouble and any time they feel lonely, hopeless or helpless. Praying a St. Jude novena provides people with comfort and peace. A novena is a Roman Catholic devotion prayed on nine consecutive days. This article will provide a A guide to St Jude Novena.
Going to a rave can be lots of fun. But what if you are worried about your dancing style? With these pointers you will be ready to go dancing at any rave.
After finding their significant other, all couples dream of their perfect wedding. For a lot of them their dream place is Florida beach. If you are one of the couples dreaming about a Florida beach wedding, find out how to organize one.
Tourists find many things to do in Sydney, but the Harbour Bridge climb may be the most exciting. Climb above a roadway busy with traffic and trains, and view the vista of the world's most beautiful harbour. This article details all about The Sydney Harbour Bridge.
If you're an adrenaline junkie, look no further! Skyline UK offers skydiving experiences across the UK with available additional courses and aims to give individuals the best possible experience for this amazing opportunity. The article below details out Skyline skydiving opportunities.
The small intestines are an essential part of the human digestive system and are used to absorb the nutrients found in the already digested food - it is said that around 95% of absorption takes place along this six-metre tract. This article will discuss the structure and function of the small intestines in much greater detail.
A lot of people assume that dogs always have smelly breath and that it is nothing to worry about. However, this is not the case and chronic bad breath can actually be an indicator of some underlying medical conditions as well as bad dental hygiene. This article contains more information on the causes and treatments for bad dog breath.
Rare earth magnets have many applications ranging from Maglev transport systems to Warhammer figurines. Learn more about magnets and the way in which rare earth metals have revolutionised modern technology.
Pruning trees is an essential gardening task done for aesthetic and production reasons. It is done according to the age of the tree and the needs of the gardener. Cutting trees is a harder task, and there is a serious difference between the way in which you treat large trees and smaller trees.
With psychology now being one of the most popular bachelor’s degree subjects it is clear that interest in the subject is very high, and competition for careers in psychology is very keen! Clinical psychology is one possible career path for anyone holding such a degree.
Do you have a collection of unused mobile phones gathering dust in the bottom of a drawer or cupboard that never see the light of day? You can get cash for recycling all your unused or unwanted phones, so instead of leaving them in the dark, read the guide below to discover where to recycle your mobile phones for cash.
While it used to be that to obtain a massage you had to go to a spa, massages that occur at home are increasing. Due to a re-evaluation of massage as a therapy for many symptoms and more portable equipment becoming available, individuals began to request services in their homes. Massage therapists began providing this service as they learnt that it was more profitable than being paid on commission or by the hour.
Frogs come in many shapes and sizes. There are over 5,000 species of frog distributed worldwide, from tropical to sub-arctic regions and are considered as one the most diverse vertebrate group on the planet. This article will give some information about the life history of frogs and where you can find some cool photos of these amazing animals.
This article is a comprehensive review of The Cliff House Hotel in New Forest, Southampton, detailing the positives and negatives of booking and staying in the hotel.
Christian science explains how sin, disease and death are all illusions. Instead, it states that human beings should be focused on the spirituality of the universe to overcome their problems. Learn more about Christian science beliefs in this article.
The green companies listed in this article are 20 of the best businesses in the UK that are making efforts to act in an environmentally friendly fashion. By recognising that the world in which they do business is the same world in which they live, they are taking measures to ensure that their impact doesn't produce lasting damage to the environment.
The Little Tikes Thomas and Friends Bed is a fun-bed for children who is moulded into a replica of Thomas the Tank Engine. Along with being a bed, it also acts as a storage space and is available from a variety of outlets. In this article, we give a review of the Little Tikes Thomas & Friends Bed.
As with many other animals, worming in horses is something that has to be taken very seriously. Following a worming schedule will not only ensure that your horse is kept in perfect health, but it will also prevent other problems from occurring later on. This article will explain how a horse wormer works.