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Leisure and Culture: Activities, Exhibitions, and Must-Read Books

Find ideas for cultural activities, exhibitions to visit, books to read, and events not to miss in the cultural world.

BILAN KPOP #1 2015 (reupload)

BILAN KPOP #1 2015 (reupload)

Pour mon tout premier article sur mon blog et en ce début d’année 2016, je vais vous faire un récapitulatif de mon année musicale 2015. Mes coups de cœur de cette année mais aussi quelques déceptions. Comme il y a eu énormément de nouveautés pour moi cette année j’ai décidé de le faire en plusieurs parties. On commence cette année
Le Musée d’histoire naturelle à Lille est répertorié sur Woozgo

Le Musée d’histoire naturelle à Lille est répertorié sur Woozgo

Parmi les nombreux bons plans qui vous sont proposés sur Woozgo, il y a le Musée d’histoire naturelle à Lille. Dans cet établissement, petits et grands ont la possibilité de découvrir plusieurs squelettes d’espèces qui ont disparu. Aussi, des expositions sont organisées pour vous permettre de tout savoir sur les animaux et l’Histoire
Une rencontre entre amis au restaurant Les Comédiens

Une rencontre entre amis au restaurant Les Comédiens

Pour les membres de Woozgo qui sont de la région parisienne, vous pouvez organiser une rencontre entre amis sur le réseau social dès aujourd’hui. Pour cela, il suffit de partager un bon plan sur votre profil et inviter vos amis à y participer. Si vous ne savez pas où vous rendre, sachez que Woozgo dispose d’idées qui pourraient vous aider
Sortie entre amis : Les Pierres Fondues parmi les bons plans sur Woozgo

Sortie entre amis : Les Pierres Fondues parmi les bons plans sur Woozgo

Si vous prévoyez une sortie entre amis dans la région de Tours, alors ne manquez pas de jeter un coup d’œil au répertoire de bons plans de Woozgo. Le site vous propose pas mal d’idées qui pourraient vous aider à organiser vos rencontres amicales. Par exemple, à Tours, il y a le restaurant Les Pierres Fondues qui y est répertorié. Vous
Woozgo : un réseau social qui favorise les rencontres amicales !

Woozgo : un réseau social qui favorise les rencontres amicales !

Depuis sa création, Woozgo n’a qu’un seul but : permettre aux célibataires en France de faire des rencontres. Vous pouvez vous inscrire sur le réseau social afin de faire la connaissance des personnes qui partagent les mêmes centres d’intérêt que vous. Pour trouver des membres qui sont de votre région, il suffit d’effectuer une reche
Une sortie entre amis pour se rendre à la piscine municipale de Solesmes

Une sortie entre amis pour se rendre à la piscine municipale de Solesmes

Quoi de mieux qu’une sortie entre amis pour vous aider à vous détendre ? Justement, avec les nombreux bons plans qui sont répertoriés sur Woozgo, vous n’aurez pas de mal à trouver des idées à proposer à vos camarades. Pour les membres qui sont du côté de Solesmes, vous pouvez faire un tour à la piscine municipale pour un plongeon. M
Le Mauritius est répertorié comme bon plan sur Woozgo

Le Mauritius est répertorié comme bon plan sur Woozgo

Si vous êtes de la région parisienne, alors vous avez probablement déjà entendu parler du restaurant Le Mauritius. Situé dans le 14e arrondissement, cet établissement vous propose des menus qui nous viennent directement de l’île Maurice. Vous pouvez donc imaginer un peu l’atmosphère qui règne dans ce lieu. Vous serez installé dans une
Les Nymphéas : restaurant impressionniste répertorié sur Woozgo

Les Nymphéas : restaurant impressionniste répertorié sur Woozgo

Si vous n’avez pas encore entendu parler de Les Nymphéas, alors rendez-vous sur Woozgo au plus vite. Le réseau social répertorie ce restaurant de la rue de Pie dans son catalogue de bons plans. Vous pouvez inviter vos amis du site de rencontres à y faire un tour avec vous, afin de découvrir l’univers impressionniste qui règne dans l’ét
Rencontre entre amies au Sport Club Femina à Vitrolles

Rencontre entre amies au Sport Club Femina à Vitrolles

Il y a plein d’endroits où il est possible d’organiser une rencontre entre amis. D’ailleurs pour en trouver, ne manquez pas de faire un tour sur Woozgo. Vous y trouverez des milliers de bons plans dans toutes les régions de France. Si vous êtes un adepte de sport, alors le Sport Club Femina à Vitrolles pourrait bien être un lieu où vous
Woozgo : des rencontres partout en France

Woozgo : des rencontres partout en France

Afin de mettre toutes les chances de votre côté pour faire des rencontres sympas, vous pouvez vous inscrire sur Woozgo, si ce n’est pas déjà fait. Ce réseau social vous permet de faire connaissance avec des célibataires partout en France. Pour tisser un lien d’amitié, vous pouvez utiliser le service de tchat en ligne qui est disponible s
Content on demand : Entertainment
What are the tips to become popular

What are the tips to become popular

Your teenage years can be a worrying and upsetting time, especially if you feel that you don't fit in with the most popular crowd. There is in every school all over the world a popular girl or boy who will have all popular people following him or her and so, the "in crowd" is formed. Take a look at how you can fit in.
Where to find pugs for adoption

Where to find pugs for adoption

These days, it is easier than ever before to find certain breeds of dogs up for adoption. If you have decided that you would much rather give a rescue dog, such as a pug, a good home as opposed to buying a new puppy, read on to learn where to find pugs for adoption.
Climbing Mt Kilimanjaro

Climbing Mt Kilimanjaro

This article will discuss the methods for preparing and undertaking the ambitious task of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa. It will outline the key steps and precautions that people must take before beginning their expedition and how they can keep safe and avoid danger through their journey.
What are the principles of integrated pest management programmes?

What are the principles of integrated pest management programmes?

Integrated pest management is a technique that blends chemical, biological and cultural techniques in a structured programme for dealing with pests. Chemicals are used carefully, so as not to be counterproductive by killing beneficial insects, which are selected to attack pest species. Cultural techniques, such as good hygiene and spraying, are a vital part of the process.
Richmond Airport: The basics

Richmond Airport: The basics

Richmond Airport (RIC) is only a few minutes away of the capital city of Richmond, Virginia. It is located on Airport Drive, in Sandston in Henrico County. It is also easily reachable from Williamsburg (one hour drive) and Washington, D.C. (two hours drive). Find out more about Richmond Airport.
A guide to roof types

A guide to roof types

A new roofing construction is indeed important to complete your house renovation or extension. This article focuses on two types of roofing material, concrete and polycarbonate. It will focus on the pros of each type of construction and then, how they weigh against each other.
Where to buy matte photo paper

Where to buy matte photo paper

Looking at Matte photo papers and the best places to buy it. Is the cheapest option necessarily the best or do you get for what you pay for?
Is embroidery digitising software any substitute for the human touch?

Is embroidery digitising software any substitute for the human touch?

Embroidery is an art. Traditional embroidery is a handicraft that has been practised for thousands of years and samples have been found that are dated before the Egyptians. Embroidery is all about the decorating of fabrics and materials and nowadays, it comes in many forms.
How to make an Indian passport application

How to make an Indian passport application

For all Indian citizens wishing to travel abroad, they must be in possession of valid and up-to-date Indian passports. This is irrespective of age. Therefore, even young babies need to have their own children passport which will be valid for five years. Obtaining a passport is a straightforward process, provided that the correct steps are taken. Read the following article to know how to make an Indian passport application.
How can MTG player use the deck builder's toolkit?

How can MTG player use the deck builder's toolkit?

Magic the Gathering (MTG, also known as Magic TCG) is the world's most popular fantasy collectable trading card game. In this guide, we'll show you how to use it to build killer decks!
How to plan a honeymoon cruise in the Carribbean

How to plan a honeymoon cruise in the Carribbean

If you are looking for a romantic honeymoon, then a cruise ship vacation in the Caribbean is going to hit all the right spots. A beautiful sailing vacation is one of the best honeymoons that any couple could wish for, and here are some tips on booking that dream trip.
Babson college: A guide

Babson college: A guide

Babson College is a private business college located in Wellesley, Massachusetts. Dating back to 1919 and known originally as the Babson Institute, the college is home to around 3,500 students studying both undergraduate BA and postgraduate MBA programmes.
How to build consumer confidence

How to build consumer confidence

Creating trust among customers is one of the most reliable ways of strengthening a brand. This article briefly describes the strategies that a company can use to build consumer confidence.
What is collaborative law?

What is collaborative law?

Collaborative law is a binding agreement between two parties - usually spouses in the process of a divorce. It ensures that they will work together to find a solution to the termination of their marriage, and that their lawyers will not work in such a way as to undermine the other spouse so as to secure a more preferential verdict pertaining to the divorce settlement.
A guide to dating after divorce

A guide to dating after divorce

In these modern times, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, approximately nine in ten people marry, but about one half of first marriages end in divorce. According to the statistics compiled by the UK government in 2005, 45 percent of marriages in the UK will end in divorce. It is still possible to date and have a life after divorce, and have a good time while doing so. Read this guide to learn more about dating after divorce.
What are the causes of sensitive teeth?

What are the causes of sensitive teeth?

Sensitive teeth is a condition where one or more of your teeth feel extreme pain when you eat hot or cold or sweet or sour foods or when you breathe in cold air. A sharp pain can occur all of a sudden by zooming in on the nerve endings in the teeth. This guide explains the causes of sensitive teeth:
Where to buy a solar-powered shed light

Where to buy a solar-powered shed light

Solar-powered shed lighting is growing in popularity as more people realise the benefits associated with them. Not only are they an environmentally friendly investment, but they are also ideal security lights as well. This article describes where to buy a solar-powered shed light.
A guide to teaching kids how to read

A guide to teaching kids how to read

Learning to read is one of the most important skills that a child will acquire. Reading needs to be taught in an organised way, usually one step at a time. There are certain factors that could impede children’s reading such as insufficient experience with language at home, or a learning disability. This article describes specific areas to teaching kids how to read.
A history of the Birmingham Repertory Theatre

A history of the Birmingham Repertory Theatre

A brief history of the historic Birmingham Repertory Theatre including its beginnings, key personnel and the theatre today ensues. The article will cover why the theatre was built, its role in the wider theatrical community and some of the many projects and performances it has played host to over the years.
Where to find cheap bus fares

Where to find cheap bus fares

For those who plan a vacation on a budget, cheap transport tickets and fares are extremely important. Since a trip by plane or by train might cost a substantial part of holiday’s savings, bus routes could be an option for a low-budget journey. Not to mention the fact that you can admire the landscapes streaming by the window. Read this article to learn where to find cheap bus fares.
All about Horse & Rider magazine

All about Horse & Rider magazine

Horse & Rider is a general purpose horse magazine that caters for people who are interested in a wide range of equestrian activities. It includes articles and features from well-known experts, news and competitions. There is a strong shop section that offers horse related items, ranging from properties with stables down to gear and horses.
How to play blackjack?

How to play blackjack?

On the surface, blackjack is one of the simplest casino card games and blackjack betting is the easiest category of gambling to master. However, once an understanding of the game is achieved, there are many other elements of blackjack strategy that can be learned in order to play on a higher intellectual level.
Where to play fun games for free

Where to play fun games for free

A lot of people say that free games cannot be as good as games which you pay for. For the most part, this is true. However, there are plenty of free online gaming sites out there, with free games that can provide hours of entertainment. The following article looks at a few of the best ones.
Where to find a free map of the Netherlands

Where to find a free map of the Netherlands

Are you thinking of travelling to the Netherlands for your next long holiday or for a short weekend break? Are you wondering where you can find a free map of the Netherlands? Read the following article and find out all the interesting facts that you should know about the Netherlands maps that you will need. Also, learn where you can find them for free.
The story of the Christian flag

The story of the Christian flag

The Christian flag is a symbol that began to be used by American Protestants, but has spread to some other Christian denominations. The idea was conceived in the 1890s, but nothing was done until 1907, when the use of the flag began to spread. The colours on the flag are symbolic of Christian themes.
Charleston Place Hotel: Review and rate

Charleston Place Hotel: Review and rate

The Charleston Place Hotel is a famous tourist destination in South Carolina. The hotel is located downtown in close walking distance of some of the major tourist destinations. The place is known for its luxurious lodging accommodation and the world class service of various culinary dishes.
How to save money on Asian cruises

How to save money on Asian cruises

As the cruise industry continues to grow, many travellers consider a trip on a great ship with the sight seeing experiences of a land holiday. Asian cruises provide tourists with multi-stop, far east holidays, enabling them to see several countries on one cruise trip. These holidays don't have to cost a fortune. Follow the article for some valuable money-saving tips.
A guide to vacations in Brazil

A guide to vacations in Brazil

Brazil is among the world’s most fascinating travel destinations. It offers great natural beauty, combined with exceptional cultural wealth which the visitors can discover on their Brazil trip. Brazil tours can be more affordable than trips to most destinations in the U.S. or Europe. Whether you are looking for single vacations or a tour with family and friends, Brazil has something to offer for everyone.
A guide to writing stories for children

A guide to writing stories for children

Learn how to write for children by entering their world and thinking like them. How do you construct the body text and what do you do to prompt yourself? Get the answers here.
Where can I get an English-to-Turkish translator online?

Where can I get an English-to-Turkish translator online?

Are you a professional translator and you often find yourself in need of help? Have you ever found yourself wondering about the meaning of a certain word which you have heard? If yes, then you already have the probably to resort to an online translation tool. If you are still wondering where you can find online translation services, then you should definitely read the following article. Find out all the interesting facts which you need to know about English to Turkish online translation tools.
A guide to choosing marriage retreats

A guide to choosing marriage retreats

Marriage retreats have various approaches such as personalised private counselling, workshops, seminars and marriage encounters. However, effective marriage retreats help to promote a greater level of well-being in marriages. This article outlines important features to look out for when choosing marriage retreats.
An introduction to calculus

An introduction to calculus

How to get late deals to Egypt

How to get late deals to Egypt

Finding a late holiday deal to Egypt is relatively straightforward. Tracking down the best and latest possible deals for your Egyptian adventure can be achieved in a number of ways, including holiday websites, low cost holiday comparison websites and using your local travel agent, such as Thompson holidays, Thomas Cook, Going Places and First Choice.
A guide to the Ronald Reagan library

A guide to the Ronald Reagan library

Ronald Reagan is consistently ranked as one of the most popular U.S. presidents in history. His presidential library gives the public unprecedented access to his life, his presidency and helps us to understand how he governed. The Ronald Reagan Library is a fitting tribute to the 40th President of the United States.
Male strip clubs: The facts

Male strip clubs: The facts

This article will give you an insight into the history of male strip clubs. It will tell you what to expect when you visit a strip club in the UK and where to find some of the most popular clubs.
How to save money on Sea World rides

How to save money on Sea World rides

Tickets for the Sea World resorts across America are like any other theme park- expensive. Not only do the parks display spectacular marine animals, they also have some world class water park rides. However, there are ways to save money on Sea World prices and this article will focus on these ways.
Immigration and the New Zealand Embassy

Immigration and the New Zealand Embassy

Many people are interested in immigrating to New Zealand and wonder how the process works. The NZ Embassy in foreign countries is a starting place for information or concerning the immigration. website lists important information and application forms. The process is time-consuming and the standards are high.
All about: Great Bear Lodge

All about: Great Bear Lodge

The Great Bear Lodge is situated fifty miles north of Port handy, British Columbia and is a fully self-contained floating lodge that is situated at an outstanding wildlife viewing location. From the viewing location, it is fantastic for viewing grizzly bears in their natural habitats and that is exactly what the Great Bear Lodge specialises in. Read this article to learn more about Great Bear Lodge.
How to conduct digs in the Arctic circle

How to conduct digs in the Arctic circle

The Arctic circle maps the northern-most area of the Earth, and marks the extremities of the polar day and the polar night. Learn more about the Arctic circle, and the dangers of its exploration.
A guide to comparing the prices of bunny cages

A guide to comparing the prices of bunny cages

Finding the perfect cage for your perfect bunny can be a little challenging, but there are many places to look and a whole variety of different bunny cages out there; whether you're looking for something fancy or simple, indoor or outdoor or even extra large or regular size.
How to bend metal spoons?

How to bend metal spoons?

Spoon bending is one of the most popular and widely practised of all stage magic tricks and involves the bending and deforming of metal cutlery with little or no apparent physical force. Although many performers claim they have paranormal powers that can bend spoons, this feat is widely accepted to be an illusion. This article will discuss various ways of achieving it.
Where to buy exotic flowers

Where to buy exotic flowers

A bouquet of flowers is a great way to brighten up your home, or show a friend or a loved one just how much you care. If you are a fan of exotic plants and flowers, unusual flowers or strange plants, read on to learn where you can buy the very best in exotic flower species.
How to treat attention deficit disorder in children

How to treat attention deficit disorder in children

Most people have come across a child who suffers from attention deficit disorder (ADD), with many children being diagnosed much earlier than before. Thankfully, there are now plenty of effective treatments available to help to cure ADD in children. Read on to learn how to treat ADD in children.
Where to recycle a mobile phone for cash

Where to recycle a mobile phone for cash

Do you have a collection of unused mobile phones gathering dust in the bottom of a drawer or cupboard that never see the light of day? You can get cash for recycling all your unused or unwanted phones, so instead of leaving them in the dark, read the guide below to discover where to recycle your mobile phones for cash.
What is life coaching?

What is life coaching?

Nowadays, you can find a coach for just about anything, from sports coaching, career coaching, corporate coaching, executive coaching, NLP coaching, coaching in business and dating coaching. Whatever your stage in life and your current circumstance, it is well worth learning about the benefits of life coaching.
All about: Charming the Indian cobra

All about: Charming the Indian cobra

A guide to restaurants in Manchester

A guide to restaurants in Manchester

Manchester is one of England's most popular cities for nights out. So, it is full of restaurants offering a wide range of cuisines at varying prices. The city has several entertainment areas, all of which have excellent restaurants. Certain restaurants near the centre have a deservedly popular reputation, but there are many other popular restaurants with different groups of people.
Where do hermit crabs get their shells?

Where do hermit crabs get their shells?

Hermit crabs are a species of crustacean that has lost its natural shell, so it has to seek discarded shells from other species, notably gastropods. The crab roams until it finds a spare shell and then enters it. The crab will discard the shell as it grows in size and seek a new one.
How to understand solution-focused brief therapy

How to understand solution-focused brief therapy

Solution-focused brief therapy differs from conventional talking therapies, with its primary focus on the future. The therapist encourages a client to construct a hypothetical "dream future", and then establishes the steps required to reach it. Learn more about how solution-focused brief therapy works, and how exactly the results are achieved.
A list of green businesses

A list of green businesses

The green companies listed in this article are 20 of the best businesses in the UK that are making efforts to act in an environmentally friendly fashion. By recognising that the world in which they do business is the same world in which they live, they are taking measures to ensure that their impact doesn't produce lasting damage to the environment.
Candy gift baskets: Pros and cons

Candy gift baskets: Pros and cons

Candy gift baskets are a craft idea for a present to give to those who have a sweet tooth. But are they to everyone's taste? We look at the pros and cons of candy gift baskets.
The types of essential puppy shots

The types of essential puppy shots

Puppies’ health need to be taken care of by their owners. An essential part of dogs’ health care is the administration of puppy vaccines. This article provides puppy’s owners with information about the types of puppy shots that are essential for the health of their animals. Puppies may get infected with diseases such as canine distemper, rabies, canine adenovirus and parvorvirus without the administration of proper vaccines.
Can you keep a baby chimpanzee?

Can you keep a baby chimpanzee?

Keeping baby chimpanzee as pets is illegal in the United Kingdom, as it transgresses the laws on keeping and importing wild animals. There are serious problems with keeping primates as pets, as they can never be fully safe for humans. There is also the problem that creatures as intelligent as chimpanzees might have rights like humans do.