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Leisure and Culture: Activities, Exhibitions, and Must-Read Books

Find ideas for cultural activities, exhibitions to visit, books to read, and events not to miss in the cultural world.

Ashikaga Flower Park

Ashikaga Flower Park

A 2 heures de Tokyo se trouve Ashikaga Flower parc. Ce parc est impressionnant pour ses énormes glycines blanches, violettes ou roses. Plusieurs tunnels de fleurs enchantent le visiteur. De nombreux autres bosquets e fleurs attendent le visiteurs. En Japonais Glycine se dit Fuji. Pour les voyageurs:Selon les périodes de floraisons le prix du parc
El Nido Philippine

El Nido Philippine

A mon arrivée sur El Nido, je me suis demandé si mon mari me faisait une mauvaise blague. C’était moche comme ville, et pas très attirant. Il m'a dit de ne pas m'inquiéter ce qui suivrait m'en mettrait pleins les yeux. Et il en m'a pas menti. Il nous avait prévu une excursion de deux jours en mer avec une nuit en camping version Robinson Cr
Moma The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo

Moma The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo

Le musée national d'a rt moderne de Tokyo (The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo; MOMAT), premier musée d ’ art national ouvert au Japon, se dresse au cœur de Tokyo, près du Palais Impérial. Le musée possède une collection de plus de 13 000 pièces. Le musée propose une exposition permanente dans les étages et une exposition temporair
L'atelier Robuchon à Tokyo

L'atelier Robuchon à Tokyo

Lorsqu'on mange souvent Japonais, parfois un bon repas Français ça fait du bien. Joel Robuchon, ce chef multi étoilé s'est installé dans plusieurs villes du monde tel que Macao, Monaco, Las Vegas, Londres ou encore Hong Kong. Il a également décidé de poser ses valises à Tokyo en 2003 avec l'atelier de Robuchon situé dans le quartier de Ro


Je ne peux pas passer à côté de la ville dans laquelle je vie actuellement. Yokohama se situe au sud de Tokyo. Ce fut l'un des premiers port japonais a commercer avec le reste du monde en 1859. Aujourd'hui je vie dans un des anciens quartiers étranger et l' on peut y voir le cimetière des étrangers ainsi qu'un ensemble de maisons ayant appart
Au Japon les tampons

Au Japon les tampons

Lorsque vous venez au Japon, il faut absolument prendre avec vous un cahier avec des pages blanches épaisses. Dans de très nombreux lieux vous pourrez trouver à votre disposition des tampons. Cherchez bien dans les musées, les gares, les temples... Avec des enfants ca devient un jeu de les chercher pendant qu'on prend des billets d'entrée par
Gaspar et Lisa au Japon

Gaspar et Lisa au Japon

Je vous ramène au Japon. Pour les parents je vous propose de découvrir le livre de Gaspard et Lisa au Japon qui est le premier livre que j'ai lu à mon fils avant de venir pour lui donner une idée d'où nous allions vivre. De plus Gaspard et Lisa ont une grande place au Japon. Il existe même une ville au Japon qui leur est dédiée ou l'on peut
Trail au  Wadi al-Mujib

Trail au Wadi al-Mujib

Je ne suis pas sportive et lorsque mon mari m’a demandé d’emmener pour notre voyage des chaussures de marches qui iront dans l’eau j’ai eu peur. Mais je ne m’attendais absolument pas à faire et voir quelques chose d’aussi génial. Wadi al-Mujib est un lieu magnifique, entre deux parois aux teintes rouges, défile une cascade. Si au d
La mer morte

La mer morte

La mer morte est un lac salé partagé entre Israël, la Jordanie et la Palestine. Il fait environ 810 km² et est alimenté par le Jourdain. La salinité moyenne de la mer se trouve entre 2% et 4% hors celle de la mer morte est d'environ 27,5% . Aucun poisson ni aucune algue ne peuvent vivre dans cet environnement. Pour les voyageurs : Il est poss
Plonger à Aqabat

Plonger à Aqabat

La Jordanie est également un lieu apprécié des plongeurs. Nous avons fait un peut de masque tubas du côté d'Aqaba pour aller voir à 5m de profondeur les restes d'un tank russe, coulé en 1999 par le Roi Abdullah. C'est une attraction pour le snorkeling à 30m du rivage. Cependant étant en pays Musulman, je ne me suis pas sentie a l'aise sur
Content on demand : Entertainment
Youth With A Mission England: The facts

Youth With A Mission England: The facts

Youth With A Mission (YWAM) England is a Christian ministry which is part of YWAM International with the main aim of helping the British youth to know God better, and to make Him known to others around the world. Since YWAM first began in 1960, the ministry has been focused primarily upon providing young people with opportunities to demonstrate the love of God to people. This article details the facts about Youth With A Mission England.
A guide to overseas adoption

A guide to overseas adoption

Across the world, international adoptions have increased in recent years. In the UK, the number of international adoptions are low as compared to other EU nations such as France, Italy and Spain. As international adoption awareness becomes more prominent in the UK, more families will choose to adopt. These families will benefit from the guide to overseas adoption found in this article.
All about: The ink Spots

All about: The ink Spots

The Ink Spots were an American vocal group who began recording in the 1930s. They enjoyed a lengthy and influential career, being one of the first African-American actors to find wider acceptance amongst the white American community. Their work exerted a key influence about what became rhythm and blues and later rock'n'roll. This articles provides the career overview of the Ink spots.
A guide to getting a job in dairy farming

A guide to getting a job in dairy farming

Getting a job in dairy farming involves acquiring the right range of skills that you will need in the job. This can be done by attending certain college courses, and getting work experience. There are also several sources of job adverts, such as newspapers and websites that will attract the potential dairy worker. This article therefore provides a guide to getting a job in dairy farming.
How to get student airfare discounts

How to get student airfare discounts

One of the benefits of being a student is the opportunity for travelling the world. In these days of adventure holidays, budget airlines and gap year student trips, the options available for travel to far-flung places are extensive. However, a disadvantage of being a student can be the lack of funds. So, knowing how to get a cheap flight is a necessary skill. Read this article to know how to get student airfare discounts.
A history of the Eiffel Tower

A history of the Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel tower sits tall and high in the Centre of Paris and was erected over one hundred and twenty years ago. It took over three hundred men to put the tower together as the spire reaches three hundred and twenty metres in to the sky. This article explains the history of the world famous landmark in a timeline format of the most significant events.
A biography of Allison Smith

A biography of Allison Smith

Allison Smith is an American sculpture artist who lives in New York and focuses on creating pieces that demonstrate how political meaning can reside in forms which are considered beautiful while using history as a way to comment on current events affecting our lives.
How to choose the right painting tools

How to choose the right painting tools

There are a wide variety of painting tools available for artists today. Paints come in differing types as well as brushes and palettes. This article gives an overview at some of the different types that you can use when creating your artistic masterpiece.
Top five sights in Madhya Pradesh, India

Top five sights in Madhya Pradesh, India

How to shoot pool?

How to shoot pool?

Pool, also known as ‘pocket billiards’, is a popular sport/activity/pub game. "Pool" is an umbrella term for many variations of the game including 8-ball, 9-ball and billiards. Being a ‘pool shark’ can be pretty cool, especially if this is achieved with an air of nonchalance. In this article, we will explore pool playing in general and also its different versions.
How to find holidays in Cuba

How to find holidays in Cuba

Cuba is a captivating, vibrant Island, filled with music, laughter, brightly-painted houses and even brighter old cars. Although, its history under Fidel Castro has meant that its not been one of the more popular Caribbean destinations, recent changes show that everyone wants to go to Cuba. The main language is Spanish and it will help if you can speak even a little of Lingo.
Where to get an education grant

Where to get an education grant

Education grants can be used to support or supplement your training and they can usually be obtained through an academic institution when applying for a training course. Grants can be used to pay for course fees or for course materials such as books, stationery and a computer if they are required for the course. This article details out where to get an education grant.
Door to door sales: The facts

Door to door sales: The facts

Door to door sales combines direct sales with door to door service. Reputable sales companies can pay around $2,000 monthly in salary to the average salesman, and $30-50,000 or more to the highly successful one. Getting started in door to door sales is not as difficult as you think. Here are some pointers successful salesmen use.
What is the aim of divorce mediation?

What is the aim of divorce mediation?

Couples seeking a divorce are usually invited to seek family mediation. This can help married couples to file for divorce when there is no possibility of reconciliation, or it can help couples realise that they are not yet ready for such a final step. Divorce in the UK usually involves couples with children. As divorce rates increase, mediators who can supply useful, impartial divorce information are becoming increasingly useful.
The benefits of open-ended questions

The benefits of open-ended questions

An open-ended question is one which is phrased in such a manner as to encourage a meaningful answer using the subjects’ knowledge or feelings. They are rather objective in nature and provide an opportunity for a person to come up with an answer that is pertinent to him or her. Such questions implicitly ask for a response in the person's own words and is not limiting.
How to get your teeth whitened

How to get your teeth whitened

Given the availability of numerous teeth whitening products, people are able to get a set of whiter teeth without even having to visit the dentist. However, each whitening product is formulated differently and should be used with care. To play it safe, visit the dentist to have a routine check-up before you bleach your teeth. Ask your dentist if you are an ideal candidate for teeth whitening and find out which product is suitable for you.
How to compare current gas prices

How to compare current gas prices

With the soaring prices of electricity and gas, consumers are finding it imperative to compare gas tariffs among the over 18 suppliers located in the UK. Since energy is a vital part for our homes, we need to find ways to cut costs while at the same time ensure that the quality of energy supplied in our homes is not compromised. Here is how you can compare current gas prices.
Where to find printable file folder games

Where to find printable file folder games

Printable file folder games are educational tools made for children. These are fun supplements that teachers, caregivers and parents can use to nurture the character and to develop the skills of the young. Find out more about these cute items in this article.
Pros and cons of printable party invitations

Pros and cons of printable party invitations

Printable party invitations are a cheap and easy option to use when preparing for a party. This article looks at the pros and cons of making them.
Where to book golfing holidays in Spain

Where to book golfing holidays in Spain

Spain has become a leading Europe golf destination and is one of the most favourite destinations amongst golfers worldwide. If you are interested in Spain golfing holidays, you should definitely read the following article. Find out all the interesting facts that you should know about the top Spain golf destinations and where to book the best Spain golfing holidays. Read on this article to know more.
Where to find cows for sale

Where to find cows for sale

Finding cows for sale is not a hard task, as there are many sites in the U.K. You must, however, decide what are your requirements and how many cattle your land can take. There are many agricultural markets where cattle are auctioned, but there is a range of websites selling cattle, some of which specialise in particular breeds.
How to play black jack?

How to play black jack?

Learn to play blackjack: whether playing blackjack online, at home or in a casino, this guide will take you through the basic rules of blackjack.
All about: I-Spy games

All about: I-Spy games

I-Spy games are found in the category of "educational games for children", and in the sub-category of "find it games". This article will be discussing the franchise of games and what you need to know about them. Pictured in the featured image is a screenshot of a demo of one of the I-Spy games for PC.
Where to find a free map of Malaysia

Where to find a free map of Malaysia

Malaysia is a country in South-east Asia that is located partly on a peninsula of the Asian mainland and partly on the northern third of the island of Borneo. There are a lot of beautiful national parks in Malaysia, hence making it a great tourist destination. Find out where to find a map of Malaysia for free.
Introduction to conflict of interest policy

Introduction to conflict of interest policy

Are you a member of a company’s selection panel who has made a job offer to the son of your relative? Then, you are in a conflict of interest situation. This article introduces the concept of conflict of interest.
Where to book romantic weekends away

Where to book romantic weekends away

When you think of a romantic city, Paris always springs to mind. With its wonderful architecture, charming streets and bistros, Paris is the City of Love and Light. However, there are also other European cities, where you could take your sweetheart for a memorable romantic experience. This article summarises a few of them.
How to save money on Asian cruises

How to save money on Asian cruises

As the cruise industry continues to grow, many travellers consider a trip on a great ship with the sight seeing experiences of a land holiday. Asian cruises provide tourists with multi-stop, far east holidays, enabling them to see several countries on one cruise trip. These holidays don't have to cost a fortune. Follow the article for some valuable money-saving tips.
A guide to Dreams Cancun Resort

A guide to Dreams Cancun Resort

The Dreams Cancun Resort on the shores of the Caribbean Sea of Mexico has won many awards for its quality and attention to detail throughout this unlimited luxury holiday destination. This resort and spa brings a new level to the luxury all inclusive holiday that can be found all along the miles of beaches in Cancun’s Riviera resort. Read the guide below to discover more about Dreams Cancun.
Five women role models in the Bible

Five women role models in the Bible

Women in biblical times did not have equal rights or freedom of speech. Five women in Bible stories rose above all the constraints of their times and became role models for generations to come. They were Mary, Hagar, Esther, Ruth and Mary Magdalene.
Where can I get an English-to-Turkish translator online?

Where can I get an English-to-Turkish translator online?

Are you a professional translator and you often find yourself in need of help? Have you ever found yourself wondering about the meaning of a certain word which you have heard? If yes, then you already have the probably to resort to an online translation tool. If you are still wondering where you can find online translation services, then you should definitely read the following article. Find out all the interesting facts which you need to know about English to Turkish online translation tools.
A buyer's guide to silver anniversary gifts

A buyer's guide to silver anniversary gifts

The 25th wedding anniversary is also known as the silver anniversary. Traditionally, silver gifts are given on this milestone date. It may seem difficult to choose a silver wedding gift, but it does not have to be. Here are some ideas for silver anniversary gifts.
Where to find free online maths games

Where to find free online maths games

If you are looking to further your mathematical knowledge from the comfort of your own home (and without the use of boring textbooks), then academic games may be the solution. Learn more about the best online mathematical games and where to find them.
How to book cheap holidays in Dubai

How to book cheap holidays in Dubai

Some of the best holidays to Dubai are not necessarily the most expensive ones. By following some valuable tips, it is possible to make substantial savings on Dubai breaks. Whether it is a trip to Atlantis Dubai, a Dubai all-inclusive break or a general Dubai package holiday, read the following article for some top tips.
Boston museum of fine arts: A visitors perspective

Boston museum of fine arts: A visitors perspective

The Boston Museum of Fine Arts (MFA) is a veritable treasure trove of art, photography, jewelry, musical instruments and textiles from both the modern and ancient worlds. The varied standing collection and prestigious visiting exhibitions makes this arts museum a must-see for locals and visitors alike.
How to grind dance?

How to grind dance?

Grind dancing can be a very sexy and risky way of dancing. It is a dance which is normally more appropriate in nightclubs than in formal events. This article looks at how you can learn to grind dance with a man if you are a woman.
Top five attractions of Chattanooga, Tennessee

Top five attractions of Chattanooga, Tennessee

The Sydney bridge climb adventure

The Sydney bridge climb adventure

The Sydney Harbour Bridge climb is a popular tourist activity. It particularly attracts fitter and more active visitors, since it involves climbing along the arch of the iconic structure. BridgClimb organises climbs from dawn until dusk, but also offers the twilight climb and the night climb on occasion.
What is the most effective method of charitable giving?

What is the most effective method of charitable giving?

Charity is an excellent thing. By helping others in a charitable manner, you not only feel good about yourself but you really contribute to the welfare of someone or something. If you are looking for all the ways you can help to fund-raise efforts, read the following article.
How to conduct digs in the Arctic circle

How to conduct digs in the Arctic circle

The Arctic circle maps the northern-most area of the Earth, and marks the extremities of the polar day and the polar night. Learn more about the Arctic circle, and the dangers of its exploration.
A guide to pet microchips

A guide to pet microchips

Micro-chipping offers a means of locating a lost or stolen animal. A microchip implant is a form of pet ID that can be effective, whether you have a pet cat or a pet dog. It is a type of pet-tracking that involves an identifying integrated circuit being placed under the skin of an animal. It can be used for birds, cats, dogs, horses and other types of animals.
How to use an air pressure gauge in a pneumatic system

How to use an air pressure gauge in a pneumatic system

An air pressure gauge is an instrument used for measuring the pressure. It is used in pneumatic systems like air compressors, air cylinders, air supplies and filling systems. It is useful for monitoring and testing pneumatic systems. An air pressure gauge can measure pneumatic and hydraulic pressure of gases, compressed air and low viscosity non-aggressive fluids. This article provides a guide to using an air pressure gauge in a pneumatic system.
A guide to pruning and cutting trees

A guide to pruning and cutting trees

Pruning trees is an essential gardening task done for aesthetic and production reasons. It is done according to the age of the tree and the needs of the gardener. Cutting trees is a harder task, and there is a serious difference between the way in which you treat large trees and smaller trees.
Clinical psychologist jobs: The facts

Clinical psychologist jobs: The facts

With psychology now being one of the most popular bachelor’s degree subjects it is clear that interest in the subject is very high, and competition for careers in psychology is very keen! Clinical psychology is one possible career path for anyone holding such a degree.
A guide to concrete recycling

A guide to concrete recycling

Recycled concrete is much more valuable than virgin materials. Along with eliminating the need to transfer new materials, it also reduces carbon emissions. This article looks at the benefits of using old materials by preventing the unnecessary build-up of waste.
Where to buy a portable massage bed

Where to buy a portable massage bed

While it used to be that to obtain a massage you had to go to a spa, massages that occur at home are increasing. Due to a re-evaluation of massage as a therapy for many symptoms and more portable equipment becoming available, individuals began to request services in their homes. Massage therapists began providing this service as they learnt that it was more profitable than being paid on commission or by the hour.
All about: Charming the Indian cobra

All about: Charming the Indian cobra

A guide to Atlanta restaurants

A guide to Atlanta restaurants

This article discusses and reviews the best Atlanta restaurants, covering a wide range of food types for any budget. From those looking for a cheap and quick bite to eat to those looking to dine on something extravagant and luxurious, there is something for everyone in this guide.
All about: Shark attacks in South Africa

All about: Shark attacks in South Africa

How to understand solution-focused brief therapy

How to understand solution-focused brief therapy

Solution-focused brief therapy differs from conventional talking therapies, with its primary focus on the future. The therapist encourages a client to construct a hypothetical "dream future", and then establishes the steps required to reach it. Learn more about how solution-focused brief therapy works, and how exactly the results are achieved.
A list of green businesses

A list of green businesses

The green companies listed in this article are 20 of the best businesses in the UK that are making efforts to act in an environmentally friendly fashion. By recognising that the world in which they do business is the same world in which they live, they are taking measures to ensure that their impact doesn't produce lasting damage to the environment.
The ideas for birthday party games

The ideas for birthday party games

There are many different birthday party games that can help you to make your birthday party even more memorable. It's quite simple to find the right games and activities, to bring your birthday celebration to life. Read on to find ideas for birthday party games.
How to treat tapeworms in dogs

How to treat tapeworms in dogs

Your pet is also susceptible to infections. Pet dogs, particularly, rare liable to get infected by tapeworms as they eat meat which happens to be the key souce of such worms. If a tapeworm infection is left untreated, it can lead to severe illnesses. Read on to know how you can treat tapeworms in your dog.
Wolves' pictures

Wolves' pictures

Wolves, which all belong to the genus Canis, have captured the human imagination for centuries, probably owing to the sense of beauty and danger that they convey. As a result, there are more wolf images in print and online than most other wild animals. In many cases, you may have to pay a fee to buy quality pictures of wolves. However, it doesn't mean that there aren't several free sources available, if you know where to search.