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Leisure and Culture: Activities, Exhibitions, and Must-Read Books

Find ideas for cultural activities, exhibitions to visit, books to read, and events not to miss in the cultural world.



Petra est un site fabuleux. C'est difficile pourtant d'imaginer qu'à une époque cette ville était un point névralgique du commerce. Lorsqu'on arrive sur le site après avoir pris ses billets un chemin en plein soleil assez long, s’étend devant nous. Il ne semble pas y avoir grand-chose à voir. Je suis déçue, ce n’est pas ce que j’imag
Jerash ou Gerasa

Jerash ou Gerasa

Jerash est le chef-lieu de la province de Jerash dans le nord de la Jordanie. C'est la seconde destination touristique après Pétra en Jordanie. Le site de l'antique Gérasa, est une ville grecque qui a connu son apogée sous l'occupation romaine. La ville fut abandonnée vers le 12eme. Elle a fini ensablée et oubliée pendant plusieurs siècles.
Le désert du Wadi Rum en Jordanie

Le désert du Wadi Rum en Jordanie

Effectivement il s'agit de la Jordanie. Ici petite excursion dans le désert Wadi Rum avec une nuit en campement. Des excusions en 4x4 sont proposées dans le désert ainsi que des excursions à dos de dromadaires. Je déconseille fortement le dromadaire. Il fait trop chaud, ce n'est pas confortable et comme c'est un moyen de locomotion lent on voi
La stratégie marketing Coca Cola par des bouteilles en édition limitée

La stratégie marketing Coca Cola par des bouteilles en édition limitée

Ce qu'il y a de sympa au Japon c'est ce que fait Coca Cola avec ses gammes de bouteilles en éditions limitées. Par exemple selon les saisons on peut trouver des bouteilles avec un décors différents. Ce sont des bouteilles qui restent difficile à trouver car jusque là ce n'ai que celle des Sakura au printemps. Il y a aussi les bouteilles faite
Transport persoane Cluj Napoca - Viena | Transport turistic cu microbuz autocar Romania Austria

Transport persoane Cluj Napoca - Viena | Transport turistic cu microbuz autocar Romania Austria

Transport persoane cu autocar ruta Cluj Romania, Viena Austria. 1 - Ruta de transport extern ( Exp: Cluj - Viena, Austria - Cluj, Romania cu microbuze de 8+1 locuri, la pret de 2.000 lei include toate taxele. Oferim Contract, Factura si chitanta. Toate microbuzele sunt asigurate cu asigurari ptr transporturi legale si ptr siguranta transportului. O


Pas très loin de Tokyo se trouve Odawara. C'est un lieu que j'aime bien aller visiter. Le principal intérêt est le château que l'on peut visiter. Il a été à plusieurs reprise détruit et plus ou moins bien reconstruit. Ce n'est qu'en 1938 , que le site du château fut déclaré « Monument historique National », la zone de préservation his


Il y a un personnage dont il faut que je vous parle. Mon fils en est fou depuis qu'il l'a découvert. Il s'appelle Doraemon. C'est un personnage de bande dessinée crée par Fujiko F. Fujio . Ce personnage est très populaire au Japon. C'est un chat robot venu du futur. Il est venu aider un petit garçon, Nobita à ne pas devenir le nul qu'il sera
Yasukuni Jinja Shrine - combat de Sumo

Yasukuni Jinja Shrine - combat de Sumo

Le tournoi annuel de Sumo existe depuis 1869 et à lieu une fois par an. Le Sanctuaire Yasukuni Jinja a un ring de Sumo permanent. En 1917, lorsque le Ryogoku Kokugikan a été détruit par le feu, le Tournoi du Grand Sumo de 1917 et celui de l'année suivante ont eu lieu au Sumo Ring du Sanctuaire Yasukuni Jinja. Un total de 200 lutteurs de sumo a
Kit Kat au Japon

Kit Kat au Japon

Kit Kat est une marque de Nestlé bien connue dans le monde. En France on trouvera le classique Kit Kat au chocolat. Mais au Japon, c'est une autre histoire. Le Kit Kat, c'est toute une gamme de parfums qu'on n'oserait pas imaginer. Cela va du parfum thé Macha, à l'orange en passant pas crème brûlée ou banane. A chaque saison, je regarde quell
Découvrez le Bornéo Malaisien en 1 min

Découvrez le Bornéo Malaisien en 1 min

Un petit aperçu en 1 minute du Bornéo Malaisien la partie Malaisienne de Bornéo en 1 minute
Content on demand : Entertainment
What are the tips to become popular

What are the tips to become popular

Your teenage years can be a worrying and upsetting time, especially if you feel that you don't fit in with the most popular crowd. There is in every school all over the world a popular girl or boy who will have all popular people following him or her and so, the "in crowd" is formed. Take a look at how you can fit in.
A guide to overseas adoption

A guide to overseas adoption

Across the world, international adoptions have increased in recent years. In the UK, the number of international adoptions are low as compared to other EU nations such as France, Italy and Spain. As international adoption awareness becomes more prominent in the UK, more families will choose to adopt. These families will benefit from the guide to overseas adoption found in this article.
A guide to shopping in Dubai

A guide to shopping in Dubai

If you are visiting Dubai for your next vacation, you will certainly have a lot to do during your stay. However, either you are visiting Dubai for a short weekend trip or a long holiday, shopping is something that you will definitely include in your Dubai trip. If you want to be prepared and to know where to go and what to buy from the beginning, read the following comprehensive guide to shopping in Dubai.
A guide to getting a job in dairy farming

A guide to getting a job in dairy farming

Getting a job in dairy farming involves acquiring the right range of skills that you will need in the job. This can be done by attending certain college courses, and getting work experience. There are also several sources of job adverts, such as newspapers and websites that will attract the potential dairy worker. This article therefore provides a guide to getting a job in dairy farming.
Review: Singapore Air Lines

Review: Singapore Air Lines

Nowadays, there are numerous airline companies for you to choose from. You will definitely be confused if you are searching for a flight among all the airline companies that exist. In order to choose an airlines company, you should read reviews from previous passengers. In the following review, find out more about Singapore Airlines.
How to see criminal records for free

How to see criminal records for free

You will be able to search criminal records for free online, and this information can be found in many ways. If you would like to see if an employee has a criminal history, you can find this information when searching through databases such as criminal record checks. Overtime, the world has become a crime-ridden place, and there are many people that have been affected by crime in one way or another.
All about Chinese symbol of love

All about Chinese symbol of love

The Chinese symbol of love is based around the symbol for the heart. It shows a desire to offer one’s heart to someone else. It is a human hand reaching out or extending the heart to a person’s hand for friendship. It is called ‘Ai.’ The word love in Chinese is an amalgamation of concepts taught by Confucius, Mozi and Laozi.
How to make a money tree?

How to make a money tree?

‘Money Tree’ does exist but not that of your dream world, but instead you will have to put in a bit of your artistic touch to create one. In this article, you will learn one of the easiest and simplest ways of making a money tree.
A guide to travelling to Taiwan

A guide to travelling to Taiwan

This liver-shaped island, once named Formosa ('beautiful island' in Portuguese), is located in the Pacific Ocean, and is separated from China by the Taiwan Strait. While it may not be a tourism rival to China yet, there are several interesting landmarks. This article details out a guide to travelling to Taiwan.
How to host a murder game in your home?

How to host a murder game in your home?

Hosting a murder mystery game in your home can be a great way to get some friends together for an evening and have a lot of fun. Murder mystery party games are essentially a series of clues played out by each guest over the course of an evening as part of a script. This article will explain how to host a murder mystery evening.
A guide to all-inclusive resorts in the Bahamas

A guide to all-inclusive resorts in the Bahamas

One of the best ways to enjoy a vacation to the exotic Bahamas islands is to book an all-inclusive resort of repute. Most of the leading Bahamas resorts offer all-inclusive packages that allow you to enjoy luxury vacations at an affordable price. All-inclusive resorts usually offer you a single price that includes accommodation, food, drinks, activities and sightseeing, which makes the deal cheaper. This article acts as a guide to all-inclusive resorts in the Bahamas.
A guide to Laredo Community College

A guide to Laredo Community College

Established with the aim of educating returning American soldiers after World War Two, Laredo Community College serves a three-county area composed of Webb, Jim Hogg and Zapata counties in Texas. Some of the historic buildings at its main campus are listed as archaeological landmarks on the National Register of Historic Places.
Overstock Auctions: The facts

Overstock Auctions: The facts

Overstock is an online retailer which sells everything from home appliances, electronics, and apparel to real estate, cars, and vacations. The shop has a marketplace where items are sold through bidding. Find out what you can buy at Overstock and how its auction market works.
What is collaborative law?

What is collaborative law?

Collaborative law is a binding agreement between two parties - usually spouses in the process of a divorce. It ensures that they will work together to find a solution to the termination of their marriage, and that their lawyers will not work in such a way as to undermine the other spouse so as to secure a more preferential verdict pertaining to the divorce settlement.
LDS Planet: The facts

LDS Planet: The facts

There are many online dating services available that it is now possible to find dating sites which specifically cater for those of the same religion. If you belong to the Mormon Church of Latter-day Saints, head to LDS Planet to search thousands of profiles of single Latter-day Saints in order to find your ideal partner.
All about: Dental insurance in the UK

All about: Dental insurance in the UK

Dental health insurance in the UK is becoming a necessity due to the dentist costs. As dental insurance is a wide area, it's important to know the full scope of it in order to get the best health insurance quote for your needs.
What are the energy saving ideas

What are the energy saving ideas

With everyone talking about reducing your carbon footprint, what can you do to save on energy? This article will look into the various options below.
What are the benefits of studying abroad?

What are the benefits of studying abroad?

Gift experiences sold at an activity superstore

Gift experiences sold at an activity superstore

Activity superstores are organisations which sell a huge variety of gift experiences. These are often activity days, pamper days, or something similar. The idea is that the gift enables the recipient to 'live their dream'. However are these gifts a good idea and of good value? This article looks at them in more detail and explore their pros and cons.
Cheap holidays in Albufeira

Cheap holidays in Albufeira

Albufeira is a wonderful destination in Portugal, Algarve. The place offers perfect vacation for all those people who are looking for an inexpensive foreign tour. In this wondrous location, you can enjoy spectacular villages and roam among the archaic structures of churches and manor that dot the scenic coastal town.
British Horse Society: The facts

British Horse Society: The facts

The British Horse Society promotes the interests of horses, riders, riding and high quality breeding. It campaigns for rights of way such as bridleways, against the mistreatment of horses and for increased motorist awareness of horses. Its functions include providing a range of certificates in equine care and riding, and the courses that lead up to them.
Premium Bond winners: The facts

Premium Bond winners: The facts

In today’s current economic climate, the word ‘Investment’ can scare even the most hardened economist. Nevertheless, all Premium Bonds have still remained popular with everyday citizens, with 40% of the population in June 2011 holding some bonds. However, how wise an investment is a Premium Bond, and what are the chances of gaining a return?
Where to play free army games online

Where to play free army games online

There are many websites online, where the user can play free army games. Most people think that you have to pay, but instead the developers put ads on their games so that they can make money while you play for free. In this article, you will learn where these previously unknown sites are, and the quality of the games on the site (all are free to play).
Where to find a free map of Finland

Where to find a free map of Finland

Finland, or what is officially known as the Republic of Finland, is a country that is situated in Northern Europe. With a small population of people who reside in Finland, as compared to other European countries, it is the ideal place to visit. Of course, having a Finland map will ensure that you know where to go on your trip.
The symbolism of the Puerto Rican flag

The symbolism of the Puerto Rican flag

The symbolism of the Puerto Rican flag has changed through history. The following is an explanation of its meaning through time.
A guide to luxury self-catering holidays

A guide to luxury self-catering holidays

From a luxury villa through to coastal cottages, this guide is full of essential information on luxury self-catering holidays. These are holidays that you can take at your own pace, with your own itinerary, in luxury reminiscent top hotels. This article acts as a guide to luxury self-catering holidays.
Holidays in the Maldives: exciting places to visit

Holidays in the Maldives: exciting places to visit

The Maldives is a paradise for diving and scuba diving travel in the heart of the Indian Ocean. It is full of exciting places to visit, from its beautiful beaches and ocean sports to its historical landmarks. This article mentions the most amazing places to see during your travel in the Maldives.
A guide to planning holidays to South America

A guide to planning holidays to South America

One of the most popular holiday destinations in the world, South America is a continent which offers visitors a wide variety of cultures, countries, food and adventures. This continent, located below the North American country of Panama, consists of three territories and 12 countries. Those who are planning to spend holidays in South America will benefit from the information found in this article.
New Living Translation: The facts

New Living Translation: The facts

The New Living Translation Bible was developed to render the Bible in modern English comprehensible to ordinary readers. It underwent a rigorous translation process intended to ascertain and express the true meaning in modern English, the translators being drawn from a range of denominations. Various study Bibles have been developed from it, but there have been criticisms.
Where can I get an English-to-Turkish translator online?

Where can I get an English-to-Turkish translator online?

Are you a professional translator and you often find yourself in need of help? Have you ever found yourself wondering about the meaning of a certain word which you have heard? If yes, then you already have the probably to resort to an online translation tool. If you are still wondering where you can find online translation services, then you should definitely read the following article. Find out all the interesting facts which you need to know about English to Turkish online translation tools.
A guide to choosing wedding lanterns

A guide to choosing wedding lanterns

Wedding lanterns are wedding accessories that are becoming increasingly popular as a safe and less expensive alternative to fireworks. Similar to a mini hot air balloon, the lanterns are lit and float up in the sky, emanating a bright glow as they hover from sight. Hence, this creates an amazing visual effect.
Where to find free online maths games

Where to find free online maths games

If you are looking to further your mathematical knowledge from the comfort of your own home (and without the use of boring textbooks), then academic games may be the solution. Learn more about the best online mathematical games and where to find them.
How to book cheap holidays in Dubai

How to book cheap holidays in Dubai

Some of the best holidays to Dubai are not necessarily the most expensive ones. By following some valuable tips, it is possible to make substantial savings on Dubai breaks. Whether it is a trip to Atlantis Dubai, a Dubai all-inclusive break or a general Dubai package holiday, read the following article for some top tips.
Review: Museum of Fine Arts Boston

Review: Museum of Fine Arts Boston

Located on Huntington Avenue, Boston Museum of Fine Arts, one of the largest museums in the United States, was founded in 1870 and has been at its current location for more than a hundred years. Its affiliate, the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, stands on a nearby site, enabling students to gain first-hand experience.
How to dance in a club?

How to dance in a club?

Your ability to dance in a club can make or break your evening. Dance like a fool and people will think your an idiot. Dance too well and though people might be impressed to start with, you may come across as being too good. So which is the perfect way to dance in a club?
Where to visit in Baltimore

Where to visit in Baltimore

Baltimore, Maryland is located is a mid-size American city near Chesapeake Bay. For those who are wondering where to visit in Baltimore, read on for more information. Baltimore has many fun things to do and exciting places to see.
Immigration and the New Zealand Embassy

Immigration and the New Zealand Embassy

Many people are interested in immigrating to New Zealand and wonder how the process works. The NZ Embassy in foreign countries is a starting place for information or concerning the immigration. website lists important information and application forms. The process is time-consuming and the standards are high.
All about: Great Bear Lodge

All about: Great Bear Lodge

The Great Bear Lodge is situated fifty miles north of Port handy, British Columbia and is a fully self-contained floating lodge that is situated at an outstanding wildlife viewing location. From the viewing location, it is fantastic for viewing grizzly bears in their natural habitats and that is exactly what the Great Bear Lodge specialises in. Read this article to learn more about Great Bear Lodge.
What do the small intestines do?

What do the small intestines do?

The small intestines are an essential part of the human digestive system and are used to absorb the nutrients found in the already digested food - it is said that around 95% of absorption takes place along this six-metre tract. This article will discuss the structure and function of the small intestines in much greater detail.
A buyer's guide to designer fish tanks

A buyer's guide to designer fish tanks

Fish tanks are becoming a must-have feature for any style-conscious home designer. With an increasing range of designer tanks, it is not just the fish that surprises the visitors. This article offers a guide to the world of designer home aquariums.
How to use an air pressure gauge in a pneumatic system

How to use an air pressure gauge in a pneumatic system

An air pressure gauge is an instrument used for measuring the pressure. It is used in pneumatic systems like air compressors, air cylinders, air supplies and filling systems. It is useful for monitoring and testing pneumatic systems. An air pressure gauge can measure pneumatic and hydraulic pressure of gases, compressed air and low viscosity non-aggressive fluids. This article provides a guide to using an air pressure gauge in a pneumatic system.
Where to buy exotic flowers

Where to buy exotic flowers

A bouquet of flowers is a great way to brighten up your home, or show a friend or a loved one just how much you care. If you are a fan of exotic plants and flowers, unusual flowers or strange plants, read on to learn where you can buy the very best in exotic flower species.
Why psychics can never be for real

Why psychics can never be for real

A psychic is an individual who can supposedly sense things that are not accessible through ordinary sensory perceptions. There are many people who claim to be psychics, but is psychic ability supported by science? Read this article to find out why psychics can never be for real.
A guide to concrete recycling

A guide to concrete recycling

Recycled concrete is much more valuable than virgin materials. Along with eliminating the need to transfer new materials, it also reduces carbon emissions. This article looks at the benefits of using old materials by preventing the unnecessary build-up of waste.
What is life coaching?

What is life coaching?

Nowadays, you can find a coach for just about anything, from sports coaching, career coaching, corporate coaching, executive coaching, NLP coaching, coaching in business and dating coaching. Whatever your stage in life and your current circumstance, it is well worth learning about the benefits of life coaching.
The African clawed frog

The African clawed frog

The African clawed frog is the only clawed amphibian and is found in Sub-Saharan Africa, with one species found in the South East and another in the West. It is characterised by a number of claws on its feet and some other distinguishing characteristics which render it quite different from other frogs. It is a species that dwells in rivers and ponds.
What are the popular places to visit in Broad Street, Birmingham?

What are the popular places to visit in Broad Street, Birmingham?

Broad Street is the place to be when you are in Birmingham, England. If you have never visited it, then you have no idea what you are missing. From the Fiveways' cinema, the Novotel Hotel in Birmingham, The Brasshouse pub or O'Neills, there are things that suit everybody's taste. Therefore, Broad Street is the place to be!
All about: Shark attacks in South Africa

All about: Shark attacks in South Africa

What is occupational therapy?

What is occupational therapy?

Occupational therapy has a wide range of applications. It is frequently employed to tackle depression, encourage exercise and even promote independence in patients with mental, physical or emotional obstacles to overcome. Learn more about the process of occupational therapy, how it has helped so many people and the issues that it faces as a field.
A list of green businesses

A list of green businesses

The green companies listed in this article are 20 of the best businesses in the UK that are making efforts to act in an environmentally friendly fashion. By recognising that the world in which they do business is the same world in which they live, they are taking measures to ensure that their impact doesn't produce lasting damage to the environment.
Where to buy thank you gift baskets

Where to buy thank you gift baskets

Thank you gift baskets can be a wonderful way to show that you are truly thankful for a gift or an act of kindness from another person. Of course gift baskets aren't for everyone but most people would be happy to receive one.
The types of essential puppy shots

The types of essential puppy shots

Puppies’ health need to be taken care of by their owners. An essential part of dogs’ health care is the administration of puppy vaccines. This article provides puppy’s owners with information about the types of puppy shots that are essential for the health of their animals. Puppies may get infected with diseases such as canine distemper, rabies, canine adenovirus and parvorvirus without the administration of proper vaccines.
Wolves' pictures

Wolves' pictures

Wolves, which all belong to the genus Canis, have captured the human imagination for centuries, probably owing to the sense of beauty and danger that they convey. As a result, there are more wolf images in print and online than most other wild animals. In many cases, you may have to pay a fee to buy quality pictures of wolves. However, it doesn't mean that there aren't several free sources available, if you know where to search.