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Leisure and Culture: Activities, Exhibitions, and Must-Read Books

Find ideas for cultural activities, exhibitions to visit, books to read, and events not to miss in the cultural world.

Excursions dans la jungle de Bornéo avec uncle Tan

Excursions dans la jungle de Bornéo avec uncle Tan

Pour les voyageurs qui veulent profiter de la jungle, les excursions d'uncle Tan sont vraiment très bien faite. Nous avons passé deux nuits dans la jungle avec au programme plusieurs sorties en bateau, de nuit et dans la jungle. Avec un super guide nous avons découvert les plantes qui peuvent nous nourrir, nous réhydrater, celles dangereuses. S
Les Tours Petronas

Les Tours Petronas

Les tours Petronas, sont deux tours jumelles situées à Kuala Lumpur. Elles ont été conçues par l’architecte argentin Cesar Pellli et inaugurée en 1998. Elles ont une hauteur totale de 452 m et 88 étages. Une passerelle d'acier accessible aux visiteurs relie les deux tours au 41 eme étage à 170 m de hauteur. En quelques chiffres : 6 ans d
Le singe Nasique

Le singe Nasique

L’un des animaux emblème de la jungle de Bornéo, ce sont les Nasiques ou plus connu sous le nom de « long nez ». Ce sont des singes actuellement classés en danger. Fiche descriptive : Taille : 0,55 à 0,75 m (longueur de la queue 0,55 à 0,75 m) Poids : 10 à 24 kg Longévité : 12 à 15 ans Le nasique est un singe qui vit dans les arbres. O
Bornéo côté Malaisie

Bornéo côté Malaisie

C’est à Bornéo que je vous emmène cette semaine. C’est la quatrième plus grande ile au monde derrière l’Australie, le Groenland et la nouvelle Guinée. Elle est peuplée d’environ 20 millions d’habitants. Cette ile est partagée en trois pays Le Brunei, la Malaisie et l’Indonésie. C’est la partie Malaisienne que nous allons déc


Parmi les choses dont je suis tombée sous le charme au Japon, il y a les Kokeshi. Ce sont des poupées japonaises en bois. Elles ont la forme d’une quille. Elles ont été créées il y a 150 ans dans le nord de Honshu (l’ile principale où se trouve Tokyo). Les kokeshi traditionnelles sont peintes et décorées de fleurs puis recouvertes de l
Rivière Meguro

Rivière Meguro

Au moment des cerisiers en fleurs, il y a un lieu que je trouve magnifique avec une chouette ambiance festive. Il s'agit de la rivière Meguro à Tokyo. Elle est bordée d'arbres en fleurs. Le long de la rivière lorsque les arbres sont magnifiques, les japonais viennent se promener, manger dans les stands que la bordent et boire du mousseux aux co


salut à tous ! Troisieme CDJ, et je vais vous parler d'une sortie toute récente pour laquelle j'ai eu un enorme coup de coeur ! Titre : Lady Artiste : EXID Année : 2018 Label : Banana Culture Énorme coup de cœur pour cette chanson sortie il y a deux jours ! Une chanson retro qui me fait penser aux musiques des années 90 ! Elles sortent totale
Monchhichi  ou Kiki

Monchhichi ou Kiki

C’est d’un objet de notre enfance que je voudrais vous parler. Le mythique Kiki que j’avais étant petite est d’origine Japonaise. Ici il s’appelle Monchhichi et a été créé en 1974 par Kōichi Sekiguchi à Tokyo. Il possédait une société de poupée. La popularité du petit personnage étant grandissante en 1975, son export débutâ


salut à tous ! aujourdhui nouvelle cdj, et on va parler d'un coup de coeur récent ! Titre : Starry Night Artiste : Mamamoo Album : Yellow Flower Année : 2018 Label : RBW Une chanson rythmée, parfaite pour les jours qui se réchauffent et se rallongent, un concept simple mais efficace, un mv tres sobre c'est tous ce que j'aime ! MV] MAMAMOO(마


Sur la page Facebook retrouvez un concours pour gagner un lot de cartes postales Japonaises. Routes et découverte. 200 likes · 161 talking about this. Les pays du monde à travers des photos, conseils, idées, art, culture.
Content on demand : Entertainment
How to cope when all my sons are moving out

How to cope when all my sons are moving out

Empty nest syndrome can be a very difficult time for a woman. She has given her time and energy to creating warm, happy home filled with the hustle and bustle of a growing family and suddenly the house is empty and her role as homemaker is redundant.
Where to find pugs for adoption

Where to find pugs for adoption

These days, it is easier than ever before to find certain breeds of dogs up for adoption. If you have decided that you would much rather give a rescue dog, such as a pug, a good home as opposed to buying a new puppy, read on to learn where to find pugs for adoption.
A guide to the Democratic Republic of Congo

A guide to the Democratic Republic of Congo

Formerly known as Zaire, the Democratic Republic of Congo is the third largest country in Africa. Located in the centre and southern area of the continent, Kinshasha is the capital of Congo, located in the west of the country, close to its Atlantic coastline.
All about destructive grazing

All about destructive grazing

The facts about Executive Jet Management

The facts about Executive Jet Management

Executive Jet Management offers private jet charters or management of executive aircraft. With their help, you can charter a flight for your executives or book a jet rental with your personal pilot. With more than four decades of experience, Executive Jet brings years of experience as well as solid financial backing by Berkshire Hathaway and Net Jet.
Which are the tallest buildings in the world?

Which are the tallest buildings in the world?

The subject of the tallest building in the world should be simple, just measure the thing up to the top. This concept was working well until many different types of structures and buildings began being built.
All about Chinese symbol of love

All about Chinese symbol of love

The Chinese symbol of love is based around the symbol for the heart. It shows a desire to offer one’s heart to someone else. It is a human hand reaching out or extending the heart to a person’s hand for friendship. It is called ‘Ai.’ The word love in Chinese is an amalgamation of concepts taught by Confucius, Mozi and Laozi.
How to make sew on badges

How to make sew on badges

Badges are a great way to customise an outfit or an accessory and if they are handmade, then they can really show your individuality and personal style. If you are artistic and crafty, making your own sew on badges is a fun and easy activity. Why buy badges when you can make your own?
How to make an Indian passport application

How to make an Indian passport application

For all Indian citizens wishing to travel abroad, they must be in possession of valid and up-to-date Indian passports. This is irrespective of age. Therefore, even young babies need to have their own children passport which will be valid for five years. Obtaining a passport is a straightforward process, provided that the correct steps are taken. Read the following article to know how to make an Indian passport application.
A guide to fortune telling with playing cards

A guide to fortune telling with playing cards

Divination is possible to do using normal playing cards. Although there are less cards than a tarot pack, the cards can still be used to give a reading. Find out more with our guide to fortune telling using playing cards.
How to plan a honeymoon cruise in the Carribbean

How to plan a honeymoon cruise in the Carribbean

If you are looking for a romantic honeymoon, then a cruise ship vacation in the Caribbean is going to hit all the right spots. A beautiful sailing vacation is one of the best honeymoons that any couple could wish for, and here are some tips on booking that dream trip.
A guide to UK osteopathic medical schools

A guide to UK osteopathic medical schools

Developed by Dr. Andrew Taylor in the 1870s in response to his belief that traditional medicine used drug unnecessarily, osteopathic medicine is currently one of the fastest growing medical professions. Osteopathic doctors are fully licensed, and can legally perform medical duties, surgeries and prescribe medicine. Those who are interested in this type of medicine will benefit from the guide to UK osteopathic medical schools found in this article.
How to avoid useless customer service phone numbers

How to avoid useless customer service phone numbers

Is contacting the business customer contact centre driving you up the wall? Stay calm and remind yourself that there is more than one way to contact a company. Calling by phone may sound fast but there are other more effective methods which you can use and many people have had their problems solved through the latter. Read on for more information.
What is collaborative law?

What is collaborative law?

Collaborative law is a binding agreement between two parties - usually spouses in the process of a divorce. It ensures that they will work together to find a solution to the termination of their marriage, and that their lawyers will not work in such a way as to undermine the other spouse so as to secure a more preferential verdict pertaining to the divorce settlement.
A guide to some common dating mistakes

A guide to some common dating mistakes

How much do braces cost?

How much do braces cost?

It almost seems like one out of every three people needs braces these days but they will not get them due to the outrageous costs. This article will show you that the cost may not be as crazy as you think!
Where to buy a solar panel roof

Where to buy a solar panel roof

The sun is a free source of energy in the form of natural light and warmth and it is possible to capture some of this abundant free energy directly to convert sunlight into electricity using solar panels. These can be easily incorporated into most houses and can save electricity. In this article, find out where to buy solar panel roofs.
What is a child life specialist?

What is a child life specialist?

If your child has had to spend time in the hospital or is suffering from chronic health conditions, it is highly likely that you will have come across a child life specialist. This field developed as a result of pioneering work by Emma Plak in the 1960s, who trained with Maria Montessori.
Five great audition monologues

Five great audition monologues

Choosing an audition monologue can be challenging. There are so many plays and playwrights to choose from that it can be intimidating. Then, there is the issue of genre. Do you want a classical piece? Do you want contemporary or comedic monologues? The options are overwhelming. This article offers five pieces to hep you in your search.
A guide to weekend breaks in Paris

A guide to weekend breaks in Paris

Are you thinking of travelling to a European capital? Even if you only have time for a short weekend break, the city of Paris, France is a great idea. Read the following article and find out all the information that you need to know about planning Paris weekends breaks, including where to go and what to do.
Where to find cows for sale

Where to find cows for sale

Finding cows for sale is not a hard task, as there are many sites in the U.K. You must, however, decide what are your requirements and how many cattle your land can take. There are many agricultural markets where cattle are auctioned, but there is a range of websites selling cattle, some of which specialise in particular breeds.
How to play black jack?

How to play black jack?

Learn to play blackjack: whether playing blackjack online, at home or in a casino, this guide will take you through the basic rules of blackjack.
How to set up an XBox 360 live?

How to set up an XBox 360 live?

Setting up your XBox 360 to be able to play games online using Microsoft XBox live can be pretty frustrating, especially if you just can't wait to start playing with friends. This step by step guide to setting up XBox live will show you how to start online gaming.
Where to find a free map of Bali

Where to find a free map of Bali

Are you thinking of travelling to Bali? Are you wondering where you can find a free Bali map? You don’t have to spend your time searching and visiting bookstores. Just read the following article and find out all the interesting facts that you need to know about the Bali maps which you will need as well as where you can find them for free.
All about: Big Ben in London

All about: Big Ben in London

Along with Buckingham Palace and the Houses of Parliament, one of the most famous and familiar landmarks of London, is the big clock tower affectionately known as the Big Ben. In fact, some of the most iconic pictures of London often include an image of this historic building. Here are some interesting facts about the Big Ben.
Review: Treasure Island, Las Vegas

Review: Treasure Island, Las Vegas

Treasure Island is a hotel and casino located in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Its location along the famous strip in the city makes it one of the premier hotels of the resort and gaming city. To learn more about the Treasure Island resort, read the review below.
Holidays in the Maldives: exciting places to visit

Holidays in the Maldives: exciting places to visit

The Maldives is a paradise for diving and scuba diving travel in the heart of the Indian Ocean. It is full of exciting places to visit, from its beautiful beaches and ocean sports to its historical landmarks. This article mentions the most amazing places to see during your travel in the Maldives.
A guide to Dreams Cancun Resort

A guide to Dreams Cancun Resort

The Dreams Cancun Resort on the shores of the Caribbean Sea of Mexico has won many awards for its quality and attention to detail throughout this unlimited luxury holiday destination. This resort and spa brings a new level to the luxury all inclusive holiday that can be found all along the miles of beaches in Cancun’s Riviera resort. Read the guide below to discover more about Dreams Cancun.
A review of 'The Rise of Christianity' by Rodney Stark

A review of 'The Rise of Christianity' by Rodney Stark

‘The Rise of Christianity’ by Rodney Stark offers a sociological explanation for the miraculous popularity of Christianity. It explains why a small breakaway group of Jews who followed Jesus Christ and lived in tiny Judea, spread the word of the Messiah. It reached millions in the short span of three centuries after the crucifixion of Christ.
Where can I get an English-to-Turkish translator online?

Where can I get an English-to-Turkish translator online?

Are you a professional translator and you often find yourself in need of help? Have you ever found yourself wondering about the meaning of a certain word which you have heard? If yes, then you already have the probably to resort to an online translation tool. If you are still wondering where you can find online translation services, then you should definitely read the following article. Find out all the interesting facts which you need to know about English to Turkish online translation tools.
Where to buy wedding chocolates

Where to buy wedding chocolates

If you are planning to get married and you are considering having chocolates as favours at the wedding, there are plenty of options available. The cheapest option is to make your own. Both chocolate retailers and Internet sites offer great discounts when you bulk buy. Read on to learn where to get the very best chocolate wedding favours for your special day.
An introduction to calculus

An introduction to calculus

Where to find cheap Dubai holidays

Where to find cheap Dubai holidays

Set in the United Arab Emirates, Dubai is the modern day land of opportunity and top location for glamorous beach hotels. With some careful planning, it's possible to find some cheap deals to Dubai. Knowing where to look will help to make that all inclusive Dubai break more affordable. For top tips on bargain exotic travel and one of the best holidays in Dubai, read the article.
A guide to The Cloisters Museum and Garden

A guide to The Cloisters Museum and Garden

Cloisters Museum is located in a medieval-style building set on top of a cliff in North Manhattan, overlooking the River Hudson. It houses much of the medieval collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The site is landscaped with gardens planted according to information suggested by medieval sources, including medieval-style cloistered herb gardens.
What to look for when buying party packs

What to look for when buying party packs

Depending on the event, party bags should contain things, that remind people of the special event they've enjoyed, such as the bridal showers. The party packs should give the bride ideas, and accessories of what she can expect from married life. This article will show what to look for when buying party packs.
Where to find information about Texas online

Where to find information about Texas online

The state of Texas is a popular and vibrant tourist location in the United States of America. A wealth of information about Texas is available online, through officially recognised tourism websites, general travel websites and a wide range of forums and social networks. Browse all three of these sources to get the broadest impression of Texas before you travel to the Lone Star state.
A guide to getting an Australian working visa

A guide to getting an Australian working visa

With the sublime weather, beautiful beaches and great outdoors lifestyle on offer, it is easy to see why Australia is attractive to many people. There has been a massive boom in the number of people packing up and heading down under to start anew. While the change in lifestyle may seem a daunting task to face, the process of getting an Australian working holiday visa is quite simple.
A guide to Georgia state parks

A guide to Georgia state parks

If you live in Georgia or if you're just visiting the state, the state park system provides an opportunity for a great variety of family activities, or just a quiet walk in the open air. There are activities for history buffs, hikers, fishermen and just those out to enjoy a sunny afternoon with a picnic and a game of Frisbee.
What do the small intestines do?

What do the small intestines do?

The small intestines are an essential part of the human digestive system and are used to absorb the nutrients found in the already digested food - it is said that around 95% of absorption takes place along this six-metre tract. This article will discuss the structure and function of the small intestines in much greater detail.
How to care for house cats

How to care for house cats

Cats are popular household pets. Some can be highly independent outdoor animals, and others are kept as house cats. House pets have the same needs as cats who can go outdoors, but there are some specific things to consider if your cat is to be kept inside.
What is particle size analysis useful for?

What is particle size analysis useful for?

Particle size analysis is an important process in many industries, ranging from construction to cosmetics. Learn more about the process of particle size analysis, and its importance in a person's life.
All about: Florist Supplies UK

All about: Florist Supplies UK

Florist Supplies UK are the UK's premier importer and wholesaler of florist sundries, as well as artificial flowers with over thirty years of experience in the florist trade.The company do not supply flowers to the general public and will only supply to florist shops, garden centres, market traders and bona fide florist traders.
All about psychologists

All about psychologists

Psychologists can help you to deal with a range of issues that affect your mind and have an impact on your life. Knowing what they actually do can help you to gain an insight into this interesting profession.
Where to recycle a mobile phone for cash

Where to recycle a mobile phone for cash

Do you have a collection of unused mobile phones gathering dust in the bottom of a drawer or cupboard that never see the light of day? You can get cash for recycling all your unused or unwanted phones, so instead of leaving them in the dark, read the guide below to discover where to recycle your mobile phones for cash.
Where to buy a portable massage bed

Where to buy a portable massage bed

While it used to be that to obtain a massage you had to go to a spa, massages that occur at home are increasing. Due to a re-evaluation of massage as a therapy for many symptoms and more portable equipment becoming available, individuals began to request services in their homes. Massage therapists began providing this service as they learnt that it was more profitable than being paid on commission or by the hour.
All about: Charming the Indian cobra

All about: Charming the Indian cobra

A guide to restaurants in Philadelphia

A guide to restaurants in Philadelphia

Philadelphia has a reputation for being one of the most progressive cities in the United States of America, being a historic city with thriving industry, commerce and culture. This includes its culinary scene, which is going to be detailed in this article.
All about: Shark attacks in South Africa

All about: Shark attacks in South Africa

What is occupational therapy?

What is occupational therapy?

Occupational therapy has a wide range of applications. It is frequently employed to tackle depression, encourage exercise and even promote independence in patients with mental, physical or emotional obstacles to overcome. Learn more about the process of occupational therapy, how it has helped so many people and the issues that it faces as a field.
A list of green businesses

A list of green businesses

The green companies listed in this article are 20 of the best businesses in the UK that are making efforts to act in an environmentally friendly fashion. By recognising that the world in which they do business is the same world in which they live, they are taking measures to ensure that their impact doesn't produce lasting damage to the environment.
How to design free printable party invitations

How to design free printable party invitations

What’s a party without guests? A bad party. How do you get guests without an invitation? You don’t. Why pay for a limited number of boring invitation cards when you can your own free invitations with online help. This is a great method for birthday parties or holiday celebrations. Invitations can be printed out and delivered or sent as e-mail invitations.
How to treat tapeworms in dogs

How to treat tapeworms in dogs

Your pet is also susceptible to infections. Pet dogs, particularly, rare liable to get infected by tapeworms as they eat meat which happens to be the key souce of such worms. If a tapeworm infection is left untreated, it can lead to severe illnesses. Read on to know how you can treat tapeworms in your dog.
Can you keep a baby chimpanzee?

Can you keep a baby chimpanzee?

Keeping baby chimpanzee as pets is illegal in the United Kingdom, as it transgresses the laws on keeping and importing wild animals. There are serious problems with keeping primates as pets, as they can never be fully safe for humans. There is also the problem that creatures as intelligent as chimpanzees might have rights like humans do.